


Anna asked Mu Musin:" where is your sister is she okay she didn't get injured" Anna was worried. She already knew from Uncle Adrian but she wanted to know from her elder son and see how the atmosphere was regarding herself was her daughter still angry with her.

Mu Musin( Little Rock):" Mummy she is fine she is licking her ego the only thing that got injured of hers was her pride but she is stubborn she will come to say her sorry's eventually but you know her she doesn't like saying sorry do you remember how she would trick us into apologising although it was her fault she still the same" he smiled at his Mummy he knew they had a lot to work through to mend this relationship.

Anna knew her daughter it takes her while to apologize she had a stubborn streak like her father they didn't like to admit they were wrong. Thinking about thinks she remembers her mother in law was on the floor she wonders did she faint or other she didn't want to think other.

Anna: "Hey Little Rock how is your grandma" she looked at him.

Mu Musin ( little Rock) looked at his Mummy what could he say apart from the truth:" Mummy she died the bullet pierced her heart father and grandpa and Uncle Yanis is arranging her funeral " he sighed.

Anna asked:" are you not attending the funeral little Rock" she looked at him.

Mu Musin:" no Mummy I am not" she was angry with his Grandma she had poisoned his father and sister and she had tried to get them all killed what kind of grandma was she.

Anna:" no matter what she was she is still your Grandma if not for her then your dad and Grandad and Uncle you should all attend little Rock and take your brother and sisters with you" she sighed.

Mu Musin looked at his mum and then his brothers and sisters they all heard and sighed that their mother was always like this she let that old woman get away with a lot all because she was Daddy's mum but they believed that it didn't give a free pass on her cruelty.

Anna was shocked but she didn't want her dead either she was angry with her only because she never learned from all the mistakes she made she continued to side with the people who put her entire family lives on the line she still was never remorseful she tried to escape leaving her husband children and grandchildren behind.

But one thing was clear that she wanted her father and her brother wanted her mother so when it didn't happen they teamed up and the nightmare for Anna begun because it was her and her sister that suffer the most and she still suffering but that's what they call fate. And now the whole picture was clear all the layers had peeled off and the truth came to light Anna felt because of her life was based on a lie did Mu Yazhe ever love or was it sympathy or something else whatever it was Anna was walking away from it.

Anna sighed when she thought about it but she wouldn't attend her funeral. Anna knew there would be a commotion so it's best not to attend. Anna hated this woman as much as she hated Beng's but this lady earned her hatred after learning the truth. And also she didn't know where she stood with Mu Yazhe he did take a stand next to his mother so he had made his decision and she wasn't his first choice it hurt a lot although she thought herself it didn't affect her but it did.

As they all left Anthony stayed he wanted to make sure his baby girl was okay he on the surface she was showing she was okay but inside was probably turmoil:" hey seriously baby girl how are you, lets can talk about it" he wanted Anna to confide in him.

Anna looked at her Uncle and smiled awkwardly then the tears came rolling down she had held it in long enough:" Uncle" she whispered:" it hurt so much my daughter's word we're like daggers piercing my heart but not as much as to find out I was living with women who despised me to the core all of the in-laws they all knew about it. I lived with them over half her life they lied to her face every day were they laughing behind my back the two most important people who I shared a relationship with lied to me Zain and Yazhe they both kept the truth from me they must have had a real laugh behind my back at my stupidy" she looked at her Uncle with a teary face.

Anthony held her tightly and let her cry her heart out he hated it that the one she closed was always the ones that hurt her so much his baby girl was always in pain and always hurt because of them he cursed that day when she saved Mu Yazhe they would have never met his baby girl would have been happy at least.

Anna didn't know where she stood with Mu Yazhe even now yesterday he took a stand next to his mother so he had made a decision she knows he has lost his memory but for her, he was her world he was home she was so happy to say he was hers and hers alone he shattered that illusion. When he brought a woman home with him and he kissed her in front Anna okay she gets it he lost his memory but her silly heart didn't want to know it still hurt like hell she realised how all her uncles felt all these years when they had their experience of heartache at least they could lose themselves in a bottle or two Anna couldn't even do that. Anna had made a decision all she had to is explain it but when she faced her family, she had chickened out so she thought about it thought it was best to write a letter to each person apart from Mu Yazhe she didn't even know to what to say to him were to begin or we're to end as she stared at the blank pages she crunched at aimed at the bin she wasn't going to write on she didn't want to explain anything.

Anthony watched Anna she was in tears again he walked over and hugged her tightly he couldn't even think how she was feeling her whole world had just fallen part all he could do was be there for her and help her pick up the pieces. Anna always fixed them when they were down it was there turn but he didn't know where to start. They didn't speak Anna stayed in his arms and slowly with the patting rhythm on her back she fell asleep.

Adrian had returned as he opened the door he heard the entire conversation his heart hurt seeing his little Missy like this but he had felt his Missy was up to something when she asked for pen and papers and envelopes so as cautionary measure he packed his clothes as well where she decided to go if she was disappearing to he was going with her.

As Adrian entered Anthony had covered Anna so she could rest he tuned to see with Anna rucksack and Adrian rucksack he turned and looked at Anna he knew what she wanted he didn't want to let her go but at this moment in time it was for the best she needed time to heal away from this hellhole he of all people should know how hard it is. He walked over to Adrain and sat on the sofa.

Anthony:" so when is she planning on running then" he looked at Adrian.

Adrian:" I don't know but when she asked for all of her things I figured so I brought mine along too I can't let her go alone I know she looked brave on the outside but she is just a little scared girl on the inside we promised to protect and guard her with our lives but we failed miserably" he looked at Anthony.

Anthony:" you are right she is still my baby girl who pulled me from the darkness back to the light it's time we do the same since we know how it feels. It's for the best this place has given her joy abut also heartache too I will follow I just need to wrap things up here the kids need me little longer" he sighed as he spoke.

Adrian:" do what you do need to do I will keep in touch let you know how she is doing she only recently got that cheeky smile back " he sighed he couldn't say anymore.

Anthony:" yeah she did I had forgotten how she lights up a room with that smile of hers she has always been the light at end of the dark tunnel for me I love her so much she is the child every daddy would dream of having my baby girl is everything for me you take good care of her okay oh yeah keep her out of trouble" he hugged Adrian.

Adrian hugged him back he handed him all the envelopes Anna had written Anthony walked over and kissed Anna forehead he whispered:" be good my baby girl take good care of your self see you soon" he walked out his tears we're falling silently, he didn't want to say goodbye.

Anna opened her eyes as he left she didn't want to say goodbye either she looked at Adrian he smiled:" are you ready" he was ready to travel with his Missy where ever she would take even to the deepest part of hell.

Anna smiled awkwardly:" yeah let's go before anyone arrives" she sighed she was running away but it was for the best at this moment too much had happened she didn't know how to deal with it. May be in time she would have a clear head. She knew that Jade would be very angry with her but she no longer wanted to put her life on hold she had a family of her own she felt guilty every time she ran to her but this time she didn't want to burden her with this.

Anna and Adrain headed out of the hospital without Anna being discharged they were heading towards Master Chungs first Anna needs to heal first he was the best source he knew how to heal her physically and mentally and emotionally too and then the whole world was a playground. She always wanted to travel and see places that she had never seen before maybe along the way she fights one or two bad guys she didn't want to get rusty she smiked to herself awkwardly. As they walked away into the night.

Adrian had brought the motorbike since it was only two of them and he knew Anna loved her motorbike but this time he would drive while she sat back she wasn't in a fit state to drive herself.

Anna sat back and watched the view as they left the city and headed to the open road she turned one last time and looked back. This place had given her joy and heartache she still couldn't believe that the two people she trusted the most kept herein the dark whatever the reason she should least let her make her own decisions now when she looked back she remembers a lot of incidences where the two were hiding things they would panic when she walked in she could feel the awkwardness but she didn't want to know.

Anna thought about her whole life if she had found out then what decision would she have made because the children played a big role as well would she have left with or without the children she knew she would have not stayed there that's for sure how could she at that time she thought her mama was dead she was unaware of her father where would she have gone she couldn't have gone back home may be to her Uncle Jack she was confused at the what's and ifs but she couldn't turn the hands of time back so she was best not to think about it. She placed it to the back of her mind and looked at the road ahead that's where her destiny lied.