
My Gamer System Is A Little Unusual.

Ezekiel had the usual reincarnation story, some random unimportant year old, had a wife but no kids, got found out he was cheating on her and she killed him. Oh, wait. That doesn't sound so usual. Also, he didn't really feel like reincarnating at all, much less to some other anime world. He also didn't wish for a system but it was given to him. The Primordial Creator thought he was being ungrateful because most kids he did this on were very active. And so, since TPM is all knowing, he naturally knew how to punish the naughty man. [TPM has gifted you the Yandere Attractor title] "Ah. Fuck"

LatonTinkalus · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

CH 2 - So, Angels can become Yanderes?

For Sakura, a good day was also the same as a day where he has to go to school and avoid his sister.

He has already resumed studying and because of this, he could quite literally stay out her vision. Thankfully, no one in his class were Yanderes and that was fine. Note, his class.

His class.

Anywhere else?

'Why is she still following me?! You're literally only a sixth grader!'

Sakura hastened his steps and thanked his lucky Gods for giving him such a useful passive, as stupid sounding as Telekinesis was, it's motion sensor-ish powers was the good stuff.

Excluding the stupid skills he can't even cast, mana problems apparently.

His eyes glanced at the counter, showing a distinct 3, one was a teacher and the other was a sixth grader who he had the misfortune to bump with, the girl seemed kind and helping of little kids, but just one single bump from him and the counter went up.

Yes, the teacher was found first. It's not that hard to be spotted by a Yandere teacher. On the other hand, the teacher was surprisingly much more tame compared to the sixth grader.

People. Ara ara is a lie.




Sakura hastened his steps yet again, tapping into his adult powers that doesn't exist, much to his dismay. However, when he found himself NOT in his house but in the city. He grimaced, despaired, became suicidal, depressed or whatever you might want to call feeling shit.

Oh dearie.

Fuckitty Toothie.

What's the best place to put a magnet on if you don't want it to keep attracting metals? Obviously not anywhere with metals.

Think of Sakura as the metal, and the Yanderes are the metals. The city is the random place with metals.

[Yandere Attractor Count: 69]






He blinked.

[Yandere Attractor Count: 6]

It's just the glitches, false alarm.

Sakura heaved a sigh of relief, still the 3+ increase is still pretty bad, he looked around and continued moving, keeping an eye out for whoever planned to kidnap him.

Though, he was slightly unaware that whatever was planning to kidnap him was an Angel.

No, not a Fallen.

An Angel.

'My motion sensor is tingling'

Sakura looked around but saw nothing, maybe because... I don't know?

The whole city had people in motion? Hm?

Anyways, he was unaware that an Angel started to stalk him for shits and giggles, to be fair, the Angel's wings were flickering. So, yes, she was a pedophile Angel.

Lust on a Bishota is still bad. Don't get your hopes up Ms. Goopsap.

A few minutes of trying to go home but avoiding using the same way back, he eventually found a public map.

You know, just near that infamously overused fountain of reincarnating Devils.

Yes, that fountain, the one where Shitssei Hyoudumb died and where he starts his journey to become the Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth.

(AN: For real though, Novel Issei is possibly one of the most badass Gundam Pilot I've ever read about, Anime only's needs to shut up about Issei bashing.)

Sakura was many things, he was a former no-life useless chuuni, which he desperately buries. But, that doesn't mean his memory is equal to that of an old Karen. No, not if the specific place was more or less the de facto "Shit's Happening" in every DxD fanfic he knows.

The fountain.

"This is not good"

He glanced at the counter, it still showed a steady 6 and then around him, there were people. It seems as there's no Shit's Happening for him.

Then again, he is only 5 years old. Sakura sighed and walked past the fountain, slowly, meaningly, with absolute concentration, he was ready to run the moment something unusual happens.






"It's safe..."

Sakura calmed down and kept walking, unknown to him that an Angel with still flickering wings was just nearby.

[You are hypnotized]


[You are hypnotized]


Sakura's vision was fading. A new icon appeared next to the Yandere Attractor and he could see it just before he completely blacked out.

[Hyponotized - A state of uncontrolled actions, ordered or imparted by another]


Sakura opened his eyes awoke. Everything was dark and his Telekinesis could feel something moving right behind him. He tried to move but found himself unable to, his arms were tightly kept with a...

Light Rope.

"... No way. NO! NO!"

"Ara ara, little boy. You are a very energetic one"

Sakura tried to look at the source of the voice, he could faintly see it but something flickering with black and white light was there.

And also, something said Ara ara.


When the figure appeared in front of him, all he could see was a big chest, blonde hair and green eyes. A big chest. BIG BIG BAZONKEROOS.

And, for the record. Sakura was a flat chester, take a guess why he hates DxD a lot.

"My name is Ophiel, one of the 10 Seraphs, I represent maternal love... previously, there was Mittelt but she fell, oh how grief trodden I was, I came down from the heavens to find another child I could care for... but to no avail, they're all children that are not beautiful, pure and lovely"

Ophiel's eyes then glanced at Sakura, she gave him a classic Yuno smile, and her wings stopped flickering.

"Until I saw you, oh dear Sakura, everything about you is the child I'm looking for~ please call me your mother? I have to do this with no lust and only pure love for you, please my little child?~"


'I bowed not even to a being higher than who you served... I am EZEKIEL! AND I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!'

"Screw you bitch"


He glanced at the Yandere count and for all intents and purposes... It was still 6.

'Huh, that's not right'

Ophiel had a face of absolute shock, she's lived all this time without ever really being rejected by anything.

She fell at that moment. Her 6 pair of wings became black and she stared, glazed right at Sakura.

"Hnm... Nguu... I fell"

Without any remorse, she charged at Sakura and attempted to kiss him.

Now, now, now. Wait a minute here. Why the heck is she so thirsty?

As she represents maternal love, and Mittelt fell, she's technically not able to baby any other beings for the longest of times. This coupled by how she is a bit Masochistic.

You get a thirsty Yandere Milf.

Sakura is scared and trying to protect his purity.

Please send help.

Call it by luck or just TPM not wanting a game over so early on the game, her rapid and wild want for bedding a shota caused her light rope to break, this in turn freed Sakura and he was able to run.

Not that it mattered to a Seraph. Ophiel watched with a dangerous glint in her eyes as Sakura ran for his life, his legs were small, his stamina was low, and worst of all, he suffered quite a bit of damage from being randomly charged at.

But then, he stopped.

'I can die?~ Oh, yeah!'

And turned around, in his smile was the greatest of smiles.

"Iya~ Don't ravage me Ophiel-sama, you're just a slutty piece of shit with no brains"

He stepped back and pretended to trip on nothing and laid on the ground, he could see that he was brought near a construction area as the thick metal beams were around.

"No~ Don't kill me"

Ophiel did not like it. She did not like her little boy being so obedient. She walked slowly towards Sakura with a frown, she really didn't like how he stopped running and purposely tripped.

"Why don't you keep running~ I'll let you go~ I'm a ve~ry patient mother"

Sakura gave her the middle finger.

"Fuck you"

Now, you would think that these words would annoy her but in all actuality.

Insults don't really work on Angels. I mean, let's be honest, they're Angels for a very specific reason, albeit Ophiel did fall, she didn't fall because of anything else but lust.

In other words, aside from wanting to rape a shota, she's more or less still an Angel. Sakura did not know this, and when Ophiel was right in front of him, he closed his eyes hoping for death.

Imagine his surprise when instead his face was smothered by a literal vagina. Oh, the horrors.


And, because of this very particular reaction, he accidentally activated his minor telekinesis, a screw somewhere in an incomplete building core was removed, on top of this incomplete building core was a bunch of more sharpened thick beams. And it just so happens to be right on top of the angel.

7 thick metal beams with a bit of sharpened ends stabbed right through her from behind, her head popped like a water melon and her body conveniently allowed the shota she was raping to be shielded.

[You have killed Ophiel (Fallen Seraph)]

[You have gained the item Angel Core]

[You have gained 32 levels]

[Newbie Rewards LVL 10, 20, 30 have been received]

[You have gained 1 S-Class Item Ticket]

[You have gained 1 A-Class Skill Ticket]

[You have gained 1 Class Change Ticket]

"I hate everything"

Sakura is so deep.

Just so you guys know, this is kind of crack-ish.

LatonTinkaluscreators' thoughts