

It was the evening of Sunday as I stood by my terrace. I was reminded of the time when I was playing along the seashore.

We were all playing, there was laughter in the air. Suddenly we heard someone crying. I ran to see who it was, when I looked at the boy, his eyes were full of tears. I rushed to ask if he was okay but the I heard a familiar voice ''Layna!''. It was my mom. I looked behind and said 'give me 2 mins'. As soon as I looked there the boy was not there. After that, I was brought home. I couldn't help stop thinking about the boy who was lost. Questions were popping in my head continuously 'was he lost?', 'where was his mom?'. It was time to go to bed, so I just comforted myself and slept.

The next morning, when my mom picked me up from school I requested her if we can go to the seashore today. I wanted to check on the boy whom I saw yesterday. It was a little strenuous but somehow I made her agree. In the evening, at the same time we were there. My mom was sitting on a bench and then I started looking for the boy. The time passed and passed. I searched for him for an hour. Now it was time to go home, but I was not done finding him. My mom pulled my arm and was taking me back when suddenly I heard a voice 'hey! are you looking for me?'