
My Hermes System

A Speedster in a Fantasy World More than a thousand years ago, portals opened up in the world. Swallowing up the world whole with the vile creatures that came out of it. The humans struggled for years as their weaponry could only get them as far as fending them off. But everything changed when the first super human was discovered, a child that was born after the portals have appeared. From then on, the humans have discovered that there were others, and they all held the same power... A power that was known as the System. And those who were born with it were called System Holders. The System Holders, with their mysterious powers, were the ones who helped recover the world from the monsters, once again reclaiming it. And now, a hundred years later, a System Holder was born, the Holder of the Hermes System, the Gatherer of Souls.

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446 Chs

Chapter 2: Rough Welcome


"There are so many people!"

"That man just turned into a beast!"

"How can he lift that!?"

"She's breathing fire!"

Evans' amazement could be heard even from a mile away. He was currently being escorted by Gerald and his group and were on their way to the office of the Headmaster.

Everything was new to Evans' eyes. From where he was from, there were only mountains of relics and trash. And occasionally, there were times that a System Holder would pass by. And every time, he could not help but be amazed-- thinking how amazing it was if he can become like one.

And now, he had the chance to become one.

Gerald's group had wide smirks on their faces as they stared at the dirty bumbling kid in front of them. Some of them were about to laugh, but Gerald glanced at them before they could do so.

All of the students that they passed by all had curious and confused gazes in their eyes.

'Why is there a beggar inside the academy?', they all thought. Some wanted to approach Evans, either wanting to ask him who he was, or wanting to ask him to leave from the premises, but as soon as they saw the group behind him, they all quickly turned away.

"Hey, Evans!"

Gerald shouted, quickly catching the attention of the awestruck Evans.


"Let's go, the Headmaster is waiting for us", Gerald waved his hand, beckoning Evans to follow them, "You can look as much as you want once you're enrolled in the academy", Gerald said with a smile.

Hearing this, Evans quickly became excited as he once again followed Gerald and his group. Gerald's group, however, covered all of their mouths as muffled laughs could be silently heard from them.

And so, once again… Evans followed the group. He followed them inside until they reached an isolated area with a stone platform in the middle- a small arena.

"This…?", Evans was confused, "...Where is the Headmaster?", he said as he turned his head towards Gerald.

"Oh, he will be here", Gerald once again revealed a warm smile, "Why don't you climb on the stage so the Headmaster can see you once he is here?", Gerald pointed at the platform.

"There?", Evans tilted his head.

"Yes. You need to go through a test first before you can enroll", Gerald stretched his hand, "Give me your sack, you won't need it here"

"O...okay", Evans was hesitant at first, but seeing as Gerald has been helping from the start, he handed him his sack of relics. He then took a deep breath before climbing on the platform. He looked around, and all he could see were empty seats surrounding him.

He closed his eyes as he imagined people cheering for him and calling his name.

Evans! Evans! Evans!

He wondered what kind of power his System would give him. Will it allow him to turn into a gigantic beast? Will he also be able to breathe fire like what he saw earlier?

Or will it allow him to lift things that were a hundred times heavier than him?

Evans shook his head. It didn't matter what power the system would give him. As long as he could escape the place he calls home, as long as he could run away from the clutches of his father, then any power would be fine.

Evans once again took a deep breath as he opened his eyes, "Seniors, when will the Headmaster arri--"

But before he could finish his words, he felt something warm beneath his bare feet, and soon, it became warmer and warmer.


Evans could not help but jump as the warmth beneath his feet intensified. But as soon as his feet landed on the platform again, the skin of his sole instantly withered due to the extreme temperature.

"Gaaah!", Evans kneeled on the floor, spreading the scorching pain on his arms as well. But soon, the boiling platform became cooler. With the extreme heat gone, Evans' body instinctively tried to crawl away from the stage.

However, before he could get off the platform, his vision shifted.

He felt a familiar pain on his cheek as visions of his father beating him resurfaced in his mind. He rolled on the platform, once again going back to the center.

"What...what is going on…", Evans' stuttered weakly as he looked at Gerald.

And there, the warmth on Gerald's smile was all but gone, replaced by a sinister one.

"Sorry…", Gerald chuckled as he cracked his fists,

"...We needed a practice dummy"

Ah, I see you are in the 2nd chapter. Thank you for not quitting on the first one T_T. I have to tell in advance that I would make a lot of grammatical mistakes, and also in pronouns. Please do help me get better as we go through this journey together :)

Once again, thank you for reading!

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