

Anna was bored so she decided to try and get out of bed and have a walk around she was mumbling to her self "if I don't move I am going to get stuck they will have to peel her out of the bed"

She was imaging and giggling to herself hey I daydreamed again I have been really bored to let my brain run away and be wild may it should be aloud after what we have been through this past years. Anna was in the process of standing up on one leg the other was still, in a cast Her foot almost landed on the floor the door opened and Mu Shinn walked in Anna panicked thinking it was Yazhe she lost her balance and face forward thanks to Mu Shinn quick reflex's he caught Anna before she spattered her face on the floor. He flipped Anna over some was holding her princess style and looked at her and frowned"

Mu Shinn, " Meimei what we're you doing I know you're in a hospital but you don't need any more injuries you have enough already"

Anna:" I was trying to get up I am sick of lying down and all of you won't let me move"

Mu Shinn:" it's for your own good when you are better you run around all you want this reward for always being the hero"

Anna:" I wasn't being a hero and this not a reward it's punishment" Anna puffed her cheeks up.

Mu Shinn:" hey Meimei are you sulking you look so cute I want to pull both of your cheeks"

Anna:" you lot not nice you know this is torture for me"

Mu Shinn:" Okay my bad I'm sorry but you know we are only doing it because we love you Meimei"

Anna:" bro can you take me to walk I want for out of the room into that garden it looks so nice"

Mu Shinn:" okay that I can do" Mu Shinn still had hold of her he walked out of the room with her as they walked down the corridor the doctors and nurses patients and other army comrades were staring at Mu Shinn they had never seen talking to any women and today he was carrying one in his arm like she was precious cargo. They arrived in the garden and he placed her on the bench they sat there quietly they didn't speak just took in the view"

Mu Shinn:" Meimei do ever think of Zain"

Anna:" yeah every day he's always around me I miss him so much you know I never told anyone that day when they were beating me I saw him he stood in front of me and said "think to close your mind off to the pain and think" then he winked and pointed to the man in the corner he also told me that Yazhe was waiting for me outside and I'm here with you inside so put fear aside and show what my little spark can do he flicked the end of my nose and chuckled"

Mu Shinn:" yeah me too but he doesn't talk to me your lucky"

They didn't speak for a while they both deep in their own thoughts remembering moments that they spent with Mu Zain.

Anna:" bro why haven't you ever got married"

Mu Shinn smirked:" well that's a good question since we are confessing you answer my question I will answer that one"

Anna looked at him in a daze:" okay

Mu Shinn:" do you like Mu Yazhe is he good to you"

Anna:" I like him a lot and he is very good to me he has all these different sides to him that I am learning about"

Mu Shinn:" well that's good or otherwise I break his legs"

Anna giggled:" that is spoken like a big brother right your turn"

Mu Shinn:" well where do start erm! I did like a girl I didn't like her I loved her but was too shy to tell her until it was too late her parents fix her marriage to my good friend whom I respected a lot so I couldn't even fight for her let's just say I was a coward and watch her marry him then I joined the army there has been a lot of girls but not like her so that's why I never married if I do want it to be for love"

Anna, " who would have thought that my big bro was a truly romantic one true love kind of person omg"

Mu Shinn shook his head at Anna's antics she sounded like a teenager discovering somebody's secrets.

Anna:" bro tell me who she is I promise I won't tell anyone to promises pleaseeeee"

Mu Shinn:" I know you won't it's Jain Liang of the Jain family"

Anna:" really she is so sweet bro how do feel about her children"

Mu Shinn:" I have never met them I don't know them why do you ask"

Anna:" well you know she is a widow now don't you she has two children and she needs someone to support her if you still love which I think you do then now is the time to approach her and make friends what say eh"

Mu Shinn:" do you think she will accept me"

Anna:" don't worry this Meimei has a plan cooking in her head all you have to do is to follow it okay"

Mu Shinn was looking a bit wary:" hmmm"

Anna:" just say yes please" her big eyes pleaded.

Mu Shinn:" okay" he chuckled at his little sister she was beaming with happiness it was truly a sight. But making her happy and gating the girls of his dreams isn't a bad idea.

Anna hugged him clapping her hands. While Mu Shin thinking what have I agreed to.

Anna had already started planning in her head what she was going to do. Firstly she needs to ring the Sixth Uncle and discuss the next step she needed him to bring the little boy over so Mu Shinn can make friends then the next step to make friends with the little girl then lastly the mother she will be easy so we have the children on board. While she was thinking she leaned on her brother and fell sleep the outside breeze was nice and relaxing as her breathing steady Mu Shinn lifted her princess style and took her back to her room laid on her bed covered her and placed a kiss on her forehead he muttered, "you my little sister are one of a kind you always want to see everybody around you happy now you need pay attention to your happiness" he turned around and left Anna smiled in her sleep like she heard everything.

Anna lying idol for a week she felt she was going to go insane if they didn't get her out of here, she was making remarkable recovery she felt she was ready to go home she needed to find who the true mastermind behind of all if this and make them pay. Anna also needed to find the mastermind behind this attack and stop before they made the next move. Anna called Ed to ask about the progress.

Ed:" hello boss how you feeling?

Anna:" hello to you too Uncle Ed how is the investigation going what have learned"

Ed:" well boss your assumption was right it isn't the bratty kid and he is seeking some kind of avenge for some unknown reason he thinks we are responsible for his mother's death"

Anna:" oh I see we saved a little brat but we did sort of leave his mum behind maybe we can arrange a meeting with him and talk to him"

Ed:" I heard he is very ruthless has no heart he enjoys torturing his enemies for fun"

Anna:" that I have experienced sure is a sick individual but then again saying that wasn't his father the same and don't we torture our enemies"

Ed:" yeah but we try to get information, not for fun and I suppose they have to be like that because of the family they grew up in and given they're a history of trying to take control of beefing the head of there clan they wiped enter families just so they can take power they don't care if that family is blood-related or not"

Anna:" I mean saying that wasn't our family the same just now for power fourth Uncle was willing to take the lives of his mother and father and niece not forgetting the life of his sister"

Ed:" yeah you right boss but you know we didn't kill this boys mother and she is alive shouldn't we just tell him that he is old enough to protect her now"

Anna:" I don't know to be honest they not forgiving kind people who what if they kill her for running away on them they will be put to shame if they find that she managed to escape them"

Ed:" well they want to kill you instead I can't let that happen "

Anna, " I know but I can't exchange my life for anyone else's"

Ed:" I know but I'm selfish I won't let them take revenge on the things you haven't done I love you my child I can't see you go through all of that again l will kill him"

Anna:" I know and I am sorry for that I know I can be headstrong and go in without thinking of the consequences"

Ed:" I glad you accept that you are headstrong and stubborn too"

Anna:" you know Uncle I feel really guilty already I am truly sorry for making you all worry"

Ed sighed he thought she is trying to recover better not overdo it may she will think of consequence next time wait what the hell am I thinking she is not going on any kind of missions for a long long time to come.

Anna:" Uncle, Uncle why have you gone quiet I said I am sorry I will hold my ears and do squats if it will mean you accept my apology "

Ed chuckled:" hey my child! I will make your enemy's squat never my sweet child," He thought even her apology is sincere like her if my child was alive she would be like Anna she doesn't realise she is the reason I am alive today and not willing self-pity drunk in a pit somewhere she is my little angel.

The door Knocks the nurse comes in Anna tells Ed they end the call. The nurse walks over and checks Anna wounds and her vitals all the other machines have been removed.

Anna, " nurse what are the chances I can go home soon"

Nurse:" I don't know you will have to ask the doctor when he comes to check you later but you are making good progress and recovery is also, looking good"

Anna:" okay"

Nures:" I have meaning to ask you did they catch the culprits yet"

Anna:" I think so" Anna thinking how can I tell her anything.

Nurse, " that's good then they should lock them up and throw the key away that what they deserve"

Anna:" hmmm"

Nurse:" your husband is a really good person he takes good care of you you are really lucky"

Anna, " yeah he does and I am lucky to have him he really loves me wholeheartedly he is the best"

Nurse:" yes he does consider everything that you have been through most husband would run and not know how to deal with this kind of situation and your family is great including your in-laws I heard you, other in law saying that she is making the chicken soup her self "

Anna:" huh! Really they are good for me