
Chapter 13: Battle of Gods

Lightning arced across the darkened sky as two goddesses stood face to face with one another. Woman who stood as sisters who had called each other friends now found their very ideals clashing with one another. Tristan looked at Loraura and her sister Vyra, both possessed an aura of power. Tristan had never seen Loraura fight but he could always tell that she was powerful and yet still her sister was apparently stronger.

Vyra: (Smiles) "It's been awhile since we've sparred with one another."

Vyra looked at her sister as electricity surrounded her body, boiling the very air.

Vyra: "I will win, I will beat you down little sister, and then I will bring you back home."

Loraura: "I will not lose sister."

Vyra: "we'll see..."

No more words were spoken as Tristan saw a huge ball of lightning gather in both of Vyra's open hands. Vyra extends her open palms and watch's as balls of electricity fly towards Loraura at a amazing speed.

"Boom!" The surroundings shake as dust and shattered pieces of rock  cover the whole area.

Tristan: "Loraura!!!"

Tristans vision was obscured as he worried deeply for Loraura's safety.

Vyra: "Don't worry Tristan, my dear sister is a lot stronger than you think."

Tristan could not find himself believing Vyra's words, the force of her attack seemed to have the power of a Missile. The form of any regular person would be destroyed beyond recognition and yet the wind began to surge with power, blowing the dust and loose rocks away, and soon all was made clear

Loraura stood in the middle of a large crater as a small vortex of wind surrounded her on all sides, as if it where armor.

Tristan: "Your ok!" (Looks at Loraura with relief.)

Loraura's never took her eyes off her sister as the wind circled both of her hands. Loraura's eyes began to glow sky blue as the ground rumbled slightly. With a wave of her hands, ten small balls of compact air encircled Loraura on all sides, each ball of air was the sizes of a small tennis ball and yet all Wielded an unimaginable force. By the will of their master the small balls of air rush towards Vyra, never halting their advance.

Vyra seeing the attack coming flies into the air with the grace of a bird avoiding the air projectiles that moved with the speed of a bullet. Vyra looked down at her sister with a smirk as she continued to dodge a seemgly endless attack of small balls of air.

Vyra: (Smiles) "Come now little sister you should know that such an attack will never work on me!"

Loraura showing no sign of enjoyment snaps her right fingers, and upon doing so the 10 small balls of air began to quickly expand like a balloon.

Vyra: (Surprised) "Huh?"


The expanding balls of air explode, incasing the whole night sky into a hurricane of chaos. Tristan shielded himself with his arms and yet he could still see the frenzied wind cut the very ground leaving deep gashes that would take a long time to repair. Tristan bore witness to telephone poles completely cut in half and cars either turned over or sharing the same fate as the ground or the telephone poles themselves. Tristan found it hard to believe but all this destruction was caused by the wind itself, which acted like a razor sharp blade, cutting all those in its path.

Tristan: "How am I still alive?"

By all rights he knew that Loraura's attack should have killed him, a simple bystander and yet as his eyes fell on Loraura Tristan saw how his goddess slightly glanced back at him in concern. It was at that moment Tristan understood. Loraura had protected him.


Tristan and Loraura look up into the sky upon hearing laughter echo through the wind. To Tristans utter shock Vyra floated above his head with Disheveled white hair and clothes and yet completely unharmed from Loraura's attack. Loraura looked up at her sister completely unsurprised as if what was happening was completely natural.

Tristan: ["What a Monster]

Vyra: "Amazing, truly amazing my dear little sister. To think that you would merge three different spells together for your attack." (Looks down at Loraura with excitement.) "the first spell was for piecing power, the second was for explosive power and the last was simply to slice up anything that remained intact." (Claps her hands.) "you truly are an expert when it comes to wind magic aren't you Loraura?"

Loraura: "Please Vyra listen to my voice and let's stop this right now. Sisters shouldn't fight, not like this." (Puts her hands together and begs.)

Vyra: (looks at Tristan from above.) "I already told you I will do anything to bring you back home. (Holds out her right hand.) "Even if that means that I have to fight you Loraura."


The sky rumbled and lit up with lightning as Vyra chanted words of Archaic power.


Inside Vyra's hand rested a ball of electricity, a ball that shined so bright that Tristan had to advert his gaze, for the ball seemed to light up the night sky as if it where a piece of the sun itself, and yet as amazing as it was, it was still so small, smaller than Loraura's balls of wind in fact.

Loraura: "Vyra! You would use such a spell here in the human world!" (Yells up in panic.)

Vyra: "Oh yes, I believe it is time to finish this human once and for all."

Loraura: "That spell was not designed to kill a single person, it was designed to destroy a whole town with ease. You know this."

Tristan: (Surprised) "Wait What!"

Tristan looked up at the bright ball of death that rested in Vyra's hand, it was a ball of energy capable of destroying whole entire towns and she was using it to kill him. Tristan didn't know if he should be feeling flattered or utterly terrified, but he was sure of one thing.

Tristan: ["So this is a battle of gods"]


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