
MY FRIENDS AND I (I am Cassie)

I am Cassandra Williams A.K.A Cassie, I am the last of three children, I have two elder brothers. I am 17 years old born on the 28th of July. Making me a Leo, fierce but loving. My dad is a renowned architect and the CEO of Bricks&Steels Ltd. And my mom the love of my life is a business woman and the managing director of AWK foods and owns two supermarkets in the states capital too. We live in the Government Reserved Area of the states capital. And yeah my grandpa, the other love of my life and my ideal man...lol, my grandpa means a whole lot to me and he is the popular Chief Williams and the founder of Bricks&Steels Ltd. Abigail Gold my best friend in the world and my childhood friend also. I am older than her with a few months. Abigail and I have been in each other's life since the very beginning, we went to creche, kindergarten, junior school and now highschool together. I can vividly remember when she got her first tetanus shot to when she had her first crush and thought he was the one she would marry...lol, am pretty sure she doesn't even remember who he is anymore. Jennifer George my other bestie, we met in junior school and we effortlessly just clicked and became friends. Jennifer and Abigail are sometimes at logger heads and am usually the glue that tries to keep them close together as Jennifer sees Aby as a rude, proud girl and Aby sees her as unnecessarily being too over the top and well that's true, But to be honest I sometimes like been with Jenny though she is extra but then she loves books and I do too and Aby loves fun and vibes and I do but I still love books more. I love both of them still. Find out how Cassie will try to make Abigail and Jennifer have the best relationship and also try to change the notion of not being able to keep two best friends without loving one more and hurting the other in the process...and she might just find love on the way. Read to find out more...❣️❣️

Deborah_Ifeoluwa · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter Eight: TBT #TheBestThree III

Hey Cassie, what did you bring for snacks. Abigail asked walking up to her in the cafeteria.

Just some plantain chips with yoghurt. Cassandra replied.

Sounds yummy, I brought popcorn and my favorite apple smoothie. I made them myself, though I made the smoothie a day ago and had it refrigerated. Abigail explained and beamed while unpacking her box.

Hmm I see and you didn't bring some for me?. Cassandra questioned.

And why wouldn't I?. Abigail said passing over a small container to her.

And that is why I love you so much. Cassandra said and hugged her.

And what about Jenny...Cassandra cuts in...

What about her?. I do love her too. Cassandra said half heartedly.

Well Miss if you will just let me finish and yeah I know you love her too what I was trying to say was what about Jenny with her current adamant and stupid attitude?. Abigail said half annoyed.

Errrm...well I do not have time to think about it as I believe she is not in her right senses and when she is, she will come back to us. Cassandra said.

I think we should teach her a little lesson. Abigail said.

No, I don't think that is a good idea, she is still our friend regardless of our present situation with her. Let's just see how things turn out. Cassie replied.

Alright, it's 1:40pm, our lesson begins in the next 5min and you know Mr. Julian, if he gets to the class before any student, he says...They chorused...*GET OUT YOU UNSERIOUS HUMAN* with a stern look on his face, he is a middle aged man, so he always tells us, my first child is in the University so I am more than old enough to give birth to any one of you here. Due to this the students began calling him "Our School Daddy" or "Mr. Old Enough" which he hated being called and so punishes any students who calls him that.

Yeah, that's true, let's pass the stairs at the back that is the fastest way to our class on the second floor. Cassandra suggested.

They got to the class 1:47pm and were surprised because Mr. Julian was not in class to teach them Mathematics. (He arrived 5 minutes later).

Good day class, today we would not be having any lesson. I have an urgent meeting I need to attend and your substitute teacher Mr. David is also not around so I will be giving you questions to solve now and Homework to do too, so on that note open your text book and go to page 85 exercise D, Answer question 1-10 now and I must see the workings in your note. Mr. Julian said.

**students murmuring**

Hush!! no noise, you all are lazy, just 1-10 with workings you are complaining. I wonder how you will cope in your respective universities...scoffs...as I was saying you do the remaining 11-20 as your homework and submit strictly 9am Monday morning, even a second later I won't collect it and trust me your continuous assessment CA would be at stake...smiles weirdly... so class start your work and do so quietly, I will tell Miss. Jane to come check if you all did it. That been said, Start now and Good day. Mr Julian said and left.

**A few minutes later**

Please can I share with you, I left my textbook at home. Jenny said.

Abigail and Cassandra looked up and was surprised to see who was standing at their front.

Yeah, sure. Cassie said with a surprised look. (They solved in silence).

Errrmm, Cassie can you explain No. 4 it seems a bit difficult. Abigail asked.

It's not that hard, you just need to do change of subject formula for equation 1, then for your new equation iii, you substitute it into the equation ii after which you use elimination method to derive x and you put it in your first equation to derive y and question solved!! Simple. Jenny explained to the surprise of Abigail and Cassandra.

Thank you. Abigail managed to say.

I know you are a little surprised I answered right?. Well don't be, I know we are currently not on talking terms but that does not mean if I see a classmate who needs help I wouldn't not help if I can, so don't be surprised. Jenny said.

I wasn't actually too surprised because I know it is kind of your thing to help even when you are not asked...no offense...but what surprised me was the fact that you explained to me, like me Abigail after everything, I mean if it were to be Cassie you explained to, I won't be surprised knowing you prefer her to me and she is not exactly the one that had an altercation with you. But you did anyway, so thanks. Abigail replied Jenny.

Like I said before, if someone needs help I try to render it when I can regardless of who it is to. Jenny explained herself again.

Have anything to say Cassie. Abigail asked hoping she will support her.

I have nothing to say untill this rubbish feud is over, there is nothing I... am going to say, so if you will excuse me am done with my work and it's already 2:35, almost closing time, I need to go show my work to Miss. Jane.

Jenny and Aby continued their work in silence.

Are you all done, someone is through. Miss. Jane said entering the class with Cassandra.

We are done ma...they chorused.

Patricia, Nancy are you done?. Miss. Jane asked looking suspicious.

Errrmm...well no ma, but we are almost done only 3 questions left ma. Patricia replied.

Alright, everybody leave after I check your notes, Nancy and Patricia stay back and complete you work and make sure to show me when you are done, there is still about 20 minutes to closing. Miss. Jane said looking at her watch.

Everybody left except Jennifer who was supervising Patricia and Nancy on Miss. Jane's request.

Thanks for reading ❣️❣️. I would really appreciate your Likes, Comments and Votes.

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