
My Fiancé The Forest Fae (BL)

Dark BL fantasy A brother and sister got lost in a deep forest and, as it turned out, it was not by chance, but by the will of a prankish forest fae who was bored with his lonely life...

viola_kukh · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs


 It was difficult to tell whether they were women or men: thin figures with long dark hair covering their faces. They said nothing to her when she looked in horror at their flickering images, while they were stretching out their long, clawed fingers over her. They did some invisible manipulations on her body and suddenly bright rainbow visions of various animals running in different directions appeared...

Mali woke up in complete darkness with her heart jumping out of her chest, not understanding what was happening.

"These are the guards of the spirits gates! Rauhs!" Mali heard in her head.

"Who is speaking?" She cried out loud, looking around in the dimness of the room.

It seemed like the sound of a pleasant silvery voice was leaking from somewhere above.

"Your Guardian! It's in vain that you sneak out into the world of dark spirits. Pure human souls are not supposed to contact this world. Therefore, such black book knowledge is hidden from people for good purposes. And now the Rauhs have left a mark on you so that you will become their servant!

"But I wanted my brother back!" Mali flared up indignantly.

"My condolences!"

"Doesn't Kiri have a Guardian? How did he let this happen?"

"And now you yourself have problems because of your excessive curiosity!" The concerned voice continued to ring in her head.

"Who are the Rauhs?"

"Dark spirits, they noticed you to misfortune..."

"Are you a light spirit? What is your name?"

"Oris. I need celestial help to save your soul..."

These strange insights deeply impressed Mali, and she was filled with unpleasant anxiety from the words of an invisible entity who called himself her guardian... the following nights nothing happened and Mali almost calmed down doing her usual household chores, but one night in a dream she found herself in some strange place in full consciousness.

 Many shadows parted and before her eyes appeared a black-haired woman with a crown, sitting on a high throne, dressed in strange gown made of scarlet fabrics flowing in the air. She was surrounded by a retinue - a variety of naked half-human, half-animal creatures of indeterminate gender, with horns and tails, wings of all kinds; some men, like Ingris, were mesmerizing with their beauty.

The spirits of nature did not express hostile emotions and examined the young lady with sly smiles and whistling sounds.

"Cute virgin," said the royal lady with a grin. "And why did the Rauhs bring her?"

The retinue stared at the girl, eyes flickering and glowing in the darkness. Mali looked back, seeing behind her a pair of majestic black-winged creatures, with solemn grandeur and arrogant faces. Finally, she was able to make out their ghostly images in dark robes. Huge black eyes, exquisite facial features, but still of indeterminate gender. They continued to be silent, as if it was her desire to be here.

" I'm looking for my brother Kiri!" Mali hastened to answer. "Ingris dragged him away..."

There was indignant whispering and rustling all around...

"Ah, Ingris!" The Queen said arrogantly. "He's gotten completely out of hand and doesn't obey me."

One of the subjects, a cat boy standing close with hilarious red ears and small fluffy grey wings behind his back, said to her in a low voice:

"My Lady! I saw them in the one forest. He calls this Kiri his husband... and the human is captured.

"What? What a brat!" She seemed indignant.

"Is Ingris your husband?" Mali dared to ask amid the lively bustle of the courtiers.

The cat approached the girl and whispered to her:

"Our mistress Imralin never speaks directly to mortals. If you would like to join us, she will consider your request shortly..."

"What does it mean to join you?"

The cat boy opened his huge yellow-green eyes wide in amazement.

"You wanted to become the spirit? Choose your mentor quickly, before you wake up."

"What?" Mali looked around in fear; we noticed many interested glances. "For what?"

"A strange question from a shaman."

"I'm not a shaman."

"You entered our world in full consciousness and don't consider yourself a shaman?" The cat boy grinned.

"I'm here by mistake," Mali hastened to answer, looking around at the various courtiers. "What's happening?"

A half-naked guy with shoulder-length wavy black hair and the piercing gaze of a hunter stood out from the crowd. He didn't have any animal features on his body or head; he had a completely normal human appearance.

"I'll take care of her!" he decisively declared to Imralin.

"Okay, Adlar..." The Queen's melodic voice rang out.

Then everything suddenly disappeared and Mali woke up in her bed with her heart pounding. She has just been assigned a mentor from the world of dark spirits! Someone Adlar! What to do now?