
My fairytale in another life

She woke up dizzy in an unfamiliar room, what is this? She was so sure that she already died because she was the one who shot herself after saving the new mom of her son. Yes, she saved the new mom of her son because that woman can love her son more than she could so now, what is this? Where she is? Then another wave of splitting headache came, what the fudge?! She transmigrated?! Wait, so the dream before she woke up wasn't a dream? She turned her head slowly to the other side of the bed, déjà vu.

jamila_de_guzman · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Chapter 4: Running with the ball

After finding out that she wore a book, Nina absentmindedly went home but she didn't forget to buy the vitamins that the doctor prescribed her. Whatever happens, she will make sure that the child inside her would grow up healthy and happy, she won't let the original story happen to her child.

Nina was so engrossed in thinking if she and her child had already deviated from the original story so far, the greatest deviation was she wouldn't die of sadness due to the male lead dumping her because she was the one who dumped the male lead. Since she already dumped the male lead, the next thing she should do is to move far away from him to avoid any unnecessary encounter and like an answered prayer, when she reached home she saw the broker of her house and, based on her observation, a young couple.


"find any cctv footage around this area 18 days ago from 6:30 am onwards. Look if that girl went home during those time" Hades instructed Jerry

Hades knew that he was getting crazy, but he couldn't just shake off the idea that that girl was the girl from that night. Aside from his mom, that girl was the only girl who could get near him without him feeling disgusted and he felt the same feeling of warmth on the girl he bumped on the hospital that's why he followed her until she reached home.

Jerry was startled by his boss' instructions. First he asked what is the name of the girl, next he followed her to her house, now, he is asking for footages, what is he planning? Everyone on their circle knew that his boss is one of the ironclad tree that will not bloom even after a century, there are a lot of women who flocked in front of his boss but he doesn't have any reaction that's why people think that he is gay but if he is gay, how many type of men have their boss seen and none of them picked his interest? That's why they concluded that their boss was asexual but now, what is this? After 28 years did the iron tree finally bloomed?

"okay boss" without any question, he called his people to look for the footage that his boss is asking, they need to find those things immediately! This is a mission that will determine the future of the Clemonte clan!


Nina and the buyers were able to make a deal and just that afternoon, she sold the house.

Nina gave the keys to the couple because she is planning to move now. She doesn't need to pack anything because most of her things are now donated and other important stuff was sent to her space. All she needs to bring is her luggage bag.

The couple are trying to make her stay in the house because they don't need to move immediately but Nina refused, she's thinking that the sooner she leaves this place, the better for her and her child.

She decided to stay first in a hotel near the train station so it would be easier for her to catch the first trip to country M tomorrow.

Nina took a bath before ordering food, she knows that it is not nutritious for the baby to eat take away food but she will just wrong her baby today.

"baby, sorry, mommy needs to run away first so she can't give you good food for the next couple of days, but mommy promises that after everything is settled I will give good and nutritious food okay? Just hold on a little for me" Nina said to her child while stroking her belly.

She remembered during her first life, she was also like this, but instead of calming her child, she keeps on saying that her child needs to be flawless so that the child's father would love her for giving him a good heir because that's what her adoptive parents told her. They told her that if she can give that man a child, he would stick by her side. That man was her lifelong obsession. Her parents always told her that that man should be her husband in the future so being his wife became her goal. She did everything just to be with him until an incident happened, she was calculated by her adoptive parents! They knew that she wouldn't seduce him to bed so they asked their nephew to drug her and the man on bed. They get what they wanted but she wouldn't let them succeed so she tried to hide that she was pregnant and planned to get rid of the child but her adoptive parents found out so they threatened her that if she abort the baby, they will file a lawsuit against the man, no, she won't allow that to happen so she followed what they want her to do. They asked the man to marry her and he did. She tried to be near him but she knew that he was disgusted of her so she just put her attention on the child on her stomach. Saying that he needs to come out perfect and he did. When she saw her child, he was so perfect but instead of showing her love to him, she thought of how she can use him to make the man she loved fall for her but the guy didn't even gave her a chance and just worked on his company without coming back, so out of her frustrations, she helped her adoptive parents steal money from his company then she went away.

The man didn't looked for her, she was thinking that maybe, if she stole from his beloved company he would take the initiative to talk to her but she was wrong once again until one day, the guy looked for her, she was so happy but the happiness immediately vanished because the reason why he was looking for her was divorce.

He didn't tell the exact reason why he wanted to divorce her but her adoptive parents did. He has a new woman, and he loves her so much. Her parents told her that that woman stole everything from her, her husband and her son so she went all out to confront the woman and she succeeded. The woman left her husband and son but she saw how devastated they were because of her selfishness then her parents keep on urging her to get her family back together because all the riches of her husband's family must go to her because she gave him an heir then during that time, she realized that from the start, these people calculated her life. From meeting the man, making her believe that she can force the man to like her and now, destroying her husband and son's happiness, all for the sake of money and power, she was an idiot.

She can't stop her adoptive parents from their greediness and she's afraid that they will use her son to supply their bottomless pit. She is the only one who owes those people, not her son. So she kidnapped the lover of her ex husband and told her to take care of her child. Nina knew that the woman was a good person. She can love her son more than she can do. Maybe that woman knows what she was planning to do so she tried to reason out with her, asking her not to continue what she is planning but she's already set to end everything. They fought inside the car because the woman tried to get the gun that Nina was holding, but Nina was prepared, she sprayed something to the woman to make her sleep but because the woman was the one holding the steering wheel it lost control and next thing she knew they were on the river.

She still has consciousness that time so she put a life jacket on the woman and took her out of the car once she knew that the woman would be okay, she took the gun and killed herself.

She didn't regret doing those things, the only regret she has right now is not seeing her son grow up. But she knows that the woman would take care of her son and she will always pray for their peace and happiness.

The next morning, Nina packed up and took the first train to country M. According to the train's schedule, they will arrive in country M after 8 hours so she bought a ticket for a solo cabin with bed so she can relax during the ride.

Many people took a look at her more than two times but she didn't care, in her previous life, what she didn't lack were admirers. Nina threw the previous owner's fashion style but she still tried to be low-key because this type of face can be a blessing or a curse.

She tied her hair and changed her eyeglasses into plain no grade glass, she had a headache yesterday because she needs to wear that high graded eyeglasses to school, she didn't bother wearing rouge because, duh, her lips are naturally red paired with natural pinkish cheeks, then she removed the baggy jacket and changed it to a trench coat and under that she wore fitted long sleeves and high waist A type skirt then flat ankle boots, classy.

Nina walked towards her cabin then she locked the door. After a few minutes, the train started moving. "This is it" she said to herself "this will be the start of new life for you and me" she said while gently stroking her tummy.


"Young master, we found that the girl really did went home at around 7:25 am last February 15 20XX and according to the GPS of the car, he picked the girl from the hotel you were in that day" Jerry told his boss, he just found out now that the boss was curious about the girl because that was the girl he was with that night! How great is fate? When they were looking for her, all her traces were deleted, but when they are not looking for her, she will bump to his boss!

"Good, what else did you find?" Hades asked after being stunned for a while

"this…" Jerry is still contemplating whether to tell his boss that the girl he was aiming at right now just turned on her legal age the night they were together, or should he say that when she bumped with him yesterday the reason was she needs to have a check up and found out that she has a ball or should he say the future madam ran away with their boss' ball?

"Young master, let me be the one to report" Tom said as he found his brother taking his sweet time to think, does he not know how impatient their boss became because of that girl?!

"Young master, her name is Nina Montenegro, she graduated as a computer engineer at the age of 16 and just yesterday she finished her requirements for her master's degree at the age of 18"

"18?" their boss became pale so Tom just nodded, their young master stopped for a while then he signalled him to continue "and yesterday, the reason she bumped to you was because she got dizzy, according to the hospital, at first Ms. Nina thought that she's just anemic but the lab results show that she is more than 2 weeks pregnant" after saying that, they heard a loud thump because their boss just hit his table "What did you say?!" Hades grabbed Tom's collar

"Ms. Nina is pregnant" Tom answered nervously. This was the first time that they saw their boss losing composure. He looks like the epitome of his name now.

"Fuck!" Hades cursed then he took his suit and was about to go outside

"young master where are you going?!" the siblings followed their boss. Hades just looked at them like he was looking to idiots.

"Young master, if you are planning to visit Ms. Nina, we suggest that you should not go," Jerry said to Hades. Hades looked at them, this is his signature move, asking without talking "because Ms. Nina ran with the ball!" Jerry said then he was hit by Tom

"Young master, I'll explain, Ms. Nina sold the house yesterday, and last night she already left the house. We asked the new owners of the house if Ms. Nina told them where she would go but they said that Ms. Nina didn't tell them anything"

"Get out" Hades said like he lost his energy "find where she is" he ordered but the voice came out like a whisper

"Yes young master" the siblings answered in unison.

"I should have grabbed you yesterday" Hades said thinking of the girl's appearance, he wasn't able to see her face but he didn't care because he only knows that girl is his woman, only his.

"What are you planning to do running away with our child? Don't you know it's dangerous for you to travel around? You were just dizzy yesterday, now you even left your house in just a short while?"

He knows that Nina is pregnant with his child, he was her first and he'll make sure to be the last because she will also be his first and last. He remembered when he was watching the cctv footage, he saw a man who tried to open the door on Nina's room, if he is correct that was the time when he became attracted to Nina. What if he didn't notice her showing a faint glow that time? Would that man take advantage of Nina? Would that man be the father of her child? If he didn't like Nina that time, he would likely think that she was an accomplice so he would leave her there without locking the door and let fate decide her punishment. He knew that was cruel, but if he would not be cruel, his enemies would be ruthless to him so he thinks it's just fair. But thinking of it now makes him want to kill the guy even though he didn't do anything. Anyway, that guy is now rotting in jail because that was the same person who tried to drug him. The man arranged a woman with sexually transmitted disease for Hades but fortunately the number 9 on Nina's door number turned upside down making it look like 6 so he entered Nina's room.

Now he also knew why the footage was deleted, she's so young and yet capable.

Does she know him? The room that night was dark, he just followed his instincts but if she wants to know him, it will be easy for her because she was able to delete her traces, then she can also retrieve footage. Did she leave because she found out about him and then tried to hide from him?

Anyway, even if she knows him or not he will try his best to find her, he will do everything to make her agree to be with him.