
the deep depth of the ocean

Deep down the ocean live a beautiful mermaid Kingdom road by the midoriya family inko midoriya the queen of the ocean hasashe midoriya the king of the ocean and finally the prince izuku madoria izuku is soon to be married but he does not want to be married to a girl because he is gay but does not tell his parents because he does not want them to be upset nor mad he wishes he had the courage to on one dark night he snuck out and went to the surface and fall in love with the prince of the surface world And then on he always went for surfers world at night but one day he was spotted by the press of the surface world the prince kasuki bakugo in an instant bakugo fell in love with the prince of the ocean the introduced each other become good friends but slowly became lovers they were scared at the same time of what their parents would think what would their parents think if there's some the prince was gay menlybecause a prince supposed to marry a girl so they choose to keep the relationship a secret they were only reveal in case of emergency especially when the parents are packing the bride that is when they'll reveal their relationship a few months later it was time for izuku to pack a bride but before then he went over and told bakugo what had to be done right now letting him know that his parents were about to find out about their relationship they had agreed it was the right thing to do return back down to the ocean back down to the castle he had told his parents about his and bakugo relationship it took a few minutes for them to accept it but eventually they sent all the seven princesses back home he said that it may take some time since he is from the surface world is parents were not surprised that he fell in love with someone from the surface world what they were mainly surprised her is that it was a boy they never fought their son would fall in love with boys but they accept that because it has life his choices adventure the whole kingdom of mermaids found out surprising all the mermaids of the kingdom were okay with it it was done here with and what was up there