
My Financial Empire

From bear markets to bull markets; From thousands of stocks hitting the upper limit to thousands hitting the lower limit; From the Swiss franc black swan event to the iron ore black crisis; From digital currencies to the tidal wave of the US dollar; From historical negative oil prices to the complete collapse of the euro system... Having experienced ten years of honing in the financial market, Su Yue opens his eyes, and returns to the critical juncture of 2014 ten years ago, once again experiencing those grand historical opportunities in the future. Looking back suddenly, behind him is already a vast financial empire. For the next ten years, he no longer wants to be a small leek under the capital butcher's knife but aims to become the 'god' at the forefront of the wind and waves!

TrinkGod · Realistis
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Close to the Water Pavilion

"Great, since everyone believes that reversing the current net asset value and restoring investor confidence is the most important, let's share our views on the preferred investment direction or target stocks," Wang Liling continued with a smile after the applause subsided, "Perhaps the real opportunity to quickly turn around our fund's net asset value lies within everyone's current thoughts."

"Manager Wang, regarding everyone's views on the current market trading opportunities, investment directions, and target stocks, it might be challenging to discuss it thoroughly in a short time," Lu Changjun, the head of the trading team, quickly replied, "Why don't we have everyone write down their ideas before the end of the day? You can review them later and consider or discuss them collectively. What do you think?"

Wang Liling glanced at the time and realized there were less than two hours until the end of the day. Continuing the discussion might indeed waste everyone's time. She nodded in agreement to Lu Changjun's suggestion.

As Wang Liling walked into the fund manager's office afterward, the others quickly returned to their workstations from the conference table in the trading room and began typing vigorously on their computers.

Amidst the clicking of keyboards...

Sitting in front of his computer, Su Yue proposed an investment direction that focused on two expectations: "State-owned Enterprise and Central Enterprise Reform and Restructuring" and "Accelerated Path of Military Assets Securitization." He also mentioned the 'Military Industry' concept, which was already showing signs of being targeted by major funds due to its relatively low position.

He analyzed the 'Military Industry' as the main theme and highlighted the 'Beidou Navigation' and 'Domestic Aircraft Carrier' as the two most likely hot spots for speculation at the moment. He also listed 'Fu Shun Special Steel' and 'Northern Navigation' as potential target stocks.

Due to the imminent risk of liquidation faced by the company's fund, turning around the trend of net asset value was urgent.

Therefore, Su Yue did not choose a relatively stable 'value investment' strategy driven by earnings expectations. Instead, he opted for a speculative trading approach focused on investor sentiment expectations, as revealed by the current market reactions.

After finishing the trading strategy report, it was almost time to leave work.

Su Yue divided the electronic document into two parts, one sent to Lu Changjun and the other directly emailed to his mentor, Wang Liling.

Seeing that Lu Changjun and his mentor had received the document, Su Yue stretched lazily and quickly went to the restroom during the remaining minutes before the end of the day.

Then, after about ten minutes, when he returned to the trading room, everyone had already left except for his mentor, Wang Liling, who was still in her office.

"Mentor, are you planning to work overtime again?" Su Yue knocked on the door of the fund manager's office and asked.

From his memory, Wang Liling was usually lenient with others and didn't advocate for employees to work overtime. Yet, she was someone who almost worked overtime every day, striving to do her best and leave no room for criticism, not giving anyone a chance to find fault.

Sometimes, Su Yue couldn't help but think that this might be Wang Liling's extraordinary aspect.

It was the reason why she was able to step by step, without any background, graduate from an ordinary non-prestigious university and achieve her current position.

Deep in his heart, whether it was now or in the future, he genuinely admired his mentor, Wang Liling.

However, even though he admired her, if he could start over, he really didn't want to become someone like Wang Liling.

"I'll organize the trading strategy report you sent me," Wang Liling responded with a smile. "Su Yue, you can leave now; you don't need to wait for me. There might be another meeting with Zhang Zong later."

"Sure!" Su Yue replied and left the trading room.

As he walked out of the company's door and reached the elevator, he saw his colleagues from the same department, Zhou Kai, and Fang Wanqing, waiting for the elevator.

"Senior sister," Su Yue greeted Fang Wanqing and nodded at Zhou Kai with a smile.

"Su Yue, what did you write in the trading strategy report regarding the future market trends?" Fang Wanqing showed a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "According to your choice of 'Fu Shun Special Steel,' it wouldn't be the 'steel industry' that's currently overlooked, right?"

Su Yue responded with a smile, "That's a secret for now."

Fang Wanqing became even more curious when Su Yue refused to reveal the details. "As your senior sister and 'guiding teacher,' can't you share a little?"

"You can directly ask my mentor," Su Yue said. "I asked her about you, and she said you have a good relationship with her."

"Don't listen to her nonsense," Fang Wanqing huffed.

"It's not... Anyway, if you want to know, just ask my mentor," Su Yue said. "I found out that you have a good relationship with her."

"Really going to ask her," Fang Wanqing muttered.

"Oh, so you wrote the trading strategy for 'Fu Shun Special Steel' today?" Zhou Kai interjected, listening to their conversation. His expression changed to one of surprise. "Damn, Su Yue, you're incredible! On your first day in this department, you triggered the daily limit of a stock. How can I keep up with that?!"

Su Yue instinctively put his hand on Zhou Kai's shoulder and said, "It's just luck. It may or may not happen again. You're working under Lu Changjun now, and you'll eventually reach great heights. Besides... even if things don't go well for you, with your real estate business back home, inheriting the family's assets and collecting rent, won't you be ten times stronger than me?"

Su Yue knew that Zhou Kai, a local of Shanghai, had demolished an abandoned factory in the city a few years ago, obtaining seven or eight properties. He also knew that Zhou Kai's family had several businesses. Although Zhou Kai was low-key in the company, he was a genuine 'second-generation property developer' and 'second-generation rich.' In terms of wealth, there weren't many employees in the company who could compare.

"Ah, going back home to live off the family's wealth is not meaningful in life," Zhou Kai said as the elevator arrived. Walking into it with Su Yue, he continued, "Speaking of which... I still envy you."

"Envy me for what?" Su Yue raised an eyebrow. "Envying me for being penniless?"

Zhou Kai smiled and didn't answer immediately. After leaving the elevator and walking out of the commercial building where the company was located, he got closer to Su Yue's side and whispered, "Su Yue, you lucky guy. Your senior sister, not only is she beautiful beyond compare, but her figure is also flawless. Countless people in the company are watching her, and you're the one who gets close to her. Also... did you see the bag she was carrying?"

"What's special about the bag?" Su Yue asked.

Zhou Kai grinned and said, "You're clueless. That's a limited-edition platinum bag from Hermes, worth over 500,000 yuan."

When Su Yue heard the number '500,000 yuan,' his eyes showed a hint of surprise. He replied, "Could it be that it's a high-quality imitation?"

"No way," Zhou Kai said. "I could tell it was genuine just by observing it up close."

"Really? Senior sister is that rich?" Su Yue still had some doubts in his heart.

Squinting his eyes, Zhou Kai continued to watch Fang Wanqing's departing figure before pondering for a while. Then he said, "In any case, your senior sister is not simple!"

Su Yue smiled lightly and said, "Whether she's simple or not, it's not relevant to us for now."

"That's true!" Zhou Kai retracted his gaze, then glanced at his watch and said, "Su Yue, I won't chat with you for now; I have another appointment. I'll leave first."

Su Yue nodded, watching Zhou Kai leave, then quickly headed towards the subway station.

As Su Yue walked along the square in front of the company's commercial building, preparing to cross the street at the traffic light to reach the opposite subway station, a black Bentley suddenly stopped in front of him at the traffic light. Su Yue unconsciously glanced at the luxury car and noticed that the partially open window on the right rear seat revealed Fang Wanqing extending her hand, smiling, and waving at him.

"Junior brother, where do you live? If it's on the way, I'll have the driver give you a ride," Fang Wanqing greeted.

"No need, I'll take the subway; it might be faster," Su Yue hurriedly waved his hand, refusing the offer.

"Alright then, see you tomorrow!" Fang Wanqing replied with a smile.

The traffic light changed, and the black Bentley accelerated, disappearing from Su Yue's view.

After the Bentley disappeared, Su Yue remembered what Zhou Kai had said earlier and sighed inwardly. He waited for another traffic light to change and then crossed the street to enter the subway station. He squeezed into the crowded subway during the rush hour and stood there for half an hour before finally reaching his destination.

After getting off the subway, Su Yue saw the shallow imprints on his shoes from being stepped on in the crowded train and thought that he should buy a car as soon as possible. Squeezing into the subway during rush hours every day was quite unbearable, despite having experienced it several times in his previous life.

Just as he was contemplating what car to buy, his phone suddenly rang.

Su Yue took out his phone and saw that it was a call from his cousin, Su Xiaomo. He answered the call.

"Hello, Su Yue, where are you?" Su Xiaomo asked.

Su Yue looked around, mentioned his location, and said, "What's up, cousin?"

"It's nothing. I went back to our family home in Yuzhou a few days ago to visit your uncle. He asked me to bring something for you. Su Yue, wait at the subway station; I'm coming over in my car, and I should be there in 5 minutes," Su Xiaomo explained.

"Alright!" Su Yue agreed and hung up the phone. He stood at the designated place where cars could stop briefly.

About five minutes later, a blue Accord gradually pulled over from the main road and stopped in front of Su Yue, hazard lights flashing. Without waiting for Su Yue's reaction, a young woman got out of the driver's seat and walked towards him.

"Cousin!" Su Yue saw the woman's professional attire and the work badge on her chest and hurriedly greeted her.

Su Xiaomo saw Su Yue and didn't hesitate. She went to the trunk, opened it, and handed a suitcase to Su Yue, saying, "This suitcase contains mostly food. Bring it back with you. If it can be refrigerated, put it in the fridge. If not, finish it quickly."

"Oh, and..." Su Xiaomo said, turning to the front passenger seat and handing a shopping bag to Su Yue with a smile. "This afternoon, the business department wasn't too busy, so my colleague and I went shopping at a nearby mall. I bought two shirts for you."

"Cousin, you don't need to buy things for me," Su Yue said. "If my brother-in-law finds out you spent money on me, he'll definitely be unhappy. Besides... you haven't even had time to take off your work badge; how could work be not busy?"

Su Xiaomo, reminded by Su Yue, finally reacted and quickly removed her work badge, saying, "I earn my own salary; why can't I spend it? Besides, your brother-in-law is a reasonable person; he won't say anything."

"My brother-in-law won't say anything, but..." Su Yue said.

"It's alright! Don't worry about it," Su Xiaomo interrupted Su Yue. Knowing that they couldn't linger here for long, she quickly returned to the driver's seat. While starting the car, she continued, "If you have time, visit our family home in Yuzhou. My dad... really misses you. He hasn't seen you since Grandpa passed away two years ago."

"Okay!" Su Yue replied and waved goodbye.

Su Yue's parents had passed away when he was very young, and he was raised by his grandfather. After his grandfather passed away two years ago, his cousin, Su Xiaomo's father, took on the responsibility of supporting his education and treated him like his own son. Su Yue had deep affection for his cousin and uncle.

However, he felt that it wasn't truly his home. Going back there would only bring back painful memories and make him feel like an outsider.

"Oh, by the way..." Su Xiaomo suddenly stepped on the brake, stopping the car, and said to Su Yue who was waving at her, "Su Yue, are you free this Saturday?"

"Should be!" Su Yue replied.

"I have a college classmate whose cousin works in the credit department at our bank's headquarters. I arranged for you to meet her this Saturday at noon. You should go and meet her," Su Xiaomo said. "She graduated from Fudan University and is also from a prestigious family. She's smart, has a good education, appearance, and family background."

"Cousin, if she's so perfect, would she be interested in me?" Su Yue laughed and refused.

Su Xiaomo replied, "Being poor doesn't mean lacking ambition. We may have some economic and family background differences, but we can still compete in other aspects, right?"

"Alright!" Su Yue thought for a moment and replied.

Since Su Xiaomo had already arranged it, he couldn't decline; otherwise, it would be disrespectful to her.

"But... just this once. Don't arrange anything else for me afterward; I won't go," Su Yue added.

Su Xiaomo chuckled and said, "Okay, just this once."

After speaking, she activated the turn signal, and the car slowly merged into the main road's traffic, gradually disappearing from Su Yue's sight.

Carrying the suitcase and shopping bag, Su Yue felt a warm feeling inside as he walked towards his rented house in the sunset. He thought about many things, realizing that there were many regrets that could still be rectified.

(End of this chapter)