

With a sharp pain all over my body ,a pain anybody in my shoes would wish for death instead, I opened my eye but everything were blurry,with more extreme pain on my head , couldn't even remember what happened . I closed and opened my eye again but this time my sight was getting visible and I could see myself on the ground in a pool of blood. My body was still very weak but I could still see a massive building right in front of my blood baptized body and just assumed I must have fallen off it. I couldn't take it anymore ,my heart begun beating slower,sight shook and couldn't even see anything anymore,felt like death and I didn't want to die yet. Finding myself in the presence of death offering me another chance.Well I accepted making a deal with death itself. Am pissed right now, I was deceived and still have a contract to fulfill.this is messed up and I can't even remember what happened in my past life . Join me in my journey to conquering death in this world I know nothing of and getting my old life back. >>IN THIS WORLD OF MYSTERY,MAGIC AND SO MANY THINGS, I WILL STRIVE AND GET WHAT I WANT NO MATTER WHAT. [ DISCLAIMER: RATED 18, LANGUAGE,SOME CHAPTERS MIGHT CONTAIN DARKER CONTENTS]

jhoe_hikay · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

The Whole Atmosphere Changed

"oh, em....well it was Teresa that came, "Jonah said.

"what does she want"I was furious, she could still come here, she has a lot of nerves.

"her water supply just spoilt and she wanted to bath, so we offered her our bathroom"


"sorry she is here but we had no choice, she's the one that sold us the place," Amelie said.

"no there is no problem in helping out your landlady"

I went downstairs furiously and wanted to give her a piece of payback by tearing her clothes I walked to the bathroom flank and as I picked up the cloth the most shocking thing happened.

Right in front of me, what I believe to be the rune gem fell on the ground.

I picked it up to know if it was the one, yes it looked similar to the other gems but just full. She was still in the bathroom and then I quickly went to the living room and opened up the rug, luckily I was still with the other two gems and I placed it into their right positions and as I placed in the one I believed to be the rune gem, the door opened, I was astonished.

But before it opened up the edges lit up, showing a luminous light moving around from the left crescent moon to the other crescent moon.

That view was incredibly remarkable, opened it up but what I saw was not what I was expecting, it was the same, I wasn't sure of what was happening, "maybe it is from the view I am staying, let me get down"I said, I was climbing down and it was still the same, filled with magical harvest and crops but from the moment I stepped on the ground the whole atmosphere changed

From the point I stood, every single thing standing changing, firstly dematerializing and then arranging itself into a new and different environment. Everything was wonderful, the wooden wall turned to stone, the ground also and many other things, it was extraordinary and it amazed me until I came to notice terrifying things, there were torturing weapons there, there was also a weird looking clock.

Everywhere became dark suddenly, I could barely see anything but one thing I could see was that piece of broken glass that pierced me the last time I was here. I went and picked it up and from what I could see, I could tell it broke after falling from a table in front of me there. It looked like the glass was harboring a liquid, a pinkish-looking liquid, bent to have a better look at it, "Ewww, this stinks" I was disgusted by the smell it was giving off.

"but what is this substance?" I was unaware and was about to touch it.

"can't you be..smart for once*coughs*?"

I looked up but could barely see who was talking, the voice was familiar but no it was not Teresa.

I went closer to see who it was.

"who is there? "I questioned.

"Just in...a ma..tter*coughs* of short duration, you can't recognize my voice *coughs"

I went closer and closer and the very person in front of me was the one I have searched for since I got here.

It was Angel, the moment she saw me, she smiled, I was so happy, I was out of words.

"so you wouldn't help me out or say anything" I looked at her very well to notice that she was tired up and still had wounds.

"I have missed you so much, Angel" I declared, almost started crying.

"I have missed you too, now will you help me up"

I quickly untied her and stood her up, I gave her a heartfelt hug, I held her close and didn't want to let go.

"That's enough now*coughs*, my body is aching me more"Angel was hurting. I quickly released her from the hug.

"Who did this to you, Angel?"

"let's just get out of here very fast before she comes back"Angel insisted.

"Who is she?"

"Just listen to me,*coughs* I will tell you everything on the way" she demanded. I quickly grabbed her by the shoulder to move upstairs but right in front of us *Bang!!*the trapdoor closed.

I pushed it open but it didn't budge

I tried and tried but yet it didn't open at all.

"This is risky but I know another away from here" Angel clarified.

"I knew Amelie and Jonah had something to do with your disappearance"

"Who are those people you mentioned now" Angel asked.

"the owners of this building, at first they claimed they didn't know where you were, then later they were hiding this room from me, not this room to be exact and later they opened this room but the other room and…."

"calm down anon, let's get out of here first then we can give or get who is behind all these" Angel decided.

We went down the stairs and she started leading us to a side of the room, this room is much bigger than the initial one, we continued moving for a while. "where are we going to exactly"

"There is a door she always used in entering here, not the one above, we used it in getting in and out, we just need to find it".

The search continued for a while but we couldn't find any doors

"Amelie could only use the trapdoor to enter, we have been walking, yet not seen any door apart from the trapdoor" "I know what I *coughs*what I am talking about Anon, I am not insane or imagining things"

"Okay ma, but when I lay my hands on Amelie and Jonah, they will feel the heaviness of my wrath, how could they do this to a beautiful girl"

"ha-ha*coughs harder*, I don't know the name of the person that does come here but one thing is could say is, I have only seen a lady here and not a man and woman in your case".

"Maybe it is Amelie that does the hard part and I started trusting them, they were both caring and very nice".

"Are you sure it is the same person or people we are talking about?"

"Yes, it could have been only them, why didn't they take me instead, oh!!! I have gotten it"

We couldn't find the door so we sat down to rest for a while. "what have gotten? have you found the door" she asked. "No not that, in the neighborhood, young females have been missing over the months, I found that out around the period I was almost beaten to death. They did tell me the truth, you were kidnapped but they didn't or let me say would have ever told me it was them". "Jeez you were beaten to WHATT!! This is all confusing but the most confusing of all is how all these happened under two days".

"what do you mean by two days, Angel"

"two days, everything happened under two days"

"Nooo, when did I say it happened in just two days"

"then if not two days, how did all those things happen to you in just a day"

"What are you talking about, all these shits all happened in months"

"what do you mean*coughs* mean by months? wait how long have been here? "I don't know per se but what I do know is, I have been here for more than or close to two months", "two months, you must be pulling a joke on me" she reacted.

"you are confusing me now, I have been here for more than a month and I have been looking for you ever since". Angel was confused and overwhelmed by the whole situation. "I don't get it but I have been here for only three days and it just started". "hahaha good one, you can tell a good joke".

"but I am….not jok..", "oh it's nice that you guys have gotten together again"

Angel and I looked to see an old-looking lady with a knife coming after them.