



( Author note: sorry for not updating regularly as I have started to renovate my house that's taking a lot of my time sorry once again)

Uncle Jack spoke:" little one you only remember when you were 15 years old by what you are telling us! Sweetheart the fact is brutal your old your actual age is 40 years old, " he chuckled he was trying to think light he knew it was going to be a shock who use to think was like old age ready for a wheelchair for Anna but he didn't want to lie to her either!

He continued:" you married to the cold iceberg Mu Yazhe and you have had already had the triplets which are grown up they are married and have their children, oh yeah you also have 6 adopted children as well some are married and you just attend one of the young man's Ramano's wedding before we headed on a mission" he sighed that's a lot to take in for one time but she needs to know he thought.

Then he told her the rest:" this pregnancy is surprising to all of us baby girl, and you have been asleep for 6 months scaring the hell out off us, so baby girl I know you have a lot to deal with at this moment we all try and fill you in on your life after the age of 15 so please try bare with us play and this you been blind is a shock to us well! We will try our best to help best as we could okay" he tried to smile but there wasn't one.

Adrian sopke:" little sprouts we are stranded on an island we have sent for help hopefully they should come with help and we can get you medical help but for now, just bear with it okay we will try our best to help you with what we can I am sorry we let you go through so much and we're not able to protect you!" he came over hugged her.

Anna:" that's so much I am 40 years old oh my lord I am so old do I use a walking stick to get around? Oh, why am I married to the iceberg what kind of husband is he I bet he is cold and cruel and strict? And the biggest thing I'm a mama and I forgot my children want kind of mother am I not a good was I a good mother? Oh not forgetting I am a grandmother I bet my grandchildren are so cute! And we still go on a mission that's so cool I never wanted to give that up! Oh Uncle's where is Zain did we get divorced did I do something wrong it's probably the case it's hard living in that house with so many etiquettes to learn and that old lady oh my lord she was a witch nobody from that family is here while I am talking bad about them are they? " she held her Uncle it felt warm she was shaking. She had so many questions her brain was feeling dizzy she was tired and her brain hurt with all that she found out.

Adrian finally spoke:" little sprout I think this much for now we will fill you in on the rest okay for now let's get you fed and washed so you can look a little normal you look like a witch gone wrong even tney would reject to as one of their own" he chuckled.

Anna started laughing:" well that's not new then is it" she chuckled loudly otherwise she cries loudly she was a nervous wreck right now there was too much to take in on top she couldn't see anything she didn't anyone worrying about her she felt she had already caused a lot of trouble?

Anthony chuckled:" that's true can she bat her self doc" he looked at the doctor who was listening to them and was shocked with how they were so honest with her.

Doctor:" hmm yeah but she need help walking and she needs to sit down have a bath she will feel dizzy so just keep an eye on her and light food to start with so he can learn to digest it she hasn't ere in months" he was watching as her Uncles picked her up and walked into the bathroom they had already filled the bathtub they place her then they all jumped thinking she going to scream but she didn't! She puzzled them all.

Anthony asked:" baby girl you have a fear of the water?" he smiled.

Anna sat there then looked up to where the voice was coming from:" no I don't think so it feels nice and soothing just put the soap next to me and leave I will call you when I am done" she smiled.

They all look at her and they did what she wanted, after all, they were all men she was the only lady among them so she did need her privacy so they walked.

Anna took her clothes off one by one threw them on the side or so she thought they went all over the place in the sink on the toilet and some landed on the floor, then she found the soap and scrubbed herself best as she could then she felt around for what smells like the shampoo placing on her head after she scrubbed her head she found the showerhead and washed the shampoo best she could the she couldn't find the conditioner she felt all around her she didn't wear it was so he continued to wash her self off. Every time she felt the back head and neck she could feel a scar that had healed she remembered her dream where she was hit on the back of her head with some debris from the helicopter she threw the bomb in she remembered she said to him that thank you for opening her eyes and no offence but this is what he deserved then turning around to walk. She then thought about the blurry video she sees with the two couple having sex but every time she saw that her heart hurt how was it related to her who were they their faces were blurry? A lot of things needed answering but she would soon have her answers.

As she tried to remember her present she counts remember anything nothing it was all blank may she if she stepped into that environment she would remember for now she needs to focus on her eyes, she was glad Master Isaac had trained her in the dark with a blindfold he dumped her in the forest a good few times until she could use her other senses other than eyes now it was going to help, she remembers what Master Isaac said she had to get home, she was told to get one with nature to find her roots and this would come in handy today.

She remembers that day she cried for almost an hour before she got up to try to get home she walked into every tree and bush that was there and the only lord knows what she stood on her so be-all the to the river which she couldn't cross she had to walk around until she found a bridge she walked over to get home she was cold, wet and upset when she finally made it home the next few times she got used to being out in wild with no sight she learned to one with nature and to use it to her advantage, not let be her weakness she realised today Master Isaac's cruelty was for her benefit now.

As she soaked she thought through what she needed to do she knew she could use the computer without looking at the screen so that wasn't going to an issue just adjusting to her surrounding was going to be a mission but she wasn't scared of a challenge. Plus the big factor was she had her Uncles to help so she wasn't alone.

The water was getting cold she remembered her uncle left a gown nearby she could wear and a towel for her hair. Then she would get her Uncle to bring her clothes and then see what there was to eat she was starving it felt she hadn't eaten in months she also needed to check what was on this island why they couldn't communicate with the outside world.

She climbed out the gown was there she placed it around her body then she called her Uncle:" Jack came in and chuckled he was expecting it, her hair still had shampoo in it and was still tangled:" hey you almost got it but I need to rinse your hair and try and take them tangles out of your hair" he remembered Anna hated long hair because of the tangles she would rather chop it than pull the tangles out. He chuckled as he remembered walking in while Anna had taken scissors to her hair to cut a big chunk out so she didn't have to comb it.

Anna frowned:" Uncle just shave it off then it will be easier for me to manage" she sighed.

Uncle Jack:" don't be ridiculous you want a bald head" he was worried.

Anna chuckled:" look Uncle let's be realistic I can't see what the hell I am doing my hair is hard to maintain I can sort of wash my body so for the time being it's best to shave it all of and it's not like it's forever it will grow back and also do we have some way to alter clothes I can't we're your clothes they will fall off no offence I am sure they are very nice for you" she looked at where she thought her Uncle was stood she wasn't far of the mark.

Uncle Jack looked at her and shook his head:" look baby girl I will wash your hair and you just wash your body okay and as a compromise, I will trim it short so it's manageable okay but bald I am not doing okay" he sighed he couldn't see her all that he remembered one time Anna and Amelia came home from school with nits Master Isaac came in to see the mess he took out the razor and shaved both of there beautiful png hair off the girls cried for weeks after that!

Anna thought okay that's okay too so that I can deal with it:" okay I agree with the I want short back and sides like yours" she smiled.

Uncle looked at her and chuckled:" All okay! like mine then let's wash it for now so I can cut it " she was pulled over to the sink as he washed her hair gently he asked:" baby girl what's the last thing you remember I mean do remember going on the yacht and seeking the Beng's son" he needed to know what happened when he left.

Anna thought then answered:" I thought it was a dream but it looks like I reality mixed up with dreams I was on a yacht I remember a sort like a movie playing of two people making out than me chasing the man who boarded the helicopter and throwing a bomb into the helicopter and also saying to him thank you for opening my eyes and no hard feelings I turn around the helicopter blew into little pieces I remember something hit me on the back of my head then I woke up here but what's strange I kept dreaming about that couple and it was like I was betrayed by the person I loved the most I don't understand that at all" she chatted away which was unusual for at this age but not for the 15-year-old Anna she was a chatterbox she loved telling her Uncles what had happened with throughout the day in detail.

Uncle Jack listen carefully he remembers this Anna very well he loved this one so much he remembered he hadn't seen for year's when he did finally met her she was very quiet only spoke to answer and hardly smiled this one was cheerful and bubbly full of life he whispered:" baby girl don't change even if you remember everything you suit this personality" he smiled as he listens to babble on and on.

They didn't realise the other Uncles had also walked in and we're listening to their not stop babbler rambling on and on they loved it so much they didn't want her to change into the women she had become they wanted to hear just like this she made them smile so much.

Although she couldn't see and have forgotten everything she still manages to see the positive side of things she was still getting her brains to tackle the storm ahead. They weren't surprised it's was Anna after all she never let things get her down she always found a way out they all looked at Anna and thought can she find a way out for us too so they waited eagerly for her to get changed. When she comes to she looked funny she had pants on which was been held by a belt and an oversize t-shirt on she looked like father Christmas they didn't want to laugh but they couldn't help, it but she looked cute they just chuckled a little.

Anna heard them laugh:" what I didn't put the clothes on the right way round I am sure that's how they suppose to go" she looked upset like she was about to cry.

They all ran over and hugged her?

Anthony:" baby girl you look so cute that all your clothes are all fine" he chuckled.

Adrian:" hey little sprout we didn't laugh at the clothes not being right there too big but you do look cute " he kids her forehead.

Uncle Jack:" I will find if someone can saw and have them just the clothes for you okay and you look adorable so ignore them all chuckling okay" he smiles.