



As she cooked the smell of the cheesecake went to the big noses in the rooms and they all came out one by one they had eaten but they still couldn't resist the taste of Anna's cooking.

Mu Xujui (Little Tiger) signed:" mama is something up your cooking at this time it Ramano okay" he looked around to see where his brother, was. He knew if he was cooking at this time it was comfort food it usually either mama is upset or someone needed their mama cuddles.

Anna smiled in awh how caring to see him worried about his brother:" your worried is there's something you're all hiding from me kiddo" she lifted her one eyebrow like she was wanted an answer.

Mu Xujui (little Tiger ) gulped down his saliva thinking have I just landed myself in trouble oh brother come and save me Mummy is going to quiz the hell out of me help he signed:" Oh mummy I was just asking your making brother favourite foods that's all" he tried to chuckled and thought someone anyone comes and saves me from mummy hundred questions.

Anna smiled and thought oh today you will spill the beans on everything my little any boy c9me to mama and tell, that's been happening whether you want to tell me or not I will get it out of you Mr:" I have to tell him something and you stay too I want to ask you a few things too" she smiled.

The other men heard Anna they walked back into their rooms because they didn't want to be integrated by Anna. They knew her integration would reveal everything she manages to empty them like a bottle of their favourite drink.

Anna finished the food she waited for Ramano he came back with his wet hair in his pyjamas suit on he walked over sat at the table looked over at Mu Xujui (little Tiger) face he knew he had been integrated by his mama he smiled and sat down to eat after he finished they all sat down with there cup of green tea. Anna gave Mu Xujui extra cake because he spilt the beans on mostly what she had already suspected she wouldn't be their mama if they could pull the wool over her eyes.

Anna:" hey sweety I spoke with your grandfather and he asked me to ask you something but before I do I want to know what you think of him" he looked over.

Ramano:" mama I hate him he is only he is the reason why my useless father died and my mother is a vegetable and has been in a coma for all my life, he is only here because he had no choice otherwise he wouldn't look this way, he doesn't like me at all and that sister of mine is suppress by them, she is treated like a slave why doesn't she leave she is 20 years old so she can go where ever she wants, why would you stay with people like these and the worst mama is there is another one according to my sister when I spoke to her briefly she is our Auntie she belongs to stepmom and grandpa it makes me sick they're are sick people disgusting" he looked weird.

Anna:" hmmm well I have done some digging and she is your Aunt and she is the reason the Goldman came to look for you, I don't want you to anywhere with that old man, they want the shares that your father left for you, he can't count them any more the board have told him either he finds you and brings you to sign the shares over or take control of those shares and also be the CEO of the companies if it wasn't for you old man seven look this way and what he is afraid of is you becoming the CEO taken the control away from them, he wants you to sign them over then he will leave so can give them to them and send him on his way but I have the documents want you to sig he needed to be thought lesson especially that stepmother of yours " she was serious.

Ramano smiled he suffered over and leaned on her shoulder as he spoke:" mama I know you worried I wasn't going anywhere I have a surprise for the old man it's going to piss them promptly to think that old man is going to walk away with my father's hard-earned money I don't think so and they will have to treat my sister better I have spoken to all their shareholders and they will vote when they go back it's going to shock both the old man and stepmother they deserve it, and she will be protected by the Claus that I put in the documentation hehehe " he chuckled again.

Anna chuckles as well:" my boy is all grown up now he is even winding the elders up well done and he is also looking out for his sister that's like the good baby boy I taught you well " she smiled. She was relieved that he wasn't going with the old man and now they had to watch his back and get mercenaries that were coming for her son she knew this old man wouldn't call them off but she wasn't going to spare them and she would send the old man a present too.

Ramano looked at Xujui they had something up, their sleeve but Anna didn't mind so long they were safe that's all that matter.

As they told their mama everything they had learned about the Ramano's and how truly despicable these people were, Anna thought about the old man and his daughter in law had got away with two much this daughter in law was very vicious she was this arrogant because of her father and brothers once she lost their support she would have nothing Anna thought about it she usually never bothers with getting involved in family politics but they targeted her son so they would pay the price.

Anna asked:" when is this shareholders meeting taking place " she looked at her son.

Ramano:" I think on the 23rd" he looked at hi mama he knew that face too well she was up to something.

Anna:" hmm that leaves us exactly four days that will be enough time to get everything I need ready so it's game on then" she chuckled as she walked away.

Leaving both boys wondering what their mother would do they were looking forward to it, they knew their mother would cause an explosion when she did?

Anna walked into her room where Mu Yazhe had fallen asleep she looked at him for a bit then went for a shower walked back got in bed to check why her hubby was so quiet she checked his forehead he wasn't warm she looked again maybe he was tired she thought with that she lay down and cuddled into him and fell asleep.

Mu Yazhe had some pending work to do from his base he completed it then lay down to wait for his wife to come he had some unfinished business with his little Demon but fell asleep he didn't know he was so exhausted running around after your kids and keep your wife entertained most of the night did have its a toll on him.

In the morning when he woke there was no Anna he looked at the clock it was only 5 am he role out of bed it was time to train this body he had been eating his wife yummy food was going to make him chubby, he had to keep up with his training if he wanted to continue eating it.

Anna was already waked she had done her training and already started her research for disruption for the meeting on the 23rd which she was looking forward to. Anna had never been a petty person but anyone lifted a finger towards her children she was sure to chop it off she was sending a clear message that nobody could mess with her babies.

Mu Yazhe did his training just in time for a large breakfast that Anna had made the girls had seen Mu Yazhe only a little yesterday so they saw him people today they couldn't believe that Ramano father was so good looking he didn't look like he was the boy's dad, big brother, maybe!

The shadow guards walked in when Ramano introduced them they were more shocked how can there be so many good looking people in one house and there were so many of them, Uncles, Aunties, grandpa's they hadn't seen any grandma's yet but they were sure they were somewhere.

And what amazed them the way they all got along they joked and laughed around with each other all they had seen at home was violence and abuse, they did have a brother but he left because he couldn't control himself around his abusive father after they found out that he died in a car accident they never had a funeral for him or knew where he was buried. Amanda wanted to find her brother once they sorted things for Samantha, both sisters just looked at this large family with envy, They couldn't stop smiling they had never been so happy just watching all of them be happy.

Anna was sat at the table watching the girls she had done some research on how to get custody of Samantha so she had arranged everything asap she knew the children would be shocked at her decision but it was the only way she had talked to the chief commissioner in the morning he had also advised her he would also help by bringing the father in and talking to him. Well more like scared the life out of him.

Anna spoke:" hey guys I have spoken commissioner this morning to get custody of Samantha you two have to get married with your stable relationship and Amanda being her sister it's better, you will be able to file suit against your father and they will also want to see that you can afford to look after all Samantha daily expenditure and her education as well" she looked over at the Ramano and Amanda.

They looked shocked but not surprised Ramano spoke:" mama I am okay with it if my Amanda is okay" he smiled and looked at Amanda.

Amanda was burning red she didn't know what to say yes she wanted to marry him at some point so quickly she didn't know what to do she looked at her sister and eyed her " what should I do"

Samantha spoke she knew exactly what hr sister was asking:" sis say yes he is the best nobody has ever looked out for us the way he does he loves you so much and you will marry him eventually you're going to it tomorrow but today would be good too " she smiled.

Amanda looked stunned at her sister answer she looked at Benjamin:" can I talk to you for a sec" she walked into her bedroom.

Benjamin got up looked at everybody then at Samantha who winked at him, he followed her in he saw her looking out of the window staring at the sky the atmosphere was tense Benjamin thought this is it she is going to reject me:" hey babe what do you want to talk about" he smiled worriedly.

Amanda didn't look at him she needed to tell him some secrets about her and her sister before he could decide if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with this man or would he accept her after knowing the truth:" well the thing is I.....I want to tell you about my life with my father before you decide to marry me.....I, I, not a virgin to start with I was" before she could finish.

Ramano butted in:" I fell in love with you without knowing your past I fell in love you are the one I have been searching for and fell in love with women in front of me, I fell in love with the here and now you make me smile looking at you you make my heart beat like a drum every time I see you, you make my heart skip a beat when I can't see you, and when I heard you got taken away I thought my heart would burst out of my chest it was very pain full at the thought of not having you in my life I have never loved anyone like this" he went to hug her from behind.

Amanda tears flowed down thinking will you be like this after knowing the truth about me or will you be disgusted by me:" Benjamin I love you too but maybe in the same way too but I need to say this so please no more interruption, please! Like I said I, not a virgin and the reason is my father took my innocence away when I was 12 years old he then to pay off his dept sold me to a loan shark, those men did horrible things to me when I was only fifteen, to protect my little sister I had always put my self forward so my father would stay away from her she could keep her innocence and try to grow up without any of the horrors I faced, I am not clean I am dirty to the core I feel disgusted with my self when I look in the mirror, I was shocked when you first approached me, I thought like all the others you would want my body but you turned out very different you made me feel wanted, you made feel that love existed in this world, you made me want to love you back, but you scared me the most too I didn't you see this side of me " she stopped she didn't want to say anymore she had already said too much he didn't need to know the rest.

Benjamin listen carefully he was very angry but he also wanted to know why he scared her the most:" why do I scare you the most" he asked in a cold voice but subtly.

Amanda had to answer so he wouldn't be misunderstood" because I love you so much that it hurt so much when I thought I would never see you again, and I fear you will abandon me like everyone eles" she sobbed.

Benjamin turned around and walked out of the room, leaving Amanda not surprised at all she was somewhat expecting it, but it still hurt she was not shocked who want a broken used person like her she had dared to dream big she dared to dream that her Cinderella world existed and like a fairy tale her prince would come and take her away from this nightmare, but the reality was very different this was the consequences, she slid to the floor and sobbed her broken heart out today she would cry but tomorrow she would pick herself up and carry on as nothing happen she was used to it she deep down know that life was very cruel but she still questioned why?