
He Went Thata' way

POV: Marcus

It has finally begun, the heroes have set out on their epic quest to save the world and rid it of its evils, or some shit. I just know Duncan finally got the ball rolling and is forcing the new guys to do all the work. I wonder where he learned that from.

Doesn't matter, I've got nowhere to be and lots of shit to do... or do I? I stop fucking off for a moment and check my system log.


New assignment. Learn how to remake the Dwarven Golems of old without using a sacrifice or find an alternative. ✓

Optional assignments:

Assassinate Loghain Mac Tir before he betrays the crown. ✓

Become a Grey Warden. ✓

Learn how to use magic. ✓

Become the wealthiest person in Fereldan. 106,220,736/173,846,573

Save the Hawks from the darkspawn. ✓

Prevent Riordan death. ✓

Save as many Conscripted characters as possible. 6/6 (Origin characters) ✓

Get a pet. ✓

Find a way to prevent the Warden Calling.✓

Kidnap The Architect and learn all he knows. ✓

Map the Deep Roads in Fereldan. ✓

Become a Legend. ✓

Find a proper container for the Arch Demon. ✓

Nevermind, I have nowhere and nothing to do. Stupid Jacks taking all the fun out tracking the Architect, and learning everything. I throw myself onto my bed and pout. Well what the Fuck do I do now. I think a little more before springing up. Oh shit if I complete everything does that mean I go back early, but what about the Archdemon project. Everyone will be so bummed if we can't achieve it.

I now feel a little depressed, luckily there's a small bird cat that can cheer me up.

POV: Booper

*Squeak* While pushing red buttons.

POV: Solas

I'm not sure what it is I'll do once Marcus leaves. His presence has been a very needed breath of fresh air in my life. I suppose I could instruct my men to start repairing some of the Eluvians that we've found over the years. Plus Corypheus will be unsealed soon, however he will not be getting my orb so I am unsure what his plans may be.

Damnit Marcus! Everything was simpler till you came along, now I have no clue what it is I should do. Is this how you feel all the time. You have the world in your hands and can do anything you'd like with no one to stop you. It must be a nightmare for a man like you who simply wishes to laze about and have fun. To be able to do so much and yet nothing at all can be done.

I can't even begin to understand what that is like... Sigh. Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way. It's not because he can't do anything but because he doesn't know what his actions will do to the future. So far he has only done small things that don't really change the narrative all that much. Other than letting me in on the future he has changed very little else. Even saving everyone's life at Ostagar does not compare to telling not to hand my orb out to strangers.

I wonder if such thoughts weigh too heavily upon your mind friend. I look around the lavished room and can't help but compare it to every other room I've seen when Marcus is involved, and I find something that fills me with sorrow. Every room is the same. They all have the same luxuries, same space, even the same appearance. Not one detail stands out from the others. "Why do things differently when you've already perfected it." That was what you said to me once, and I didn't understand. Now as I gaze upon this room I do. You have everything, yet you aren't looking for perfection, you were looking for the flaws within.

POV: Marcus

As I walk to Solas' room I hear him say some weird shit and promptly turn around and run. Look I may be a little down right now, but that's because I made friends here and I'm not sure if they'd be able to come with me, let alone if they want to.

It's always hard saying goodbye to those you've grown close to. I wanted to go around as the mysterious master and help out along the way. I wasn't prepared to be this involved. I keep forgetting that I'm in a game and if my "Sponsors" don't like what they see I'm done for.

All that I have will be pulled out from underneath me and I won't remember a damn thing. Fuck it, go big or go home. I'mma go find me that Archdemon, then I'm going to enact operation Archdemon and have some fun. With that thought on my mind I search deep within the Darkspawn blood and sense the general location of the Archdemon.

Pulling up the teleporter map I find the closest one and pop over to it. Looking over the cliff I see before me the single largest horde I've ever seen, and it makes me smile. I call for reinforcements, but I hope they don't show. I need to vent for a while and nothing helps like unnecessary amounts of violence.

With a wave of my hand I pull out the Crucible Blade and Ebony. I then don some daedric armor, cause why not, before overlooking the swarm and shouting, "I'm not trapped in here with you! You're trapped in here with me!" I jump and let myself freefall. Before I can reach the bottom I hear the doom music kick in. There sitting at the very top of the ceiling are five Jacks blaring music for my decent, and it's heavenly.

I stop my fall with a trolls face and when that doesn't take it down a fully charged shot from Ebony does. Riding the beast down, I laugh at all the little genlocks that get squished underneath. Rolling forward I strike out with the blade and lop a few hurlocks in half. As I stand I'm assaulted on all sides by sharlocks (aka Shrieks) and so I jump forward and grab the one in front of me. I give a little Ebony love tap and watch as it loses its mind, before using what's left of its body as my new weapon.

For hours this continues, I get hit some and they get hit a lot more. Soon my daedric chest plate falls away, so I grab an Alpha hurlock that looks around my size and rip his armor off him. This trend continues until you can't tell the difference between me and them. I don't tire and I need no rest, Sims took care of that for me.

Feeling bored with the Crucible Blade I exchange it with the Wabajack and start going to town. The Darkspawn get turned into everything and anything and I'm still not satiated. Putting it away I pull out the BFG. If this doesn't do it for me, nothing will. I charge the gun and let it fly when ready. The amount of carnage left in its wake is glorious. I step forward and meet no resistance, shaking my head I clear out enough of the bloodlust to clear my head.

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever seen The Valley of The Dammed. Well me neither, but the sight behind me describes it perfectly. Bodies of all types and sizes are left in my wake. None lay intact. When I looked back I couldn't even find the Troll I landed on which means one, he's buried somewhere or two, I'm a long way from home.

Plopping down on something warm and sticky I slowly peel off the Hunlocks armor till I'm left in whatever rags I walked in with. Then overhead I hear the sounds of flapping. Looking up I see the Archdemon try to fly away. Key words kiddies, Try! I put on my boot thrusters and give chase. I catch up all to easily and plunge down upon the Archdemon where I sever one of its wing in passing.

Hovering in the air I take in the sick satisfaction I get as I watch the thing plummet downward. I watched with rapt attention as it smack's straight into the ground and makes a large trench behind it. I reach for the Box that's hung around my neck and pull out a small red and white ball.

Rearing my arm back I launch it straight for the Archdemons head. It makes impact and bounces back before releasing a strange red light which sucks the Archdemon in and falls to the ground. It doesn't even wabble before chiming. That's right motherfuckers I just caught me an ultra rare Archdemon. There are only 3 left in existence and I'm the proud owner of one of them. Betcha didn't see that shit coming did ya. After all with no Archdemon there's no blight.

But Marcus what about the plot? Bitch, Fuck the plot. I'm here for a good time not a long time. I don't live In this world and I'm not even sure it's real. I have no idea what my "Sponsors" are capable of and it's time I stop whining about it. I'll find out after my game is done. Till then, I am going wild and having some fun. Next stop, temple of Andraste. If she was real, my tech can bring her back even from the ashes. Won't that be some funny shit to present to the Chantry. 'Hello, I've got one prophet of the Maker for you. Sign here and here please.' Hahahahaha, now I've got to do it.

POV: Random Genlock

Tries pushing Troll off top it. Gives up and starts eating instead.

I'll be honest, I wasn't really feeling this one all too well. I think I wrote Marcus into a corner and this was one of the ways to kick him out of it. But yeah, he caught himself an Archdemon.

Altered_State_127creators' thoughts