
My Friend and a Yandere Eldritch?

We all know the story in every fantasy world, and it is always the same story, the gods are at the top, while the dragons are in second place, and then there are the various other supernatural species with their innate characteristics. And human beings, with their blessings, looked down upon by other species for their weakness of body and mind. But what if this time things would be a little different than usual? In the high heavens, in deep space, live horrors more frightening than any being. Beyond the boundaries of Earth and the Solar System, they exert their influence from deep space or from beyond our dimension. Noah was a normal 17-year-old, raised in a loving family that helped take care of him and with many childhood friends by his side. But none of them knew that he had made contact with an entity that even he could not fully understand and that seemed to have become his friend...

Demon_King22 · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Chapter - 6


Chapter - 6: The line between strength and madness...


I watched with fascination as the barrage of black thorns surged towards us, their ominous aura sending a small thrill of excitement down my spine. Strangely, a subtle smile graced my lips in response.

It felt as though a new and captivating dimension had unfurled before my eyes, a realm of power and mystery I had never encountered. And within this surreal moment, I could sense a presence – my friend, who continues to protect me.

Unbeknownst to us, a myriad of unseen eyes observed the spectacle, lurking within the shadows and concealed by the darkness. They remained hidden, an audience unnoticed, their gaze fixed upon the unfolding scene.

However, before I could fully register the impending danger, Victoria was already in motion. A sphere of brilliant white energy formed around her hand, creating a protective barrier. With a swift, fluid motion, she thrust her clenched fist forward.

At that moment a titanic force was unleashed. The collision was similar to a fight one might see in some shonen anime, a convergence of two unstoppable energies. The impact shattered the tranquility of the room, unleashing shock waves that reverberated through the air with force.

The majority of the black thorns were obliterated upon contact, their malevolent power disrupted and dispersed by Victoria's formidable punch. Some of the thorns managed to change their course, driven off trajectory and embedding themselves into the floor, a testament to the sheer force of the clash.

The room seemed to tremble under the weight of the unleashed power, the air itself quivering with residual energy. The tense standoff between Serana and Victoria had evolved into a breathtaking demonstration of strength.

As I observed the tense standoff between Serana and Victoria, a wave of confusion swept over me. Their readiness to engage in a fight baffled me, and in my perplexity, I turned to Selene for some semblance of understanding.

"Why aren't you stopping them?" I asked Selene, my voice a mixture of puzzlement and concern. Her calm demeanor amidst the brewing clash left me feeling uncertain about the whole situation.

Selene's response didn't come immediately. She leisurely sipped from her glass goblet, a liquid I couldn't help but speculate was blood. As she finished, her eyes locked onto me, her lips curling into a seductive, almost succubus-like smile that sent shivers down my spine.

"Noah, if you truly wish to step into this world, there's something you must grasp—a fundamental truth that will shape your path from this point forward," Selene's voice, soft yet commanding, echoed throughout the room, her words enveloping the space.

"Across ages, the rules have remained unwavering," Selene continued, her gaze focused on the unfolding confrontation between her daughter and Serana. "Those rules are defined by the mightiest."

Perceiving my evident confusion, Selene chuckled softly. "I'm trying to impress upon you that even this very confrontation could be quelled by someone with enough power... You possess the strength to make yourself heard?"

Her words hung in the air, leaving me pondering the profound implications of power and influence in a world where the strongest dictated the course of events.

Selene's words hung in the air, leaving me with a jumbled mix of confusion and uncertainty. To be honest, I'd never really contemplated power dynamics or felt the need to prove myself in this whole supernatural world mess. Most of the time, I was just trying to make it through the day without winding up dead.

And come to think of it, I never really gave it much thought. Ever since that moment when he showed up, he's been my protector, shielding me from all the dangers that might've come my way.

I glanced over at my friend, seeking some kind of guidance or support. He looked encouraging, which was comforting, but still, this whole situation felt overwhelming. I mean, sure, I had these newfound abilities, but I'd never really showcased them for others to see. And now, it seemed like I was being pushed to put on a show.

The situation had taken a turn, though. Things weren't like they used to be, and it looked like I'd have to tap into these powers of mine to prove a point or something. It was like the old vampire lady was testing my limits, seeing how much I could flex.

But in all honesty, this was uncharted territory for me. I'd never tried pushing my abilities to the forefront before, they were sort of like this hidden card I held. It was like the world around me didn't even know they existed.

But finally, I had settled on a course of action for my uncertain future. "Fighting won't solve anything," I shook my head in a scolding manner, almost like talking to a misbehaving child. Bending down, I picked up one of the discarded thorns that had been a result of Serana's powers, straightening up as I faced her again.

Both of them halted their intense display of power, their eyes fixed on me in a mixture of surprise and confusion. It was clear they didn't quite comprehend my intentions. "Well," I began, my voice steady, "I was thinking of a way to put an end to this senseless confrontation. Neither of you seems keen on stopping, and at the same time, I thought maybe earning a bit of respect wouldn't hurt either."

Serana's confusion deepened as she questioned my actions. With a smile on my face, I moved closer to her, and with gentle yet resolute force, I pressed the thorn into my right eye. Slowly, deliberately, the thorn pierced through, drawing forth a trickle of blood that looked almost like a burst raspberry.

"Noah!" Victoria's alarmed voice echoed through the room, her immediate instinct to intervene quashed by a mere glance from her mother. She appeared to be immobilized, struggling against some unseen force that weighed down on her shoulders. "Stop! I'll damn well kill you, you bitch," she hissed, her gaze locked onto her mother.

In that tense moment, I could feel the weight of their anger and frustration directed towards me. Yet, I also felt a spark of something else – a newfound determination and a shift in the balance of power. Whether it was respect or shock, I had certainly grabbed their attention.

My smile widened as I continued to push the thorn in, relishing in the surreal and twisted nature of the situation. Blood flowed down the side of my face, mixing with the crimson stain on the thorn and smearing Serana's hand and arm.

The sensation of resistance grew stronger as I pressed on, the thorn piercing through something soft and yielding. It was as if I was delving into a depth beyond the surface, perhaps even reaching my brain. The thought sent a shiver down my spine, mingling with a strange sense of exhilaration.

"S-stop it!" Serana's voice was tinged with disgust and horror, her desperation evident. She seemed on the verge of nausea and dizziness, her reaction almost paradoxical for a vampire – a predator of humans – now recoiling at the sight before her. And I reveled in the irony of it all.

"So much," I replied with a grin, a sense of macabre satisfaction bubbling up. "I'm offering an apology for murder, you see. This much is the least I can do..."

Eventually, I decided to release my grip, and that marked the culmination of my trial of courage. The thorn emerged from my grasp, blood-coated and glistening, with my eyeball skewered onto it like a grotesque ornament. Carefully maneuvering my fingers, I firmly grasped the base of the thorn and began to withdraw it, my pierced eyeball coming free with it.

In the midst of the grotesque scene, the room was pervaded by an eerie silence, punctuated only by the sickening sounds of flesh and blood. It was a chilling display of courage and lack of the fear of death, an audacious assertion that left an indelible mark on the atmosphere.

But before anyone could utter a word, before they could demand an explanation for the surreal scene unraveling before their eyes, a transformation occurred that left them stunned.

It was as if time had been rewound, erasing every wound that marred my body, leaving it unblemished and untouched. The injuries that had been inflicted just moments ago now seemed like fleeting illusions, swallowed by the void of a dream.

"What are you?" Serena's voice trembled with fear and uncertainty, mirroring the bewilderment that gnawed at her from within.

With a nonchalant shrug, I replied, "What question... I'm just an ordinary human being, if you care to believe it." My gaze was fixed on the tiny, imperceptible black particles that danced around me, hidden from the perception of everyone else in the room.


Silence lingered in the air, heavy and pregnant with unasked questions. Serena's curiosity and apprehension were palpable, hanging in the atmosphere like an unsolved riddle.

"Oh, really?" She retorted with a touch of confusion, while a difficult expression "Then why..."

"With thrill and risk, I sharpen my nerves. I am a person who would gamble even under the worst circumstances."

I words were met with she own response, a playful challenge that only seemed to deepen her confusion. "I don't understand what kind of being you are... Did you willingly stab your own eye just to prove a point and amuse yourself? And through it all, you maintain that smile, as if it were a trivial matter."

It became apparent that the woman before me struggled to grasp the intricacies of my motives, despite her intelligence and apparent power. This was nothing new, though; even among my childhood friends, there were times when they found my thought process strange.

"Do you think it's wise to go through life without a smile?" I mused aloud, my lips curving into a playful grin. "Perhaps you've had the luxury of being a great princess from some esteemed clan, never having to experience the struggles that shape the lives of others."

My words seemed to strike a nerve, a reaction I hadn't intended but couldn't help but find amusing. There was a flash of annoyance in her eyes, a flicker of something deeper that she attempted to conceal.

"Allow me to share a secret with you, my dear princess, a truth your parents might have neglected to impart," I continued, my tone shifting to a more serious note. "Life has a way of pushing us against walls we can't hope to conquer, even in an immortal existence. We face losses, failures, moments where we look foolish or are trampled upon, kicked down, filled with sadness, bitterness, weariness. It hurts, it's tough, and we feel weak and wrong. Yet through it all, there's something worth holding onto: the ability to laugh."

My words flowed with conviction as I brought my hand to my lips, forming a smile that mirrored the sentiment I conveyed.

*Step Step*

I couldn't help but tilt my head in puzzlement as I watched the princess slowly back away, even moving her chair a few steps. Was she... afraid of me?

The thought seemed absurd. After all, I was nothing more than a mere human being...


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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