

Anna had left Mu Yazhe confused was she okay with him or not she let him make love to her that was as intimate as they could get but he knows deep down he had a lot of work before he could be on okay level the little demon he had hurt her badly he heard what she said while she was sleep talking he had broken her he had to fix her he promised himself he brought his wifey home!

Anna escaped back to Italy she back to the orphanage the sisters and brothers and father and staff were so happy to see her they came running. Anna looked at them why are they running towards me what happened while I was gone.

Anna:" hey everybody what is the matter is there something I need to know about " she looked at them all.

Sister Jane:" well the thing is Anna we have a load of children came to the orphanage we put them in the infirmary room but they all hurdles into the corner they wouldn't talk they won't eat or drink anything we don't know what to do" she pulled Anna towards the infirmary.

Anna entered into the room it was dark she turned the light on the children were all hurdle in the corner they were holding on to each other for comfort and support they were scared out of there wits. Anna's heart went out to these kids what torment did they go through that they are stuck to one another.

Anna waved at them:" you remember me I was at the warehouse I brought you all back with me I don't know who you are or your names so help me out" she smiled gently.

The kids all looked at Anna then at one spoke he spoke in French Anna responded in French too.

The other kids heard the one speak so they spoke there native languages although Anna didn't know how to speak all she knows the dialect of some of the children she had an idea which she could try she knew who to find to talk to the child as well, she called all the relative people she needed she also, learned that part form three children. They were some orphans caught by the rebels or sold by their families and some that had been kidnapped.

she was really sad to hear so was one sister who was watching all the children. Anna first called the local doctor who would normally see the other children in the orphanage to check them all he brought a few students doctors and nurse along as well they were all surprised at how to see these children were they had never come across this kind of situation before but they adapted well and helped out.

What shocks them more that there few children that had already been sexually abused where they were badly hurt and traumatized. The female doctors and nurse we're crying at what they had discovered but the main doctor told them they would come across this kind of situation they had to deal with it with a strong heart.

But Anna could understand them they were only human with a heart that felt others pain and suffering which was nice to see. After all the children were checked and treated the doctors and nurses were leaving they all offered to come back and help out when they were free. Anna and the sisters were more than happy to have them come over they could do with more help.

The children were all settled in and given all they needed eg: clothes, shoes, and all had a bath and feed them they were very hungry like they hadn't been fed in a while. They all were given their beds the minute the lay down that went to sleep they were tired and they felt safe so they fell asleep.

Anna looked at them and smiled. She then went to the office to contact the parents if the 3 children who were abducted they were more than happy to discover that their children were alive and well as could be expected under the circumstances they said they were making arrangements to come and fetch their children.

Anna thought of a few things so she made her first call to Master Falong.

Master Falong answered on the first ring:" hey babe how are you a long time since I heard from you fancy going on a mission with me" he chuckled.

Anna shook her head his idea of a mission is to send Anna in to do the work and he walks in like he is walking on the catwalk:" hey Master Falong it's too soon for me anyhow I have something ask this time could you find me a family who will adopt a 6-year-old boy and 7-year-old girl they have been through a lot so they need caring and understanding people" she was hoping he would have someone in mind.

Master Falong:" I knew just the persons but there are two women they were looking to adopt a child as a couple I will have a word with them then get back to you can I ask my beautiful how do you come across the boy" he was curious what Anna had been up to.

Anna knew this would come up:" well I was on a rescue I found them these children had been abducted from their countries and we're being sold on the black market and some were already abused" she didn't want to say any more.

Master Falong knew to what she meant he was disgusted with these kind people he hoped Anna harshly dealt with them if it was him he would issue the death penalty straight away:"

Okay, babe, I understand no need to continue well done to you for rescuing them I will do my bit as well" he loved the fact Anna was different to all the demons that he met in the underworld they were heartless bitches but Anna still had her caring side to her that makes him like all the more.

Anna:" Thanks for this let's say I owe you one okay bye" she hated owing to Master Falong he would milk it's worth out to the last drop.

Master Falong:" okay you have made my day thanks babe bye talk to soon" he smiled he got a good deal for doing nothing.

Anna shook her head after she finished she made another call to Korea. Anna waited there was no reply she placed her phone down and thought she would ring later than she rang England the phone answered on the second bell.

Att:" hey sprout how are you, okay everyone, okay" he was surprised he hadn't heard from Anna for a good few months he knew she always rings when she wants to run away.

Anna:" hey bro I am okay and everyone is okay too and I am not running away so don't even ask that I have rung for a different reason" she smiled.

Att:" okay then what can I do for sprout" he chuckled at Anna trying to justify her self.

Anna:" well I have 2 children that were abducted from England they are orphans and they need some loving caring parents could you please find me some pleaseeee" she chuckled.

Att was surprised by what Anna asked he was looking at Jenny who had been living with for the past six months she was listening to the conversation.

Jenny:" hey Meimei how are you well I have an idea if Att will accept can we adopt them I would love to have them if you both are willing to let us" she smiled slightly.

Anna:" hey Jenny I am so happy you decide to move back to England and I would love to let you adopt them oh thank you so many guys you're the best" she could believe her luck they were taken both kids and being siblings they would like it.

After she did her farewell she rang three more places they also accepted the children out of 30 10 children she had were adopted.3 were going home. And the older 7 she new we're too old to adopt so she would take the responsibility of making use they were educated and given good jobs houses when they were old enough and some savings to start they own life's they deserved this much least she was very pleased with her actions today.

Just as Anna was going to her bedroom to rest she received a call back from Korea she smiled.

Anna answered:" hello Master Kai how are you how are is your niece and brother doing"

Master Kai:" hello Anna we are well how are you I was in a meeting I just saw the missed call now so I rang back I hope it wasn't urgent" he had left his mobile in the office today he normally takes it with him he came back and saw his most favourite person had rung he had missed the call not once but twice he was cursing himself for it.

Anna:" no it was urgent but more like a favour I would like to ask of you" she smiled.

Master Kai:" go ahead I am listening ask anything you want" he would give his life if she asked for it.

Anna:" well the thing is I have a child at the orphanage he is Korean he was abducted when he was only 3 years old he doesn't know who his parents are or if he is an orphan he needs to go to a good home if you have anybody in mind I would be grateful and I would owe you a favour" she pleaded hoping he would help.

Master Kai sat up straight when she mentions 3 years old he knew his friend lost his child at the age they never found him after that at first they thought he had been abducted but by then there were no ransom notes or calls eventually the traces went cold the family didn't stop Look and the mother went mentally insane she is sure 100% that her son was alive she would find him someday. It broke a whole family up grandparents brothers and sisters and even the siblings were affected by this tragedy.

Master Kai thought for a minute he knew he was too optimistic but hopefully he could be the child his friend had lost all them years ago:" Anna could you please check the child for birthmarks anywhere and beauty spots it's really important could you do it now please" he was in a hurry he didn't want to hold or ring back.

Anna surprised by what he asked:" okay hold on I will go check his file he was examined by the doctors yesterday so all his marks would have been recorded" Anna turned around and headed straight back to the office she took out the file of all the boys of the same age then she opened the little boy's file.

Anna:" okay I will read the birthmark first he has one on the back of his leg and beauty spot on his nose and left cheek that's all on this little guy" she hoped it help in some way.

Master Kai:" no that's not him I hoped it was but never mind" he sighs sadly,

Anna:" what exactly are you looking for what pacific marks are you looking for? " maybe another child may have it she thought that Master Kai sounded hopeful but she was sad that she couldn't help him at this time. She loved the idea of all the children returning to there parents whole wholeheartedly missed them but it wasn't the case with a lot of children she provided the next best thing which was a good start to rest of their lives.