
My Geeky Boyfriend

"You are my boyfriend, not as my boyfriend!" Nadine to Kai. Since she discovered love and found herself the daughter of a wealthy man, Nadine's life has completely changed. Her desire to join the Jessi Group—a renowned student organization and the girlfriend of Glen, a handsome young man at her school—has caused her to change how she looks and made her willing to do anything, including severing her friendship with Kai, the school's geeky young man. Nadine, who was formerly uncomplicated, has evolved into an expensive girl who always wears designer clothing. She is no longer a girl who prefers to stay in the library and now attends late-night youth gatherings. She didn't anticipate this to be a game, though, because Jessi never accepted her as a member of her group and because Glen loved Jessi more than she did. Since Kai is her sole hope and her world has been ruined, Nadine starts looking for him again. However, Kai no longer wants to be his friend, which makes Nadine even more upset. Without her knowing who frequently sent her gifts and messages, she once discovered a large number of letters in her locker, full of romantic and lovely phrases that gave Nadine new life. The girl started to grin. When Nadine unexpectedly noticed Kai standing in front of her locker on the way home from school, she became inquisitive. "Kai, are you?" Ilustration by BintangArt, own by Pelantun_Senja as Rienrini WSA themes: Teen

Pelantun_Senja · Masa Muda
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11 Chs


"That's right, I do need to go to the library so that I can do a lot of schoolwork. Besides, if I were a stupid kid, Jessi and Glen would hate me, they wanted me to help them, wouldn't they?" Nadine muttered once she reached the library.

She looked back for a moment, making sure that Kai hadn't followed her, although in her heart she still hoped to be on good terms with Kai, the current circumstances did not support her to do so.

She still wants to walk with Jessi and become a famous student in this school, besides, she is eager for her relationship with Glen to a high level, she wants to be Glen's girlfriend.

For quite a while Nadine stayed in the library without a single friend accompanying her, usually, Kai would always be with her, again she had to throw away her thoughts about Kai who could no longer be together.

Glen, she doesn't know where the young man who was about to be his girlfriend was, Nadine repeatedly sent messages, but Glen seemed to ignore her.

"I just look for them in the cafeteria, usually Glen is there before school," Nadine said, speaking to herself.

Nadine walked quickly towards the food court, but all she saw was a space with no Glen or Jessi there, she seemed to be left behind. The thing is, repeatedly she tried to contact Glen, but there was no response.

Nadine is forced to wait for her pick-up from Gerry, the man who not only accepts Nana as a wife but also Nadine who is treated very well as a stepdaughter. She was still waiting for a reply to the message from Glen, even in Jessi's group there was still no news whatsoever, she doesn't know where they all went after Nadine finished today's task.

"Miss, let's go home!" the driver said.

Nadine nodded, there was no reason for her to continue in the school that was starting to get quiet, she looked at the parking area, where usually Kai waited for herself to get home, but again all she saw was emptiness, she didn't see anything from her friend's shadow.

Will everyone stay away from it?

All the way home, Nadine was silent for a thousand languages, and she was not in the mood to stop to buy snacks, as usual, repeatedly the driver asked to talk as Gerry suggested, Nadine only responded briefly and didn't want to make small talk anymore.

"Thank you, sir. I'm in first!" said Nadine, she rushed in and ran to her room.

Nana is not at home because the woman has to come with Gerry to work, Gerry's biological son has not returned here, and inevitably Nadine only lives alone with the maids who will help her take care of the house.

Her hands wouldn't smell soap or anything like that because Gerry left all those duties to the maid, including Nana, that mother wouldn't do housework like she used to, they were already rich people now.

"Miss, there is your friend in front!" the maid said.

Nadine was surprised, there was no message whatsoever she received, where there was probably a friend of hers who came to the house. She rushed down wearing only a knee-length home disaster, featuring her white arms and exposed neck-to-shoulder sides.


She doesn't know what dream Nadine had this time until Glen came to her house, even though Glen didn't give her any news at all.

However, just now she didn't smile broadly to welcome Glen's arrival, that smile had to go away because Glen didn't come to her house himself, there was Jessi behind the young man.

"Where are you guys from?" Nadine asked with a suspicious face, her eyes squinting.

"We just went for a walk because Jessi felt bored with her house people, and then I heard that if you guys have a task, Nadine you're very smart, we just want to study together, I've never stopped by your house either, have I? Is it okay?" Glen asked.

Nadine nodded, indeed Glen had never walked into her new home, including Jessi. The thing is, she's happy when Glen comes to this house without her parents and she can be free, but seeing Jessi is among them, it feels good that it's gone because Jessi will be Glen's priority here.

For the sake of her good name and she was able to become a famous student at school, Nadine took out the results of her assignment, she couldn't help but teach and give Jessi that answer.

Glen's hand did clasp her hand, but what made Nadine uncomfortable was the way Glen looked at Jessi with a lot of light, like Jessi was the woman he liked, not herself sitting beside him.

"Glen, do you want something? Fresh drink?" Nadine asked, inexplicably she was eager to confirm Glen on Jessi.

Glen nodded. "I want whatever you make, and it has to be cold, Nadine!"

"Well, I'll make it, you guys wait here. Oh yes, Jessi... what do you want?"

Jessi just shook her head, she had brought her drink which she doesn't know what it was, but according to Nadine, it was just a normal drink because it didn't have a soda, which meant there was no soda.

It's impossible if they betrayed me?

Nadine felt suspicious, but she was at a loss as to what to prove it with. While she was staying in the kitchen, there was no conversation between the two, Glen was silent with his phone, while Jessi was copying Nadine's duty sheet.

"There's no way Glen lied to me," Nadine said firmly. She believed very much, but her doubts were also in her heart. "Nadine, don't break your relationship!"

Nadine returned to the front with a fresh drink that she had just made special for Glen, both of them staring at each other for quite a while, having Glen's lips cupped her, but he has undone once he realized Jessi was staring at the two and they were moving away from each other.

"Can I still be here?" Jessi asked uncomfortably.