
my healers 5

We catch up to messenger Dae-yong at a kind of rave-type martial-arts obstacle course, which gives her a chance to show off some of her high-flying moves. (Actress Tae-mi is a taekwondo athlete, so the stunts must be all her.) She answers a call from Min-ja (whom she calls "Boss"), who instructs her to find the Healer, who's turned off his tracking signal again.

Min-ja knows that he hates having anyone on his tail, but she's nervous and wants Dae-yong to keep an eye on him. She directs Dae-yong to start by looking close to Young-shin, which is easy enough since Jung-hoo slipped a tracking bug onto her earlier.

Dae-yong finds her having dinner with the Someday News team, well into a bottle of soju and still trying to wear down her boss. She asks Editor Jang about that old newspaper job he got fired from, supposing it was for writing an article he was told not to write, and appealing to his dormant sense of righteousness. She calls his life a tragedy and lays it on thick, ignoring her co-workers' attempts to keep the liquor out of her hands. She gets huffy heaing that Jung-hoo will be late joining them, as he's off on an errand first.

We find Jung-hoo on the bus, looking at his framed photograph of the 1980 Five. His gaze lingers on the man on the far left—his father. His mother's voice rings in his ears as she explains that Jung-hoo resembles his father, and that she struggled following his death.