
My Girlfriend's Lover

A young girl's first love.

anieyarose · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

My Girlfriend's Lover

I've never been interested in love. I never had crushes on classmates, or idolized any particular performer or actor. Often I would lie to friends about liking a random boy to fit in. For awhile I believed I was broken, but soon enough I accepted what I thought was reality and decided that schooling was something I should focus on.

My friend Elizabeth never found trouble finding some man to fixate her desire on. It was the barista at the coffee shop on Monday, the french student teacher on Thursday, or some other random decently attractive man on Saturday. She wasn't an easy catch by any means. If anything, she enjoyed the chase more than the men. Eli never found trouble finding a date to any social event that required one. Besides her natural beauty, slender arms, long, straight blonde hair, and tall stature, she had natural charisma that awed everyone around her. She was the only person I ever told about my lack of desire. "You're not a broken toy," she often told me. "You just haven't found your type yet."

When we graduated junior high, I applied to a normal high school where she applied to an early art university. She was expected to be a world renowned pianist, and with her talent it was more than possible for her to do. When she entered high school, her schedule got more intense, and I found myself navigating my first year utterly alone.