
In The Beginning

In the beginning, I never believed in love or in fate, until I met Adrian Ross. My father and my mother don't show me or give me love, I live in a very complicated household. We have little money, and not to much food to eat. My mother left this year for my father to take care of me, which is a waste, he doesn't work, doesn't do much but watch television, and drink alcohol.

Anyway it's homecoming week at Oaklohoma Western High School. Where people get ready for the big football game, the dance, and the peporalli. For a freshman, I don't really care.

I hate school so much, the little town I live in everyone knows everybody even if you don't talk to people. I'm a low life girl, I don't have many friends, nobody talks to me because they either heard or think they know about my home life. I am horrible at sports, my grades are okay, (not the greatest). The only thing I like school is that I can escape home. I also love the library, so many books, quiet, and I can be lost in my thoughts.

See bullying is a big thing now, and I always get picked on or one of my friends do. I protect my friends, and they protect me. My best friend Jeremiah, has a disability, and people always give him a hard time. When I'm near him I threat other people who hurt or bully him. I guess thats another possibility that people dislike me. Also during classes I sit in the back and the teachers don't ask me questions, since I always get the answers wrong on purpose, see I act stupid because why should I impress the teacher and the classmates.

As I sit in the school cafeteria with my friends Carolina, April, Naomi, Jeremiah, Kennedy, and Hope. All they talk about is homecoming week, what there going to the dance, and the football game. No one really cares about the peporalli.

"Do you want my pizza?" I hear April ask me. April knows what really happens at the house, the bruises tell her stories and secrets of the outdoor life.

"No thank you, I'm not really hungry." I reply back. Ugh, every time someone is being nice I sound like a robot...

"So, who all has a date for the dance!!!" Kennedy yells at the whole group.

"Oooh, I know whose taking who! Hope is bringing her boyfriend Jordan, Jeremiah is bringing his boyfriend Carl, and I'm bringing Jason!" Carolina replies.

"Even though some of us don't have a date can we all still hang out?" I ask, I don't want to go but I don't want to be alone at the house.

They all give me sad looks, and understanding, which I hate the most of everything! Pity, seriously, many people don't want to be alone, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

Then all at once they replied "Of Course!"

See this is just great I probably just ruined everyone's fun time with their dates and there homecoming week. I'm just weak and pathetic.. I need a life and I can't wait to graduate or leave this town. As I get lost in thought about my dreams and life everyone else is lost in conversation about whose getting lucky and everything else. See I don't like anybody in that way. Especially high school guys, there all pricks especially the sports guys. There rude, abnoxious, smelly, disgusting, and all they ever talk about is sex and wanting sex. Really unappealing to me, and they like smart and beautiful girls. I'm none of them.

The bell rings that lunch time is over, and I start heading for the doors, I sit outside of school to read books and to be alone. It's what I do alot, in the morning I'll sit in the library in the back where no one can see me, and then I'll eat lunch. When lunch is over I go outside to read, write, and etc.

The book I'm reading is Hamlet, written by my favorite poet William Shakespeare. Tomorrow is going to be crazy at school and I don't think I'll have time for my book. As the bell rang that school is over I grab my stuff and walk 40 miles home.

"Hey Willow want a ride?" I look to see who it was, I already walked 30 miles and they ask know? Plus I don't want them to see my house or near my prison life. It was Hope and a guy I believe is Jordan. I never met Jordan and I didnt get a good view of him.

"No thank you, I got 10 miles to go and dad is home."

"Why are you always like this, you never accept help, one day your going to need it and no one will be there to help you." She then spun her tires and sped off. I never asked for help, or want her or anyone else's for that matter!

Well home.. is just home.. Can't wait to go back to school tomorrow.