



As they discussed other things Jack came back with her discharge papers. They headed home.

As they reached home they found they had a visitor. A young man who looked spitting image of Jack. They all looked surprised apart from Anna she knew he was coming. He walked over and hugged Anna.

The young man spoke:" hey cuz how are you long time no see" he chuckled as he hugged her tightly.

Although Anna couldn't see him she always heard that he looked like Uncle Jack in the back of her memory she remembered meeting him after completing one of her missions instantly they hit it off like they knew each other all there lifes, they later discovered the reason as well they couldn't help but chuckle about it so they stayed in touched after that.

Anna chuckled too: hey cuz you said you were coming tomorrow so what happen you spoiled my surprise, but I am happy you came I think someone missed you loads" he moved so the father and son could see each other. They all left the duo so they could talk they had a lot of complaints and a lot of catching up to do!

They all headed inside Adrain walked next to Anna as they walked into the house he asked:" Is this the surprise you was talking about your a little miracle worker you know that's the thing I love about the most you love unconditionally you sacrifice unconditionally they broke the you'd when tney made you the only sad part is you always suffered heartache" he sighed as he side hugged his niece.

Anna chuckled:" Uncle you can make a person reach the sky then drag them back to earth for crash landing you need to work on your subtleness" he smiled.

Adrian chuckled too:" sorry Angel being subtle isn't my strong suit but I will try and you knew I don't mean to put you on downer okay" he hugged her tightly to say sorry.

Anna didn't mind her banter with her Uncles, brothers, and sisters she rather liked it it kept things real.

Anna walked to the sofa and sat down then she looked up starting straight ahead as she spoke" right its time to implement the plan to rescue my damsel in distress I know you don't want me to come boys but I want to come as well it's been a very long time since I have seen your dad I want to understand the relationship I share with him " she sighed as she tried to explain the unexplainable to them in her mind it made sense but in reality when spoken it all sounded broken.

The boys understood what their mother was saying so they didn't argue they were plenty of them going so they could keep an eye on Anna too. They realised she need answers and only their father could provide them.

Anna double trouble came barging into the room they jumped on their mother and kissed her. The two monkeys had just caused trouble outside so they thought better butter mama up before she grounds us for all eternity.

Mu Luhan sopke first:" hey mum you look tired why don't we take you to rest and talk to you since we missed you so much" he smiled.

Mu Lilly spoke next: yeah mama you need to rest so you can play games with us outside" she smiled.

Anna asked with a chuckled:" what did you two do now" she knew they he done something.

While they still butter their mother up the bodyguards came in looking for the imps who had caused destruction they so wanted to ring their necks

Before they stop with their antics the bodyguard spoke sadly:" ma'am the two youngsters have cause havoc they mange to find some homemade bombs and stuck then in the to some of the shadow guards pants it caused grave injuries to their below especially" he regained from using the proper words in front of the children.

Anna was shocked these too we're getting too much day by day they needed to be in serve training not giving them anytime for mischief. She spoke sternly:' you tell why did you hurt the very people who are protecting you " she was very disappointed in them.

Mu Luhan spoke first:" mummy it was me not sis she was there she told me not to do but I did I don't like the spoke about you mama" he frowned he was certainly not sorry for what he had done.

Anna was not letting them off :" what do mean what did they do to your mama" she thought they were making excuses.

Mu Lilly spoke:" mama they said that they would love to work your body it doesn't matter if your blind your still sexy" she went quite.

Anna was a little shocked that the shadow guards that were supposed to,protect the children were talking like that she had never subordinate that talked this way anyone she didn't what to say as reply. All the kings guards what ever rank were loyal to their king. So something fishy was going on she needed to get to the bottom of it.

Their was no way she was tolerating any sort of disloyalty she would kill who ever they were. They all easy knew this.

Mu Luhan spoke:" mama they also the they would both would do with you in detail I can't repeat those words they not for mama ears, they didn't mind sharing you and there was others standing by her listen they also chimed in too one of the said they didn't mind gang banging you what that is, if you weren't a froushious bitch they would enjoy breaking you'" he spoke angrily.

Mu Luhan spoke again:" nobody I mean nobody talks about my mama that way so I stand by what I did if you going to punish be I will take like a man just remember that I am still your baby boy okay" he winked at his mama but he knew she couldn't see it but the others all smiled.

Anna was know very angry she got of the bed ready to head out she was held by Uncle Adrian:" baby girl let me sort this out okay" he pulled her in for hug.

Anna spoke angrily :" fuck them I will give the the best gang banging they're have ever received before I execute them they were supposed to protecting the children when did we hire these morons and when did we hire perverts I won't-tolerate this kind behaviour ever" she wasn't angry at what they said it was that fact it was spoken in front of her children they were only five they were trained every vigorously but they never this sort of things.

The boys turned towards their mother they never heard her talk like this but they were forgetting that this the 15year old Anna and she was ruthless eye for eye and mouth for a mouth they didn't even want to think of what punishment she would dish out to,these men and women who were involved but they had no sympathy for them they deserve everything coming there way.

Anna looked at her Uncle:" I know you all love me and always want to protect me but this something I have to deal with I just need you help to gather all involved in on room not the women just the men I will deal the women she wouldn't do anything to the women involving rape or antithetical form sex but she would punish them all the same and the would die a quick death as for the men well she would torture them a little longer.

She walked out with gun in tow she had never had to kill one of her own subordinates before but she had to show who was boss and just because she was blind it didn't mean she would let them do,what they wanted before she need to take all the weeds out.

The 15 year old Anna was taught betrayal was only punished by death. So be it it wasn't her first kill and it wouldn't be her last either.

She was about to shake up the compound as she walked down the corridor she had already giving the order out hey had been carried out she reach the training ground the women were lined up on their knees with their hand s above their heads they saw Anna coming they knew they were in trouble.

Anna walked and stood in front from there heavy breathing she could tell were each one of the women were. She could tell from the body language that these women didn't think much of her so it was time to, teach them a lesson that all the others would remember.

She knew she has been lenient with them but she thought she didn't need to be strict she was so wrong they all need to bring back inline and starting tomorrow she would add extra training for all her teams here and abroad.

The women in front just looked at Anna as if she was nothing they thought what can this blind bitch do to them she has seen them first before she could touch them.

Anna asked first they should be given a fair trial least be able to say their piece:" you know why you are gathered would you like to say anything before I carry out your punishment" she smirked.

The lady forth in the two spoke she seem to have an attitude:" what the hell have you gather us for and what's wrong with what they said it's not like you can do anything anyway your blind you can't see anything who would you fight their all your good for is the pleasure the men so what's wrong with they deserve this the useless one of all" she spat out at Anna but didn't reach Anna.

Anna asked she looked at everyone in the training ground:" Is that what all of you think as well the truth would be good don't need to be scared of anyone I will not anyone for speaking there mind I appreciate honesty the most" she sighed.

Everyone else was silent they did know what to do, say they had seen Anna fight before and even now when she was on the training ground with even no eyes she was able to take her opponent down the ease. She fought like true queen they all respected her not just as there leader but also,as Anna.

The team that was under her Uncle Jack all spoke together," no Anna we don't think that you are still our no 1 leader we love you babe " they all cheered her.

The other team spoke as well they didn't seem to have a problem with Anna they had all seen her pull her weight even if she couldn't see she still planed the rescues and attacks they had seen her work they didn't know what had got in this team and why they were behaving this way.

The women lined up saw that the rest didn't speak they thought that they would all agree that Anna should be kicked out she was useless according to them tney hadn't seen Anna trained or coordinates attacks and rescues and even the team was stock she seems to find a way out for them even not being there in person.

The third lady felt agitated why were the others speaking what were they afraid of:" what are you scared of it's one blind cripple woman what can she possibly do to anyone when a limp, gets infected it should be cut loose so the rest doesn't get infected so same go for her doesn't it so what if she is related to the Master" she yelled.

The fourth lady remember something:" yeah your right she doesn't have the right to punish us only Master can so the hell are here let's go" she was about to get up.

Anna aimed her gun and shot her knee :" move and you will die understood I don't give fuck who team you belong to you serve under the King and since you show no respect to the leaders, and decide whether you should throw me out because I am useless you should at least challenged me in the right way to find out whether I was useless shouldn't you" she smirked.

The women couldn't believe that Anna aimed right for knee and she actually was able to shoot the forth last who was know screaming g in agony the all froze in genre place the First Lady spoke:" ma'am were sorry for what we did we were just bantering around we didn't mean any harm" she begged.

A couple of people came out of the crowd as well as Mu Tiger be stood their and signed:" well if that's the case all of us should also be kicked out then " he point at all the people who had something wrong with them some had legs missing were in wheel chairs son had arms missing some we're using crutches and yen tney were the deaf ones and also other blinds one.

(Author note twins name have been changed sorry for any inconvenience Thank-you and sorry for taking so long to,write I just started a new job so I don't have as much time as before sorry again )