

Manger Chang knocks the door .

Mu Yazhe:" enter"

Manger Chan:" Sir the document have arrived"

Mu Yazhe:" Thankyou "

Anna:" what are they"

Mu Yazhe:" they're our marriage certificate we are officially husband and wife"

Anna:" eh ,how ,what"

Mu Yazhe:" you wanted to marry me so I made it happen"

Anna:" ...!!!!!!!??????

Mu Yazhe:" are you alright did you not want this"

Anna:" eh yeah but this I think I don't know it happens too fast"

Mu Yazhe:" oh wow You are something who was the one too purpose"

Anna:" it was me I knew I want too okay stop confusing me.

As Anna tried to explain the unexplainable Mu Yazhe moved closer and bend so their faces where close their noses were touching Anna opened to speak Mu Yazhe kissed her Anna's eyes widen in shock he never leaves the opportunity to kiss this man is too much thought, Anna. Mu Yazhe pulled Anna closer to him and deepen the kiss only let go when they needed to breathe.

Mu Yazhe:" congratulations Mrs Mu Yazhe"

Anna:" I am Anna Jaden Isaac okay you are Mr Anna Jaden Issac:"

Mu Yazhe laughed out and thought what have I signed up for it's not going to boring marriage she brings spices with her. Anna looked at him and thought what was so funny I didn't crack a joke does he want a bunch in the face.

Anna:" why is always the women who has to change the name why can't the man change.

Mu Yazhe:" I don't know that's how it's always been it's the society not me so making them weird faces" as he chuckled

Anna:" what face am I making I'm only speaking seriously this my natural look and if its weird don't look"

Mu Yazhe:" hey are you arguing with me over a name really how piety are you feeling it's only a name"

Anna:" it's not just a name it's my identity it's who I am it's me, myself and I"

Mu Yazhe:" you are no longer me, myself and I you are we, us, and two"

Anna:" what if I don't want to be we us and two what the hell is two"

Mu Yazhe:" I couldn't think of something for I and you can't change your mind I won't let you"

Anna:" eh.....***.....*** hum"

Mu Yazhe:" what you what was that come here you!

Anna was walking towards the door she was leaving before she beat Mu Yazhe to a pulp. Mu Yazhe ran and pulled her for hug Anna was caught guard she fell on Mu Yazhe they both fell to the floor Mu Yazhe head hit the floor he rubbed his head with one hand and held Anna wasit with the other one Anna looked at him she was sorry but was not going to admit it so she just looked at him.

Mu Yazhe:" okay I'm sorry okay"

Anna:" I sorry too but I am not changing my name okay"

Mu Yazhe:" okay don't I like your name especially when you say your full name with your English accent it's very stern"

Anna:" okay thank you"

Mu Yazhe:" I also like the way you say my name with the English accent as well it rolls off your tongue"

Anna didn't know when she straddled Mu Yazhe and carried on with there conversation Mu Yazhe was surprised that Anna just sat there without thinking but he was happy so he let her stay there.

Anna:" Yazhe how is so easy to marry in China just go sign a paper and become husband and wife no ritual vows no church"

Mu Yazhe:" do you want a church wedding I will arrange it if you want"

Anna:" it's not that but a ritual and especially vows are like binding two people together they make promises together and blessed by the lord"

Mu Yazhe:" I didn't know my little demon was so traditional and now that you say it like this I like the idea of making promises together"

Anna:" Yazhe can I ask you something"

Mu Yazhe:" you don't need to ask just say "

Anna:" why did you agree to marry me is it just for the kids or was the more"

Mu Yazhe:" there's more but I don't want to say just yet if it's okay"

Anna:" okay thank you for agreeing to marry me"

Mu Yazhe:" no I should thank you for asking me you sure turned the tradition of a man asking women on its head then not wanting to not change your name what next I looking forward to it"

Anna:" oh that's just me there's never a dull moment when I'm around are you prepared you to have to hold on to your heart you're about to lose it"

Mu Yazhe:" oh about that I already lost that a long time ago"

Anna:" huh...?

Mu Yazhe:" Anna are we going to tell the kids when they come back"

Anna:" oh boy! What are we going to say how will they react oh I didn't think oh boy"

Mu Yazhe chuckled:" I'm sure they will be fine with it"

Anna:" Yazhe what about father how will I tell him how will I face him I didn't even ask him oh I really didn't think this through did I oh boy"

Anna didn't realise she had hold of Mu Yazhe shirt tightly and was moving her hands about the more she moved the more hotter he felt he needed to get Anna off him or he might lose control Anna felt something under her it was poking it was very warm her she jumped up in fright.

Anna:" what the hell was that "

Mu Yazhe:" you aroused my little brother"

Anna:" where is your little brother"

Anna looked around she then looked at Mu Yazhe who had his back to Anna he didn't want her to see him like this. Mu Yazhe didn't know whether he should laugh or cry was she really this innocent he knew that Anna and Mu Zain hadn't had an intimate relationship and he was the only one had any sort of intimacy but she was unconscious so she won't have remembered it oh my lord she really is this innocent.

Anna:" Yazhe I didn't see your brother"

Mu Yazhe:" sorry Anna I was mistaken"

Anna:" what just poked me now Yazhe"

Mu Yazhe:" I will explain put just not now okay"

Anna:" okay but that's still doesn't change the fact that I haven't spoken to father about this he's going to be really hurt that am I going to do"

Mu Yazhe:" we will talk to Uncle together okay I won't let you deal with it alone"

Mu Yazhe pulled Anna into his embrace Anna didn't even realise when she placed her arms around Mu Yazhe waist and held him tightly Mu Yazhe smiled at Anna reaction he wasn't worried about his Uncle they had already spoken to him he had his blessing but to get a few more of these hugs from Anna he was willing to hold out for a bit longer before he told her the truth.

Anna:" yeah I mean, we will deal with it won't we?

Mu Yazhe:" of course we !are we I'm glad you're accepting it"

Anna:" you're weird you know"

Mu Yazhe:" if you say so I can be weird for the rest of my life if it means I spent it with you"


Mu Yazhe chuckled as he held her and tried to slow down his heartbeat which was out of control what was she doing to him the more time he spent the more his love grew he couldn't believe that one person could affect you in such a way he couldn't wait to take this relationship to the next level.

Anna was listening to his heartbeat it was beating a little fast but the drumming was soothing to hear it gives a sense of peace she felt at home his warmth give her satisfaction of belonging. She felt happy she was glad she listened to her Uncle and Att and made this move it's the strangest thing she's ever done but she was very happy with her self this was the first time she took something for self.

Anna looked up at Mu Yazhe who had his eyes closed Anna tiptoed and kissed his lips she wanted to taste him she nibbled on his lips it's tasted minty she put it in her memory she wanted to remember what he smelled like what the taste like what he felt like. Mu Yazhe was taken by surprise when did his little demon become so bold she kept given him surprise after surprise she was doing all that he he was only thinking about what was next but he wasn't complaining he took the lead and pulled her in and deepen kiss where he explored her mouth he let her go when they ran out of air he placed his forehead on hers while they panted together and smiled at her.

Mu Yazhe:" let's go home my little demon we promised we'd go with the rest to have a drink"

Anna, " okay but I don't drink"

Mu Yazhe:" really why"

Anna:" I'm allergic to alcohol"

Mu Yazhe made a mental note to himself about her been allergic to alcohol.