
My Faith System

In a world where power is everything, Michiko find himself blessed with the faith system, a rare ability that allow him to freely change his body, acquire new skills, passive skills and resistances. With the faith system, he gains point as he influence the world or becoming a ruler, unlocking new abilities and enhancing his power. With this newfound power, michiko sets out to explore the world and become the strongest being alive. Along the way he battle and fights enemies or even becoming a ruler. Will he use it to dominate the world,or will be use it to bring peace and prosperity to all? the answer lies in michiko's hand, only time will tell what path he chooses.

Unknownnm · Fantasi
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11 Chs

Equal footing(updated)

As the green man walk with an axe. Red eyes as if he had battle a thousand times as I see no fear in his eyes.


Race:Hob Goblin



Strength 3

Speed 2

Vitality 1

Endurance 4

Intelligence 1

Michiko and the hobgoblin stood facing each other, both sizing up their opponent.

Hobgoblin: your just a weak human what makes you think you can lead?

Michiko: I may be a human, but i have the strenght and skills. That's what makes me a leader

Hobgoblin: well see about that

Rok throw michiko a sword as it would be shameless to fight an opponent unarmed

As the two fighters clashed, michiko was surprised by the hobgoblins strenght. Despite his body of mana, he could feel the force of each blow ad they exchanged blows. The hobgoblins sword cut through the air with a deadly grace, and michiko narrowly avoiding being hit several times.

Michiko lunged foward , aiming a blow at the hobgoblin head. The hobgoblin deftly blocked the attack with his axed and then kicked michiko in the chest

- 20 hp

Sending him tumbling backwards michiko hit the ground hard, the impact jarring his entire body

-30 HP

He struggled to get back to his feet, but the hobgoblin was already upon him, swinging his axed down with a vicious intent. Michiko manage to roll out wah just in time, narrowly avoiding being cleaved in two

The fight continue like this for several minutes

- 100hp

Both fighter giving and taking blows. Michiko body of mana allowed to withstand the goblin attack but the goblin was just as tough and determine.

Finally, after what seem to be an eternity michiko saw his chance. The hobgoblin has left himself open, and michiko seized the opportunity, stabbing him in the chest with all his might. The hobgoblin fell to the ground,dead.

Michiko was really tired, looking down at his fallen opponent, he had won the fight but at the great cost. His body was full of cuts and bruises, and he could feel the pain of each wound and that was all that mattered

Ding 200 Exp

Level up, plus one to all stats.

shut up, as I sit to the ground.

Michiko: if I hadn't had magic Sense and Magic body I would have died.

Beep + 10 HP regen

After that michiko stand up menacingly and all the goblin BOE to the new leader.

to be continued.

Michiko gained physical resistance after being bodied by rok.


Race Goblin

HP 50/50 to 100/100

Mp 50/50

Strength .5 to 1

speed 1

vitality .5

endurance .5 to 1

intelligence 1

wisdom .5 to 1

Trait: the most weak creature after the dire wolf, coward who hide their back to their master, low comp ability to mana - 50 mp.