
above the sea

Above the sea lived a kingdom miske bakugo the queen Mr bakugo the king and finally prince kasuki bakugo he was to get married soon he never wanted to marry a girl he wanted to marry a boy because he was gay and one day he met most beautiful mermaid singing on a rock having fun he was absolutely measured that their beauty and that is how he man prince izuku madoria of the sea they had a small conversation an eventually became really good friends talking to each other every night and one day became lovers for them it was most happiest thing ever and this is how doc goes first love began although he was afraid of what his parents would faint all his parents think a few years in love with a boy so they both decided to keep it secret and tell the day came where he had to find his bride it was the time where he had to tell his parents about what has happened in his relationship with izuku surprisingly his parents greed and sent all the princesses back home they just wished he told them to know although it took a while for his mum to adjust to and agreed to the fact that her son was dating a boy from underneath the sea and had not told her she is happy for her son I bet in the last chapter you thought I was gonna say something like his mum was not happy and had never allowed him to go out well I never happened they were loving the best life everything was going good and tell one day pirates had arrived on his land the land there's most populated with mermaided bottom of the sea they had came looking for mermaid skills and what he didn't realize is that they always come out at night just like every night deku and bakugou meet up bakugo had forgotten all about the pirates Intel the pirates showed their face.