
Chapter 18: Humiliation.

Ann went home that morning, her mom came to her

Maya: What are u doing home?

Ann: I'm not going to work today

Maya: Why?

Ann: Nothing

Maya: Nothing then u don't want to go to work today

Ann: Mom, just go to work already. I'll be fine, I think people might be at your café now

Maya: Okay, I'm going. Take care

Maya took her bag and left, Ann went to her room and began to weep. Glenn went to Jane

Glenn: Jane, do u know where Ann live?

Jane: No, I don't

Glenn went to his office and tried calling Ann, Ann saw Glenn calling her but she didn't pick the call. Glenn sent a voice messenger

Glenn: Ann, Can we meet at Blue Star Café tonight? We need to talk about what happened today

Ann: I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to help mom at her café

Ann changed from her dress and wore a casual dress with her white sneakers and black bag, she went to her mom's café

Maya: I thought u were going to stay home

Ann: Mom, I can't. I want to help u here

Maya: You can serve the customers

Ann: Okay, mom

The next day, Ann went to work and immediately she entered Perpetual came to her

Perpetual: So, u had the power to take Glenn my husband from me

Ann: No, I didn't

Perpetual: Of Course, u did

Ann: Okay, I'll just say it. We're both so in love with each other and I wouldn't have accepted him if I knew he was your husband and I'm really sorry I took him from u

Perpetual: You're not sorry, I know it

Perpetual poured her coffee on Ann's white dress

Ann: Oh

Perpetual: This is for u for taking everything and also my Glenn and bewitching him to fall in love with u

Perpetual took her bag and left