



Mu Yazhe looked at it son as to say I am so sorry guys I was a little occupied:" little demon they went to rescue a damsel in distress so it was like mission it wasn't like you think so please lighten upon them hey wait a minute, boys how do know these girls? What is going on?" he pleads for his boys he was sure they didn't cause the trouble. But there was a question he needed them to answer?

Ramano spoke:" well daddy our beloved brother and your beloved son here has fallen in love with the elder girl she came to him for help before he could step in her father owed some loan sharks a lot of money he sold his both daughters we just went to negotiate their release we made a deal with them. We were heading back and a fight broke out between some gangs but the girls were beaten in between so we step in that all daddy please help us mama we love you mama we are sorry we didn't realise we were in the red light district until we reached the police station" he pleaded.

Anna chuckled at her boys and their father they knew how to talk without using speech:" Yazhe!! they went out in the middle of the night on a mission without informing anyone, without a plan they went like bulldozers what if it all went wrong!! then they didn't take any back up they had the older shadow guards here too!! then they went to find some people who were unfindable especially in that kind of place, there were all sorts lurk around there anything could have happened, it could have been a set up they didn't have their bodyguards with them either!! did they think it was an in and out job they could have been killed if you think I punish them because of that reason then you should join them in the punishment it might wake your brain up to honey!! They are my boys what off something happened! " she was worried.

But then it hit her that her sons went to rescue a girl Benjamin had fallen in love with her son finally found a girl he like wow! she should be happy but Anna was very scared right now she remembers that bloody scene where she rescued Ramano from still in her mind she thought after she punished them she would help them she took out her phone and text the secret ghost shadow guards to, look into the matter they were better equipped to deal with this situation and she also needs the father to answer to why he felt it alright to sell his daughters. She needs to take the girls away from such a vile human being.

Mu Yazhe looked at his boys then at Anna he realised she was scared because of the old man coming for Ramano and this was why she was punishing them!! It probably reminded her of when she found Ramano he remembers her shouting and crying at Mu Zain about the mission he sends her on when they took Ramano back and he remembers how traumatised Ramano was and the night's Anna spend sitting by his side as he would have the same recurring night are waking up screaming and crying!! Anna didn't have the heart to send him to the orphanage plus she was his godmother she insisted on adopting him. Mu Yazhe members Ramano clinging to his leg because he heard the gun go off shivering he held him close to himself to comfort him to reassure him he was safe.

Mu Yazhe was stuck between a rock and hard place one side what his wifey said was right she was worried and scared for her children she was a mama first then a dark knight, on the other hand, his son who just wanted to rescue some innocent girls and not to mention one of his sons had fallen hard for one of the girls, they were right where they stood they properly didn't have time to think things through they just reacted after all they were Anna boys they were more like her than she cares to admit careless and reckless, but Anna was their mama so she was also emotional just last night she saw the old man who tried to kill her baby boy all them years ago, and now the boys took a risk it was for the right reasons but Anna being their mama was angry how could he calm her down and rescue his boys?

Mu Yazhe:" Hey Little Demon this is what you trained them for and they are the best knights to the almighty King, so you don't need to worry I know you are only trying to be they're overprotective mama, but they are fully grown men that need learn from their mistakes just like you learned from your we can't wrap them in cotton wool and hide them away, I understand what they did was reckless behaviour, and it will never let it happen again okay, and look they were rescuing a damsel in distress come on babe your favourite kind of the rescue, they know that the method of reducing was wrong to let them off this once please" he walked over and forcefully hugged Anna who was tried to squirm out of his hug. He then gestured to his sons to run to find their grandpa's they could help, them now. He also warned them not to do anything let their mama handle it.

Anna knew what Mu Yazhe was doing she admired him for it he was rescuing the boys from her at the same time he was agreeing with her he has learned to stay neutral over the years. He had always been in the middle when it comes to disciplining the children Anna was very strict he wasn't they didn't always agree but he never contradicts her.

Anna stuck her head out from under Mu Yazhe arm and spoke:" don't do anything I will deal with it, I know the head of the district let me talk to him and you three now need to go eat breakfast you probably hungry since you been at the police station all night and then rest Benjamin do you have pictures of the girls! and how old are they?" Anna hated people who thought that people could be sold and brought she felt such sympathy for the girls that worked in the red light District some we're there by choice others were forced into it but it was what it as at least she could stop these girls from falling into this trap.

Benjamin sends the pictures to his mama phone and smiled he ran over and hugged his mama:" Mummy the older one is 22 years old and the little one is 15 years old" he loved her so much he knows he should have gone to her but he didn't want to burden her she had her dilemma to deal with. The other boys joined the hug they new mama was scored because the old man and she loved them so much.

Anna sends the pictures to ghost shadow guards and told them she wanted the girls by the evening to use any means necessary she knew they would get the job done. And also explains they have an underage child so be careful the child will already be sacred they need to get the girls away from the people holding them before something bad happens now time was of the essence if her boys had told her last night the girls would be with them.

Anna placed the phone in her back pocket while they guys watch her retreating they knew not to follow someone who was going to get slaughter by the look she give before she walked out even Mu Yazhe was left frozen in his place before he realised she was gone. Then his phone pinged and he received a message from his wifey he read and smiled.

As she walked out of her room she went to look for the old man it was time to talk to him and find out what he wanted she knew he didn't want Ramano back in his life because he grew conscious? he realised he had a grandson all of a sudden? this old man was cold calculative and very evil, together with his daughter in law there was a lot of injustices they had committed together she wouldn't be surprised if the daughter in law was warming the Oldman bed too Anna shook her head and thought where is her brain being dirty it's their business what they do behind a closed door.

She had time this morning to look into the duo she needed to know what she was up against, the daughter in law was interested, to say the least, she had her ways around men. Anna had got hold of most of the underhanded deeds they had used to get where they are today it was time to pay for there action and to show this old man a few home truths.

She walked into the office of the hotel where she had arranged to meet the old man she went alone and told Mu Yazhe she would text him when she wanted him to enter. He knew that Mu Yazhe was cold and precise he didn't beat around the bush he would cut through it to make his path. Anna wasn't the calmest of the bunch but she had learned to deal with things calmly, she didn't want the old man to know that she was on to him she wanted to know what this old man was up to.

They all knew that the old man knew Ramano was adopted by the Mu's but now he needed to be shown how the Mu's conducted their business and they looked after their own whether blood-related or not they were all held in the same regards and loved equally.

Anna sat at the desk as she waited for the old man she knew he didn't know who she was so she wanted to see how he would react before she told him that she was Ramano Mama. She wanted to tell him that before she was Ramano mother she was his godmother so naturally, she would protect him.

As Anna was in her thoughts the door knocked and the old man didn't wait for someone to say enter he entered he had a young lady with him and two men who all sat down without being asked, the young lady would be roughly the same age as Ramano which made Anna a bit wary as she knew he had a granddaughter from his daughter in law, Anna smirked slyly she knew the reason he came for Ramano now how ironic that he had such an old way of thinking.

Anna:" hello Mr Dante Ramano how can I help you today" she smiled but it wasn't a warm or friendly one it was the smiled you gave for a show she had learned from her mother in law.

Mr Dante Ramano gave his fake smile:" hello and you are " he had seen this woman hugging Ramano so he needs to know who she was whether he would interfere with his plan. He couldn't believe he had sought help from the bastard grandson of his because his stupid daughter in law gave birth to a daughter and his silly son died so he had no more heirs to his legacy.

Anna looked at the old man in front of her she decided to play it by ear now:" my name is Anna Jaden Isaac" she smiled.

The old man didn't know who she was he had never heard of her but her name rung bells in his head and his people couldn't find anything much about the Mu's family only the men that we're in the business world he also learned, they had strong ties to the underworld and we're part of the five famous families in China had a reputation for being brutal to their enemy's it was rumoured if someone was to mess with them their whole family would disappear never to be seen again!! they weren't going to be easy to deal with and they didn't know how many Mu's we're out there they were a very secretive family all he knew was that both Mu's brothers married the same women and she was the granddaughter of Master Isaac:" may I ask what is your relationship to Ramano" he smiled.