

this is the story of a boy entring a completely hidden world and going to rule it. not a typical system story but the overall wonderful journey... let's dig in guys and don't forget to support hope you enjoy it.....

bigdaddy2004 · Fantasi
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5 Chs


henry was guided halfway through the guest room but he was still confused about this big mansion it was all good until he heard a creepy sound of a girl shouting for help but it was like only for one time and henry knew something is fishy but couldn't help and ended up seeing what he shouldn't

a group of young boys was drinking the blood of a waitress, she was naked and the boys were seemed to enjoying themselves despite the availability of blood in markets, this rang a bell in his head that this wasn't the place he should be, he was panicked and mistakenly kicked the stool near it and vase felt on the ground creating sound enough to alert those guys.

henry fucked up,

he quickly ran through the half as fast as he can which was quite fast from his usual self but he was new and the power he couldn't control it, he was not controlling the direction so he was running in a distorted way and end up falling from window of the second floor to the right middle of the lawn. he was not injured but he had three trained vampires in front of him and it was clear that he is going to die.

he tried to run but first, the vampire quickly stabbed him with his hand through his stomach and started to lift his hand right way to the heart, he was desperate and shit scared.

it was his death until in a flash of a second Kathrine crushed three of them, as they were like an ant to her.

" are u alright ?"

"I don't think so "

henry fainted

he woke up and the next thing he saw Kathrine was asleep beside him, she woke up and said" how are u feeling "

" Now I am alright, it was the second time I was going to die "

" it will happen again and again if you don't learn to fight, so we are going to train you in the name of blood Hallen duke's name "

[ in the basement of the Hallen family's mansion ]

" Now butler will train you in stamina, sword fighting, hand-to-hand combat," she felt after saying that

"Mr henry you need to do 1000 push up, 100 km on the treadmill, and in only one day, so it might be impossible for humans but it's normal for a vampire, if you are not able to do it then you can't survive in this world".

" holy shit ........"

it's just like he felt after doing only 50, "I want to survive " he thought and started grinding it was not easy, he fainted multiple times but he kept pushing himself for 3 days, and 4 the days he was able to complete both tasks in his only day.

" Mr henry you are now ready for combat training, I want you to develop senses and use them in fighting, so please try to kill me with all your might "

henry knew that butler is strong so he tried to attack directly by rushing toward him and he needed to punch him at least once, but in a flash of a second he was lying on the floor far away,

he kept on trying to land attacks on him and days passed after a week he was able to quickly land three attacks on him.

" Mr henry is a quick learner, you were able to learn this much in weeks, and you will be unstoppable if you keep on training, I took 3 months to land an attack on my teacher."

Mr henry, miss is calling you, we will learn sword fighting afterward you need to attend miss, looks like 10 days have passed henry was in great shape,

" my dad wants to meet you, " she said while hesitating.

" oh wow, I also want to meet his lordship "

dad is in America, we need to go there, we will leave now,

they landed in new york, and a black limousine was already waiting for them.

" Sometimes I forgot, you are rich"

they arrive in front of a big building in the center of new York,

" oh wow, this is amazing"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

bigdaddy2004creators' thoughts