



Anna smiled as she saw how her family came to protect her not that she needed them she was cable of protecting herself but it still felt nice warm feeling ran through her body.

She looked to the place where she felt the couple stood and spoke:" it's okay they're leaving to get proof of what they claimed but I doubt they can buts it's okay because we live here in the state" she chuckled.

She continued:" Chinese law doesn't count here so let them be he is enjoying his girlfriend as you can see the way he is protecting her from us is telling you what kind husband he is and willing to be so I say I don't want him as a husband" she smirked.

She asked her Uncle:" could you file for divorce as soon as possible I don't want a husband that belongs to someone else he is used goods and there's no return policy on used goods it wasn't a good fit when he was my husband if he thinks he can fool me he has another thing coming " she sighed.

The man spoke:" hey babe you're going too far I never cheated on you I hook up with her after I heard you died she was there to console me that's all one thing led to another one so that is unfair okay and while we are on the subject I think I don't want to sign the divorce agreement so what will you do now" he sighed.

Anna scoffed:" really so the video of you and her was a lie and the last we saw each other you kissed this woman outside the church where your son got married so you telling me that was a lie too that is the memory have of you now speaking I know you weren't my husband" she was going to get off the bed to hid Mu Yazhe she was a very at even she didn't know.

She gritted her teeth she spoke:" Master Yazhe you were cheating and it's not the first time either is it that time you got your mother killed what Will it be this time your father, your brother or are the children are your targets! so who are you giving bullshit to how can you stand there and lie like it's second nature to you when did you so good at it Master Yazhe or have you always been like this" she frowned?

The man stared at Anna then at the woman he was angry at this woman but he couldn't do anything he needed Anna by his side to complete the mission otherwise they would kill him and his sister who they held captive she was all he had in this world he couldn't let her be sold to a brothel.

Anna was the key but this woman next to him was making it impossible he would have to dispose of her real soon he hated her but he had to stay with her because it was the order by the boss he didn't know why she was just a lot of headache he hate the way she coiled around him like a snake she suffocates him.

He would have shot her a long time ago she cringed him out every time she touched him e only had to do things to her to show Anna that he was cheating on her and make it hard for Anna to come near him so she wouldn't know he wasn't the real Mu Yazhe but he had begun to like this woman in front she was everything a man would in women that he could see himself spending all his life with.

He sopke:" babe it's not like that what you saw isn't true look I will talk to you when we are on our own I leave for now I need to explain a lot so can we meet without everyone around heh" he walked out there quickly before Anna would come with something else.

As he left they all turned to Anna they need to make sure she was okay but Anna was chuckling. They thought Anna was so upset that she finally lost it. Anna spoke softly:" that was fun let's see what else you have up your sleeve and how far are you willing to go before I kill you not before I find out who you are working for and why my family is your target?" she chuckled again.

The men looked at her they knew she was okay she was acting which was good because they didn't need this not with all that's going around them. They didn't want to worry Anna she was in hospital but they also she was the brains with her expert way of thinking she could stop them from attacking them.

Anna felt the atmosphere was very tense and it had nothing to do with what just happened she asked:" what's wrong why all the gloomy faces" as she couldn't see them but she could feel the tension in the room.

Jack spoke:" well-baby girl we weren't gonna tell you but our business had been hit by a cyber attack it almost wiped out all files the records we have of the business" he didn't know how else to tell her.

Anna sighed and thought when will they let her help he thinks she has become a sort of cripple who is unable to do anything when was he gonna tell her when they lost everything:" bring me my laptop and I need James and Xinjui as well between us we can recover the files and sto0 the attack from happening again and never mind" she waved her hand she would ask them later.

Anna and the others sat done Anna typed a bunch of codes to the boys they started to type in no time Anna first recovered the files then built a new firewall and new security system she wonders how old their system was and when it was last updated:" I fix everything for you no wonder you got hacked when was the last time you updated I have also back up your file to a secrat system which only I have access to but for future, if ever needed" she smiled.

Uncle Jack scratched the back of his head and smiled sheepishly:" it's been a while baby girl but thanks baby girl I was sure I was a goner this time I haven't had time I was busy with other things " he smiled.

Anna:" well it's upgraded and sure no hackers getting by me it also I have tracked down the hacker and Uncle you will be surprised who it was and you are not in danger or the companies in any trouble because they were just making you are of their presence in sort of roundabout away" she chuckled.

Uncle Jack looked at her surprised what did she mean the person nearly distort his hard work and he was supposed to be okay with it who the hell was tjis person he would give a good ear ringing when he found him:" do you have an address for this person I would lie to see them personally" he frowned.

Anna chuckled had sent a friendly message to him and she had responded he was more than happy to meet them all he was worried they wouldn't accept him but she assured him he was more than loved re they couldn't wait for him to come she had arranged for him to come and surprise everyone:" you will knew soon that's all I can tell you she smiled cheekily.

Uncle Jack "...."

Everyone eles"????????"

They all knew she was up to something and it wasn't bad but what was it she wasn't going to tell them and curiosity was gonna get the better of them on how would extract the information out of her.

Anna could feel her uncles she chuckled:" it will be clear tomorrow So let's go home I don't that pathetic worm to come back until I can get Yazhe back then I will have fun with this couple but I felt there was more than we have seen so let's play it by ear for now" she sighed.

She wondered if all near memories of Mu Yazhe would come when she came face to face with him she didn't know what to feel right now and after meeting this imposter she didn't have high hopes!

As she waited for her discharge to be completed she smiled at her memory's if her childhood wasn't a normal childhood it had a lot of ups and downs lots of sweat and tears but she was still grateful she would have never met the people in her life right now if she grew with her parents she wondered what her parents were like as she couldn't remember much about them?

And the fact that they believed her to be dead and came to her funeral and made a close relationship with this woman who was with her imposter husband, did they not feel anything off. She did feel a little upset that after all these years her parents weren't good to judge charters, after all, they were very close to Beng's look where that got them?

Uncle Adrian watched Anna frown and makes faces he almost could tell what she was thinking! He knew she was reminiscing about her past he didn't know what to say or how to make her feel better all he knew was this crazy niece of his was always on a ruckus and always the one left hurting he so wished she could take all her hurt and pain on himself.

Adrian:" Hey baby girl what you're thinking care to share" he hoped she would.

Anna:" hey handsome Uncle I was thinking that my parents are weird I mean they make friends with the enemy while completely dismissing their child the one they abandoned all of them years ago how can parents say they love and miss their dead child while completely ignoring the one that's alive I know sis is mouthy but her heart is in the right place" she sighed.

Adrian was glad she was sharing but the dilemma he didn't understand her parents either. He secretly loved Jaden but he had seen how she changed over the years and how she'd become selfish as well he didn't want to ever tell Anna about the selfish side of Jaden. He loved her too much to disclose her secrets.

He knew that Jaden was as innocent as she looked she had her device-side too and if she wanted something she would get it by any means necessary. Even that night she ignored everyone telling her it was dangerous not to leave her girls but she didn't listen she left her crying girls to see Beng she knew he was the one calling her not Myung but she still went.

Jaden loved the attention she received from any guy will to complement her regarding the fact she was still married to Myung. He had seen himself Jaden kissing Beng she had led him on but at the last minute she changed her mind but it was too late by then he didn't forgive her and to her forcefully and then the rest followed.

Adrian knew even now she was the same if it benefited her she would do anything so that meant she was receiving something from these two imposters for her to disown her own child. But what he had no idea. He never could figure Myung out he was very secretive and played his cards close to his chest so what he was thinking even puzzled him sometimes. But he wouldn't say anything to his baby girl after all they were her parents.

He figured she would figure it out on her own he would just be there for her if she needed him.

Adrian smiled:" baby girl parents are just a Misty I could never figure mine out either" he chuckled.