



Anna woke sore she didn't know which part of the new body didn't hurt she needed a good soak in the bath to soothe her aches and pain she tried to climb off the beds her legs hurt too they were wobbly she wished someone would carry her but who could she call it's not like she had her husband nearby he declared her dead so dead she was to him and his world.

Anna slowly slid herself and her sorry full body to the bathroom but she stopped she didn't know where the bathroom was how was she going to find it she sat back on her bed and waited patiently for someone. She waited a long time then finally the door to her room opened it was the nurse.

Anna smiled and thought finely she quickly asked:" hello can you guide me to the bathroom as I am blind sorry to bother you" Anna smiled.

The nurse was nice she walked over and held Anna's hand she walked her over to the bathroom he explained:" its best to take a shower, for now, don't soak in the bath in case you faint because of the heat " she walked Anna to the bathroom she showed her where the tap was by placing Anna hands on it then she brought Anna clothes and placed them next to her she was about to leave:" do you need a hand since it's all new here " she smiled.

Anna a bit reluctant at first but she knew she needed help:" sorry to bother you pleas could you as I won't be able to clean myself properly" she stood there like a child looking at her parent but she was a fully grown adult who couldn't see the person in front.

The nurse smiled:" it's okay I will help you don't feel awkward just treat me like your mother" she didn't say more because she didn't want to upset or pry she knew Anna was feeling awkward.

After cleaning she brought Anna out dressed by then Uncles had arrived they were chatting among themself as they saw Anna walking out with the help, of the nurse.

Anthony stepped forward he lifted Anna princess style and sat her on the bed he brought out the hairdryer and dried her hair it was good it was small it was easy to manage. Then Jack brought out the soup and porridge he brought he slowly fed her then Adrian took her in and kissed her forehead he smiled:" how are feeling I bet you exhausted rest any pain anywhere" he held her face with his hands.

Anna held his hands and smiled:" no I much better thank you Uncles your amazing" she started to shed tears her emotions were all over the place she was so worried as to how she would take care of the babies how would she pick them up she was so worried in case she dropped them?

Adrian hugged her:" what are you worried about we are all here to take care of you and our babies and I have a surprise for you too" he whistles the door open and entered the shadow guards.

Anna heard their steps she knew who they were they hadn't spoken yet she shed even more tears she could tell Uncle Ed and Uncle James and James, Jackie, Jade had walked in she was so happy it was like she hadn't seen them in a lifetime she still couldn't see them but she felt them the emotions they shed was too much for Anna she sobbed hard it was her family her loved ones. She placed her arms out like a little child to picked up by her parents.

Uncle Ed hugged her first hey Boss I am so glad your okay I love you little one you scared the life out of me when I thought" he stopped he kissed her forehead and wiped her tears:" I hope they happy tears for us I don't you ever be sad again I love you so much " he hugged her.

Uncle James was next he hugged her then kissed her for the head:" hey Missy you give us scare for a little while I thought my soul died when I heard I live cause you live my little boss don't ever scare me like that again and congratulations" he hugged her tightly.

James poked his head in as he pecked Anna on the cheek:" hey Meimei I can't tell you how happy I was to find you were okay my world fell apart when I thought:" he couldn't continue he had tears flowing too now.

Jackie came over she just hugged them both she pecked Anna's cheeks:" hey girlfriend how are you don't ever scare the life out of me I can't explain how I have been since that day until they told me you okay and pregnant no know a mother wow Meimei you use know-how to surprise us all" she hugged them tightly.

Jade waited after they moved she walked over she didn't speak she hugged Anna and sobbed quietly she hugged her tight" Memei I love you so much I lost my soul when I thought you were"? she couldn't finish either she sobbed loudly.

Anna couldn't see them but she could feel all of them and the very strong love for her it was overwhelming she couldn't explain how happy she was.

Jackie asked:" erm where are my two angels I heard we have little double troubles" she looked around.

Anna in between her sobs they are in special care they are a bit weak so the doctor wanted to keep an eye on them you can go and see them Uncle will take you.

They all cheered Anna had a lot to ask but now wasn't the right time so she would ask later. She was so glad Jackie and Jade were here there was a lot of girly stuff she was struggling with it's gonna, a king Anna life easier to deal with.

As they chatted Anna was getting tired but she didn't want to sleep she eventually dozed off in Ed's arms he smiled he was so happy his little angel was alive he nearly drowned back into his bottle he couldn't come to terms with losing the light in his life, he places her in bed and let her sleep.

They all sat on the side talking about what had happened and they came to confabulation that on that ship it was a setup but what was happening back in China was too much of a coincidence it didn't make sense his Mu Yazhe changed rapidly, like Anna never existed in is life and this other woman who appeared out of nowhere was the one he loved all along.

They didn't want to tell Anna anything she didn't remember how much she loved Mu Yazhe which was good they couldn't see her heartbreaking if she ever saw Mu Yazhe and the other women together she would be heartbroken.

Ed told them that the kids wouldn't let that woman stay in the house so Mu Yazhe got her condo away from the main house. Although that woman tried her best to get in and try to control the house and business she was shooed away by the family. Good job Anna had transferred everything to the kids otherwise they don't know want would happen.

Ed told them that Amelia beat that woman up and Mu Yazhe and Amelia have fallen out they not spoken to each other since that day, her husband also sided with his wife and walked away from Mu Yazhe saying he has changed he is not the same person! The boys in Italy haven't spoken to their father either the rest are barely speaking to him too, it's like he doesn't want anyone around the women, even his father and brother haven't accepted this woman but they still allow her to go to the old mansion.

Even Anna own parents have welcomed her with open arms she comes and goes to their house like they were besties. But then again they all think Anna is dead so maybe that's why but they changed too they came to tell the children off for being too harsh with the women they cut the relations with their maternal side off too.

Uncle Jack looked at Anna sleeping and sighed:" This child has had it rough, and now it's going get to harder with her having no sight but she still manages to smile like the angel she is. It will hurt her if she finds out that her parents are happy with the women who have taken their daughter's place she doesn't need to know so let's not tell her okay" he sighed heavily.

They all agreed but little did they know Anna hearing was superb she heard every word they spoke she did feel strange when they talked about it but then again she never had parents to begin with so why would she be concerned about them now if they wanted that woman as their daughter they could have her, her kids have never been like this they sided with there father when he came back after all those years so it was very puzzling? She would find out why she couldn't remember too clearly about her other children but she would certainly find out!

Anna thought I have died twice for them and this time I will stay away from them but I do need to talk to my sister it looks like she is hurting a lot I need to tell her everything is okay she doesn't need to fall out with everyone for her sake she knew Amelia was feisty especially when it came to Anna she was her Mapa, her green-eyed beast beating up that women would have been a sight to watch for sure she smiled while thinking about it.

Anna was happy she had her shadow guards next to her she had Jackie and Jade to help the womanly things she was very happy with her life now she soon was ready to come home with her twins the whole shadow guards and Jack and his men came to take them home Anna was told by Jackie she smiled as she realised she didn't need those who didn't want her she had all these people around her who never let her feel she was alone.

Since Jackie arrived she didn't have to worried about her clothes or bathing she helped her with all of that, she took care of all her womanly needs too. The children had so many parents that Anna rarely ever saw them.

As for their names, everybody had their nicknames for them but Anna stuck with the names Zain gave she still couldn't believe that he was there and nobody else saw him there that day she felt his hand touching hers so how could it not be there what kind illusions did she have weird she didn't tell anyone because she didn't understand it her self could she seen the dead but if that was the case why hadn't she seen anyone else she placed it I'm the back of her mind for now!

As Anna adapted to life without sight and memory her started to come back in bits and bats some when she dreamed and some flashes. Her twins grew to be little trouble makers but they were always saved by their grandfathers and Aunties and Uncles, they were a handful full but she didn't have to worry there were aloof people to take care of them.

Anna got in touch with Amelia and they talked for ages to catch up on lot things Amelia being the feisty one told her how she fell out with their parents so she not on speaking terms with them but their brothers agree with Amelia and stayed in touch she hadn't told them that Anna was alive yet. Anna reminded her that Amelia was her Mapa so she would always stand on her sister side regardless of right or wrong after all she was her everything.

Anna didn't have her sight but she knew how to find out about people, it was no big deal, she got all her information on the women who had caused extremely lot of pain to her loved ones, Anna also learned that this woman was connected to the ship blowing up and Beng's son, maybe they needed a reminder of why they were known as the Royals of the underworld.

Anna sends that woman a little present of some of her mugshots of her and other men's naked in bed enjoying each other company and she threatens her to stay away from all of her family's which meant her parents too, she made sure this woman understood that she wasn't meeting around. She had the newspaper show her blurred out the face with a couple of we'll know perverted businessmen whose face was visible to the whole of Chine which in return distorted their families and their reputation Anna didn't care she wasn't the older wiser Anna she was the reckless Anna?

Anna also posted that she is back and she was gunning for them, the woman was very scared because she was the one who set her up on the ship, she was the one who sends the video and also made sure Mu Yazhe was drunk some would have to responsibility for her .

Anna also sends Mu Yazhe a message only he would understand if it was him she told him she was gunning for him and her hands could also reach his neck with ease. Mu Yazhe was amused by the message he wondered who was tired of living, but the message was saying they were gunning for him and they mention his neck he could only think of one person who could reach his neck that was his little Demon but she was dead although his heart never believed it he still held a funeral for her to give closure to his family even though this tore his family apart.

He so wishes it was his little Demon was alive he would be the happiest person alive although he would have a hard time explaining the relation he had with his current fiancee, Anna wouldn't understand this at all she would be heartbroken he was wrong he knew but he couldn't undo what he did that night he had to responsibly for this women for that reason. The woman had become pregnant because of him and then due to his carelessness lost her baby because of him he was very guilty so he let her stay around him, he was lost without his little Demon he wanted to taste what could not have he also wanted to know was special about the little Demon he comes to know off! He thought it's a shame she died before he could his hand on her have her under him! because of seeks comfort in this woman he didn't love was so boring but she was around he knew there was no excuse for what had done.