

Author note: (please read chapter 188 first publish wrong way around sorry sticky fingers)

They arrived in Milan there was as cars already waiting to take them to the hotel as they arrived at the hotel it was not what they were expecting it was run down and needed a lot of work Anna looked at her boys and then at Uncle.

Anna:" this is what you came to purchase you have a lot of spare time on your hands don't you" she chuckled she knew they probably have plans already drawn up to the last detail and because the boys had a lot of dealings in Milan already they wouldn't have trouble setting up Anna wasn't worried she just thought ❗

Anthony:" Hey baby girl you don't see the potential in a year just wait till we show you around it's a beautiful building it's got a lot of the structure intact and will give you the romantic feeling and also it the old feeling of stepping back in time" she smiled at him he was in his I know what we are doing look.

Mu Xujiu( Little Tiger)signed:" Mama we are going to build this place into one of our bigger projects and solely the family have invested so no shareholders involved all ours" he smiled.

Ramano:" yeah Mama I will stay until the restaurant is up and running to make sure everything is running smoothly" he smiled at his mum.

Benjamin:" I will come back and forth to complete the projects with these bros of mine and Grandpa's" he chuckled.

Anna smiled:" whatever makes my boys and my Uncle happy eh? She sighed.

They all walked in and an Elderly couple greeted them they were so cute Anna thought to themself the paperwork was fairly straight forward and the deeds we're exchanged and the hotel now belongs to us. The Elders bid farewell and left. The construction was on stand by the work began straight away Anna couldn't believe how organised they all were they already everything in place ready to go.

Anna:" how long before this is complete she knew it was a big job " she wanted to stay and expose the country legally.

My Xujiu(little Tiger) signed:" about 4 months then hiring staff and training them and so forth we are looking 6 months to a year" he was very happy with this hotel he usually didn't buy run-down hotels but he made an exception old couple needed the money it wasn't a bad deal they just couldn't show their mother the back end of the hotel it was very close to the beach so it was a potential was beachside holiday destination.

In America, the two beautiful Asain 7 years old walking through the airport they had peoples head turning to look at how cute they looked. People are trying to take pictures but children security is blocking them from doing so. The parents are walking behind them they smiled at how confident the twins are. The kids stop at a private lounge to wait for their private plane to arrive. Nothing but the best for these twins.

Ting Feiyan(Angel):" daddy why are we going to Italy for are we moving there will we live there" she leaned towards her daddy as she sat on his laps.

Ting Jun:" Angel you talk too much we will stay there for a while because daddy has to deal with business and doesn't want to leave you behind because I will miss his baby Angel" he cuddles his daughter Beck's her on her forehead.

Ting Kai ( prince):" why do we have to leave I like it here daddy we always get dragged all over the place" he was pouting he managed to make friends at the school they had gone to and now they were moving again.

Ting Jun:" hey prince how many kids do you know that have seen half the world you in ungrateful brat" this son of his relly give him grief. He was so bossy at this age he dreads to think to want he would be like in the future.

Amelia:" hey hubby your son is right they need to settle down now I know we take there nanny and tutors with us and train them every day but still I think you should think about it though" she smiled at him.

Ting Jun:" okay we will discuss more when we are in Italy hey I think Anna is going to be there too this time it's been a while I wonder how she is doing" he sighed thinking about his sis in law.

Amelia:" she is doing than expected she completely shut all feelings out so she walking talking zombie basically but I don't know if this is good or bad we've tried everything we can think of to let her releases her emotions but nothing she is holding on tightly? She sighed.

Ting jun:" I think she is good to hold it all together but what will happen when she sees Yazhe only time will tell I just hope it all ends well" he knew first his sis in law will murder him. Then maybe she will hug him.

Ting Kai( prince) daddy I want to go to the toilet please" he was holding his legs together.

Ting Jun shook his head:" come on you little brat"

Ting Kai:" hey old man you need to pick on me a little less okay" he looked bullied.

Ting Jun:" you wait till we get to the other side I will deal with you and less of the old son" he was trying to control his temper.

They arrived at the men's toilet they headed in Ting Kai went in while Ting Jun was on his phone he was busy talking. Ting Kai finished his business and was washing his hands he stood and staring at the man next to him who looked like him in the mirror but he couldn't see him from the side. Ting Kai was puzzled why did this man look like him for who was he did we know him.

Ting Kai was an inquisitive little child for his age just like his brothers and sisters before him she could break in and hack into other people surfers. He would secretly do business deals he had money in of shore bank accounts. Little did he know that his cousins had already clicked on they would help him without him knowing also kept an eye on him to keep him safe.

Ting Kai spoke in English:" Hey Mister where are you from" he smiled in the mirror.

Mu Yazhe also answered in English:" hey kid has your mother not told you to talk to strangers" he looks carefully at the brat. And thought why does he look like him does he know him.

Ting Kai:" when we'll then my name is Ting Kai you can call me prince there we are no longer strangers so what is your name" he smiled like a little gentleman.

Mu Yazhe:" well I will be dammed yo got me okay kid my name is Min Choe it is nice to meet you young man" he chuckled.

Ting Kai:" by the way do you know anyone in China you look similar, not similar but a duplicate copy of my cousin Mu Musin and Mu Xujiu but your eyes are like sister Mu Xingyan ehm! she is beautiful full." he looks at him more so he sees properly.

Mu Yazhe:" do I know anyone in China do your cousins live" he looked at this child do they look like me are they related to me may they know who I am?

Ting Kai:" the address is xxxxxxx Beijing or if you can't find it you can always go to Mu's hotel and business centre and ask for Ceo Mu Musin," he said proudly.

Mu Yazhe:" well your cousin seems to be very smart a CEO" he smiled. Why did that feel a familiar place for why do the names you d so familiar.

Ting Kai:" well he does take after I don't he" he was smiling proudly.

Mu Yazhe chuckled and thought this kid was so smart the kids these days we're born with smart buttons:" okay kid thanks for that you better go back to your parents" he was walking to the door to exit the turn around to look at the child again he thought I will check your cousin out to see if he is related to me?

Ting Kai:" it's okay my father is outside on his phone" he walked past him out of the door first.

Ting Jun saw his son coming out and walked ahead while his son followed him Ting Kai ran forward to catch up:" daddy stop I want to show you someone daddieeeee" he was running fast.

Ting Jun turned around and looked at his son and his shanahings:" what is it you brat" this son of his was too much.

Ting Kai:" there was a man in the toilet who looked like me a little bit but he looked alike Bro Musin and bro Xujiu but he had sister Xinyang eyes green like sister Feiyan's " he looked at his dad.

Ting Jun froze he knew his child was a pain but he never lied so he was telling the truth did he see Mu Yazhe:" prince where did you saw this man" he asked pleading.

Ting Kai:" just now in the toilets" he looked up at his dad.

Ting Jun grabbed his son's arm and they went back they looked everywhere but couldn't see him anywhere.

Ting Jun rang his security team to get video footage of the airport so he can see if it was him.

As he checked through the footage there he was clear as day Mu Yazhe leaving the toilets and heading towards the private personal loungewear the only military can entry but shocked Ting Jun was that the was another military personal there all from the Chinese army what was going on? why was Mu Yazhe with them? and where had he been all these years? He contacted his intel to find out what they were doing her he found out they were here to escort and high-risk persons back to China. It did make sense to him but he was sure it was Mu Yazhe.

He then rang Mu Shinn to ask him to check the details because only Mu Shinn could access the military database. He knew the kids could break-in at any time but he did want them to do it.

Mu Shinn was shocked that Mu Yazhe was part of the military he didn't know about it once he checked all the person he found the details of Mu Yazhe he was reported about 7 years ago, and he was exemplary he made to the special forces he was working for the government escorting a dangerous criminal that had been extradited to China for murder charges and other offences, They all couldn't believe that Mu Yazhe was so close to home and nobody knew about it.

Anna would say they were looking in the wrong place he closer to home but nobody could predict this close. Mu Shinn now thought about it Anna instinct was never wrong.

Ting Jun then told Mu Shinn not to tell Anna just yet until he reaches then they would tell her about it. Amelia agreed she said that Anna had a mission let her complete it then take her home and tell her that we have found him. Because they didn't know what kind of reaction they would get from Anna.

They were all glad after all this time Anna patients paid off her instincts were right as usual,

As they landed in Milan they all headed to the house where Anna was they didn't know how to break the news to Anna. They all looked at Anna sitting there with her laptop working away.

Amelia ran over and hugged her tightly:" hey blue rose how are you" she smiled.

Anna:" hey Jade you made it and the twins.

Amelia pointed to the two sleepy children Ting Jun was carrying in they were so cute Anna looked at them: "they are so cute and look at that sight he manage to carry both of them with" Anna thought that my prince and Angel they are growing up so fast they are beautiful.