
Chapter 10: Apologies and Hangouts

Beatrix POV:

After what happened yesterday you wake up and get ready after an hour or so you went out and do your assessment with Leo it was quiet and awkward for the most parts but you both finish it without any of you getting injured at all and you just finished your final house when you sadly decided to finally cut off the tense atmosphere that surrounds you both....



I'm sorry about what happened yesterday...

Why are you apologizing right now?....

Because you deserve an apology!...I shouldn't have acted like that even when i was upset....

Ehh!!!...I was the one that should have apologized not you! So~ don't worry about it....

Bu... but i shouted at you....

And you have the right to do so.... Especially since i kind of control your freedom back there so it's understandable.....


And no but's okay!?....


Listen Beatrix what happened yesterday is my poult anyway so don't worry about it i should have ask about what where you feeling about it and check first about what would happen if he finds out and i know his a trust worth it person so i should have expected that he would not do anything to harm you but fear gets the most of me that's why i made that decision so Beatrix can you forgive me?....

I...i forgive you and also it's still my poult because you just wanted to help me that's why you did that. So~ are we fine again?....


That's great to hear then....

Mmm.... Beatrix do you want to go somewhere tomorrow since we have no assignment that day?.....

Sure why not!.....

Okay that great then....

So where do we meet?...

May be at the park?...

Okay see you then....

Okay see you tomorrow!....*Teleports away*

(Yeah see you tomorrow Leo)*Walks home*

Beatrix POV:

After waking up you get ready for the hangout that you will be having for that day while thinking about it you can't help but blush by the idea that your going to go to the park with Leo.....

What the hell I'm i doing! I'm just hanging out with him it's not like it's a date or anything!

"You didn't know but deep inside you, you secretly wanted it to be a date but you ignore that feeling because you thought that it's impossible for you to love him or for him to love you back. I mean how can you love someone if you don't even know how to love yourself?.... after all that though you decided to just pick your clothes for know and think later about your feelings"

Mmm....this will look great on me....

The outfits ( you could choose which one will be the final outfit that Beatrix will wear during their hangout):

1.) First set:

2.) Second set:

3.) Third set:

Whatever outfit you choose is beautiful and you thought that Leo would definitely like them and hope that everything will turn out alright....

After getting everything set up you immediately went to the park...

Leo/ Samuel POV:

You went to the park a little bit early before Beatrix arrived since you want to make sure everything will be alright and  It was!... the setting was great overall all and the only thing that is really missing was Beatrix the person that you are going with.

*By the thought of this you immediately blush*

(What the hell I'm i thinking this is not a date this is a hangout between two friends)

"You didn't know or you are secretly denying it but deep inside you, you secretly wanted it to be a date but you ignore that feeling because you thought and know the consequence if you both fall in love with one other and that though is enough for you to control all of your emotions and hade them"

*As you were thinking to yourself a familiar voice called you*


*You turn around and see Beatrix wearing a beautiful outfit*

You look beautiful today.....

Th..thank you.....

So let's take a seat?....


What the area looks like:

So how's your day been?....

It was alright.....

That's good to hear....

So~mmm.... since we only have one more week to spend time with each other alone do you want me to teach you more about different kinds of arcs?....

Wait really?....

Yeah sure if only you wanted?( and it gives me more time to spend with you).....

I would love to!....


Yeah that would be amazing!....

Okay then after we are done with our exorcist task we can go to my place here on earth or at your place if it's alright with you....

I mean it's alright for me to just go to my place if you're comfortable and i may say that my place is not as big as yours so~....

Hey it's alright and it's fine with me to go to your place....

Okay then it's settled!....


What is it?....

What about your family?....

Im leaving with my aunt and her family and they were on vacation and i couldn't come because of the fact that i was in hell ....  

Sorry about that.....

It's fine anyway....

Oh and what about your parents?....

I....my mom is in a better place already and my dad well i don't really want to talk about him....

Oh! I'm really sorry i shouldn't have asked....

Hey it's alright you didn't know!....

(She is really kind but I wonder what happened between her and her dad that she didn't want to talk about and how did her mom pass away?... i shouldn't really be thinking about this right now) Thanks... so~ let's just continue  eating shaw we!....

Yes let's continue eating we don't want to waste food you know.....


*You were both eating quietly as the wind blew and trees and plants moved around you both. it was silent but you both didn't mind it at all it was piece full and it was like you were both at the centre of the world it was like this until two familiar voices called you both as you both look behind you,you both saw*

Beatrix???....Leo??? (2x)

Omg guys!...

Hey there Kenzie and Claire!....

It's really you guys!...

How are you both?...

Were alright?...

I didn't expect you both to be here....


Do you guys want to sit with us?...

You guys can sit right here....

Thank you both....

Thanks Beatrix and Leo....

No probs guys.....

*After setting down*

So what are you both up to?....

Well for me just the usual like doing the assessment with Lig and that....

The same here and Me and Alexander have been getting along lately.... what about you guys?...

Me and Beatrix had quite an adventure but we would rather keep that a secret between both of us....

Yeah it was a roller coaster of emotions to be honest hahahahahahaha.....

*They both look at eachother in counfuson*

Well okay if you say so~ (2x)

Whisper: Are you seeing what I'm seeing right Claire?....

Whisper: definitely....

Whisper: There definitely in love....

Whisper: And are afraid to do anything....

Whisper: Well this is going to be quite a long ride then....

Whisper: your right.....

Guys what are you whispering about?....

Nothing!... Right Kenzie?....

Yup nothing at all.....

Okay if you say so~.....

*After that you guys continued to hangout until it was late so you all decided to called it a day and went your separate ways*

Beatrix POV:

Today was really amazing i get to see my friends after a while and get to hangout with Leo i wish it was this peaceful everyday....

*You look at the time and it read 11:44 pm omg it's really late and we have task tomorrow morning i better get some sleep then*

Good night everyone and i hope everything turn out great for the remaining week's.....





























=Enjoy your little peace my dear child because you never know when it would end=




















Author Message:

Hello everyone i hope you enjoy my chapter 10 of My Forbidden Romance this is one of my longest chapters so far but hope you like it and that's all for now see you all in the next Chapters good bye!....

Fun Facts:

*Beatrix is someone that is very clueless when it comes to love and emotions in general that is why she always ask for help or advice towards her Best friend's.

*Claire and Kezein can easily notice if two people are in love and have a more control over their emotions not like Beatrix.

*Leo/Samuel can be romantic if he really wants to but he will only show it to the person that he trusts and loves.

That's all of the fun facts for now.

Total Words: 1473