
Chapter 1


It happened to me 7 years ago. I traveled to Lagos to visit my Fiancée who was a corper. We were a bit bored and she suggested we take a stroll down Awolowo way Ikeja close to where she lived. It was 9pm that Tuesday night. I actually wanted to watch the NTA Network news, but due to her persistence, I followed her since I didn't wish to displease her. We strolled towards the roundabout towards Allen Avenue. I glanced at my watch and the time was 10pm, I suggested we've had enough and that we should go back home. She looked at me in the eyes and expressed how romantic the evening was. I agreed and told her I loved her. She held my hands and as continued looking into her eyes, her countenance began to change. Her eyes turned red and her beautiful face wrinkled quickly almost like a seventy years old woman. I tried to detach my hands, but I froze with shock and besides her grips on my hands were so strong like the hold of a professional wrestler. Palpable fear gripped me and I could hear clearly the beating of my heart. When she opened her mouth to speak, it was the husky voice of an old man. I tried to plead for my life but nothing came out of my mouth. Then she revealed who she was. She ( or he) told me that her name was " Aburumaku". She had existed 300 years ago. According to her, she was murdered in a village called Alausa which was actually close to where we were standing. She said her farmland is the present location where the Lagos state secretariat is located. Suddenly I regained my voice and asked her not to kill me. She said I was the reincarnation of the man that killed her and that she had come back to exact revenge. She slowly led me towards the location where she died. I followed her as if there was a power propelling me.

As we moved I noticed that people were looking at me in a strange way and it appeared they couldn't see her. Beads of hot sweat were all over my body. Suddenly I detached her grip from me and I ran. I ran and ran. When I got to the front of Airport hotel, I looked back to see if she was following. I didn't see her. As I tried contemplating where to pass the night since her house was a no go area, I was relieved to see a cab pull over beside me and the driver asked me where I was going. I panted and told him to take me to any hotel. I jumped into the vehicle feeling relieved. He asked me if I was alright, I replied in the affirmative. I was eager to go and rest. Then suddenly I heard my fiancée's voice. I looked to my left and behold she was the one driving the cab!... That was how I fainted... To be continued.