
Chapter 67: A Public Announcement

Adeline POV

We had been back home for a week now. Those two days in the cave had been a little impromptu holiday, and it had honestly been the best thing that I could ever imagine having happened.

I still thought back to it sometimes. I would catch myself with my eyes closed, day dreaming that I was back in the cave. And it would be so vivid, I would sometimes honestly feel like I genuinely was back there.

Now, there were just sixty-eight days before the wedding. And there was an important announcement that was going to be made today. Today, Zale's parents were going to share the news about me to the public. They would tell everyone that I was his Luna.

But that was not the only thing that was going to be shared today. They would also be announcing who I was. And my status as a rogue wolf.

I wasn’t prepared for it. Not in the slightest.