
Wardens Assemble!

POV: Duncan

It has been two and a half weeks since my first encounter with Marcus and today marks the second. He was simply waiting for us at the spot we chose to camp at tonight. Laying under a large tree with a piece of wheat dangling from his mouth as he hummed a tune I've not heard of. Before I could say anything he throws something my way and I catch it out of reflex. It is a most beautiful bottle filled with red liquid with a piece of paper tied to it. I look back and he's gone with only a small booklet left in his place.

None of the others catch a glimpse of him disappearing either with their attention drawn towards the bottle as mine was. Sighing at his theatrics I first read the note on the bottle.

'Dear Duncan

This is the improved elixir you had commissioned me to make for you. It works on a completely different level than the previous one such as boosting the better qualities while significantly reducing if not outright doing away with the bad ones. It can even be taken by those that took and previous elixir and they will turn out fine. The little book I left you details the step by step process, and please don't worry if it won't work for everyone. My team and I all took it and not one succumbed to the previous elixirs side effect.

With grandest regards!


My hands start to shake. If what he says is true then... Without hesitating a second longer I open the bottle and drink its contents at once.

I feel a burning sensation coursing through the entirety of my body. The constant calling slowly fades before disappearing entirely. My body feels stronger than it has for many a year and my mind is sharper than I can recall. Then I feel an overwhelming amount of drowsiness assault me. The last thing I see is the warning at the bottom of the note. 'It will cause you to pass out.' Fucking asshole.

POV: Marcus

So I may have pulled a prank, but he should have known better. I mean who just downs a completely unknown mysterious potion.

It doesn't stop me from laughing at the panicking Wardens or those that want to join. Picking up the book I wait for Duncan to wake up which should only take about 10 minutes.

While I wait I look over all the recruits Duncan was able to pull and I've gotta say job well done Duncan. I don't recognize any of them other than the Cousland and his dog, but there is a female elfish mage and a male human mage. Then we have the two dwarfs one's missing an eye while the other one holds himself in a strict posture. I'm sure you can guess who's who. Then the last one is an elf that has no markings on their face, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else than here.

Ladies and gentlemen I present the future heroes of Fereldan. Please give them a big round of applause. While I'm thinking snarky thoughts Duncan wakes up and jumps to his feet. His eyes immediately dart around until they land on my hiding spot. Well that's no fun. Walking out I grab the attention of everyone in attendance.

Duncan starts smiling like a loon then starts laughing his ass off. Guess he saw the ears. When his laughter doesn't stop I move at high speeds and slap the back of his head causing him to faceplant. Rude.

Shaking my head I wait for Duncan to get back on his feet before introducing myself to my fellow Wardens. Still getting used to that thought. Taking out 20 bottles I hand them off to Duncan to pass around to the existing Wardens. Then I give him the book. When he opens it his eyes narrow the further he reads and he nods at some points.

Doing my good task of the day I wave goodbye and disappear. As soon as I'm far enough I have the Synths beam me back to Ostagar. Once I'm comfy I look over my newest reports. I took over even more corrupt businesses today and am well on my way to owning 3/4ths of Denerim.

We've also uncovered some interesting artifacts that date back to a little over two thousand years ago. Solas has also moved in with me cause in his words "I've nothing better to do." I also remembered that I left Flemeth and Morrigan on El Macho after my talk with Solas so they are staying here in Ostagar with me. Flemeth has also stayed good to her word and taught me a lot about magic.

To say she knows a lot would be an understatement. I think In the game she lets the Warden win against her so as to give Morrigan some weird sense of peace.

As for how I can perform magic now, well it seems that the potion Marcia used on me also grants magic to the taker. Two of the main components in it are Solass' blood along with Flemeths' mixed with a variety of herbs and a ton of Arch Demon blood.

That is the one my forces are using because I quote "We need to learn how to use this magic stuff if we want to Dr. Who this shit." end quote. I'm really afraid of what they'll come up with, but that's for future Marcus to deal with. For now I'll just enjoy a mug of hot coco and my reports.

POV: Flemeth

We saw Solas and are unsure of how to feel about it. He will always be our brother, but something seems different about him from the last time we interacted. No longer is he placing walls in between us, and is openly communicating. Whatever Marcus did to him has made Solas into a much more relaxed fellow. We are happy for him.

Marcus on the other hand is taking to magic as a fish would to water. We need only show him something once or explain the reason why for another and he grasps it soundly. Already we have gone through the four basic classes used in magic today, and he can easily use them all separately or together. Never before have I seen such mastery since the days of our Godhood.

Not only is his progress incredible, but that of his people are just as, if not more so, incredible. These soulless are able to take what I teach and expand upon it further without my needed guidance. If I did not have my sight I would not have believed these creatures were simply empty husks.

POV: Morrigan

Much has happened since I have met Marcus. One being my friendship with Marcia. If you told me a month ago that I would desire a friend I would have scoffed in your face before tearing you apart as a bear.

That and how incredibly knowledgeable these Collective people are. When I asked Marcia who they were she told me It was all the people on board El Macho and anyone else that Marcus seemed fit. I had more questions than answers and by the smug grin on her face Marcia knew it as well.

After having fun at my expense she told me something I just can't wrap my mind around. Marcus is able to recreate anyone he wants with a simple scan of their brain. I of course asked for more details.

She went on to explain the science behind it all and how most individuals only vary in their brains chemical makeup. Then her insufferable grin returns, she of course knew how to stimulate my drive for answers by telling me just enough to understand, but not enough to know. Safe to say I will not be sleeping tonight. My friend is insufferable in her prodding.

POV: Solas

After listening to the story Marcus weaved I can't help but find myself there besides him like he said I was. I felt every emotion, from happy to sad and anger to disgust. To think I would stoop so low as to give my orb to those idiotic Tevinter rejects and cause so much unneeded destruction. Then to do that to Mythal when she trusted me so. The the words he told me before he attempted to leave shook my core. I've been so fixated on fixing what I broke I did not see how the pieces grow on their own, and yes, who's stopping another me from popping up thousands of years from now.

No, now I will take the time necessary to fix my mistakes and help my people. With Mythal by my side helping to keep me grounded. I banished my family for killing her, I will not stoop to their level ever in this life.

After walking around Ostagar and seeing the humans standing army I can't help but shake my head. This is the price the world must pay for my huberris. The champions of my siblings being turn into vengeful creatures spreading their malice more then the dreadful Darkspawn do already. I should have locked the city tighter unallowing their taint to reach the world.

POV: Cailan

Hello there! I'm King Cailan of Fereldan soon to be victorious champion of the blight. Yes, yes I know. That is the job of the prestigious Gray Wardens but one can dream can he not. My father used to tell me stories of the Grey Wardens swooping low while upon their griffins and plowing through the swarms of Darkspawn to then go on and defeat the Archdemon to only have to lay in wait for the next to surface.

He once told me of how he had adventured with a group of Wardens and how they barely escaped with their lives. I wish I could join the ranks of Wardens and do my part. Unfortunately that would leave Anora in charge most of the time.

I love my wife, but she acts too much like her late father. She sees threats when there are none and creates problems for everyone that does not see things her way. She sees black and white while I view the rainbow. I have made peace with a century long enemy and have brought more prosperity to my people for it while she would wage endless war for the fallen.

That is not how a nation rises above itself, that is how one falls into the wayside. My admiration of the Wardens aside the main reason why I've allowed them back into Fereldan is that they bring in fresh ideas, new people, and massive amounts of reasourses if played right.

My brothers joining was no happenstance. I orchestrated everything behind the scenes as the puppet master so I would have an easier in if I needed it. How do I know of Alistair? Easy, I'm a King, and as king I needed to be made aware of any claim to my throne for a variety of reasons. I've not told any other my knowledge though in fear they would upset the life of my half-brother or try to fester hate between us. I wish I could claim him and do brotherly things but the world is far to cruel to allow that.

And so I sit and act like the fool my enemies think I am. Slowly waiting for them to hang themselves with the leash I gave. The Dragons bloodline will have it's fill of blood before this Blight is through. Then maybe I could claim my brother.

So I added Solas and Cailan to the POVs. And yes Cailan knew of Alistair but had to fool his enemies first before he even thought of interacting with Alistair. That's what I'd like to believe. Also I really appreciate it if you guys would comment cause I enjoy hearing your thoughts and refining my own.

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