

As they head to the house the cars pulled outside the gates the guards saw Anna they immediately recognise her the gates opened the cars pulled outside the main entrance they all got out they headed in Anna lingered behind she wasn't sure what she was expecting would she get a warm welcome or a cold shoulder she had come to know what was happening in her home she was disappointed in her children she wonders where she went wrong did she not do her best she failed to teach them right from wrong. Teaching them to look at facts before believing hearsay.

As she arrived everybody was greeting everybody warmly she met the rest of her shadow guards they all came rushing to Anna they met Anna they were so happy to see her awake. Mu Shinn and his wife came over they hugged and greeted her.

Mu Shinn was observing Anna he saw she had lost weight he thought has she not been well he made a mental note he would talk to Anna later.

Mu Yazhe younger her brother Mu Yanis and his girlfriend Feng Lilly came to greet Anna too he introduces her as his sis in law for him she was his only sis in law.

Anna smiled gently she appreciates him still accepted her as his sister in law. Especially now she didn't know where she stood with Mu Yazhe she had to admit this was the first time she felt strange in her own home.

As she headed a bit more forward her elder son Mu Musin and his wife Zhi Laquan and his twins came over and greet their mother he hugged her tightly:" hey Mummy your home it's been a long time I missed you, Mummy" Mu Musin hugged Anna tightly he also saw his mum was very thin.

Anna:" I missed you too little Rock and especially my grandchildren she kneeled to hug her grandchildren she missed them so much.

As she stepped aside Benjamin came over he hugged his mummy tightly:" hello mummy I missed you so much how have you been" he also knew his mum was in a coma he went over to check the restaurants in Italy.

Anna:" I have been well sweetheart how have you been I have missed you too" she smiled.

Li Na saw her mother she leapt over and hugged her tightly he asked:" how have you been mama I missed so much I love you, mama, this house is not the same the warmth has disappeared" she had tears coming out.

Anna:" I missed you too my baby girl how have you been you good at work" she smiled at her.

Li Na:" all good mama its all good now your here" she wiped her tears.

Father Mu Dachi came over with grandfather Mu Rong and Grandma Mu Shi Ru they all hugged greeted Anna. Anna was so happy to see them here too. They were disappointed in what had happened and they were also very angry with Mu Yazhe for what he had done too but who was listening to there elders now.

Li Jun was waiting he came over and hugged his Mummy tightly:" Mummy have you been well

why didn't you answer your phone you know how worried I was at least you show up today I missed you Mummy I love you Mummy" he smiled

Before Anna could answer Mu Xingyan spoke sarcastically:" she doesn't have time for us she was too busy spending our hard-earned money what else was she doing apart from having fun out there probably taking and ruining other people's lives as she has done ours what else is she good for where ever she goes destruction follows just look in our house it's like a graveyard since she entered" she snickered at her mother.

Anna looked horrified at her daughter she was expecting some sort of drama but what extent she was finding out they had poisoned her daughter against her she looked with no emotions she was ready for everything they were going to throw at her it would be easy to deal with one of your own so now Anna was going to put to the ultimate test she had to hold her anger and disappointment in not to give them their satisfaction. Anna didn't react to her remark she would rise above it. After all, she was the older one here and she was this women mother.

Mu Xingyan(Little Blessing):" oh so cat got your tongue if I was not speaking the truth then why don't you answer I am telling the truth aren't I" she smirked again.

Anna still didn't answer she didn't feel the need to justify her self. Why I don't need to place my self in the box to answer stupid questions.

Mu Xingyan:" well, well, well the great Anna Jaden Isaac has nothing to say leaching of this family for years did you come back because you ran out of the money you thought that you would get my father and brothers to give you more so you can splash out on all the toyboys that you have around the world oh yeah I pulled up your past sneaking out racing motorcycle with thugs was your favourite past time your parents taught you well, Mrs Anna Jaden Isaac didn't they oh wait a minute, they abandoned you when you were young they knew how you would turn out they did the right thing. Oh, I do feel sorry for your sister who got dragged through the mud with you she had to suffer because of you, you are a selfish greedy gold digger who will leach on to anyone who has a lot of money " she turned to her grandmother (Mu Yazhe Mother) and smiled.

Anna smirked:" is that all you got Little Blessing if there's is more you may as well get it off your chest and then tell me how I wronged you personally as well I ruined your life didn't I so how did I do that dear why don't you enlightened us all here today and what great bank of yours personally that I have robbed and what downfall I bestowed upon your great family and when did I leach of others " she looked at her mother in law

Anna cold aura sends shivers down the spine of her mother in law and Mu Yazhe Girlfriend she knew that Anna would deal with her because she had discovered she was the culprit. Anna threw such a cold look that everybody in the room was worried what was about to come next Anna was never a talker she always used her hands and legs speak for her. And she never forgives anyone for meddling in her family.

Mu Xingyan( little Blessing):" yeah there is more I am not done I will never forgive you it's your fault that my papa Zain and grandma Han died not only that you killed grandma s brother Beng Shy and most of his family you couldn't leave that you also are responsible for the deaths of Ju Longboy's father Zhi Ruo and his Grandfather aren't you how could you are you even human you have not only taken all my father's Zain money you have also taken My father Mu Yazhe's money too you are so self-centred that I am ashamed to call you my mother and if you are not Mu then get the hell out of my house" she was scream g at this point.

Everybody was left gobsmacked at what was just said Mu Musin knew full well Mummy never used any of the companies money or any business money now come to think of it. Anna had never used any money owned by Mu's so where did Mu Xingyan get her ridiculous story from he looked at his Grandma and his Fathers' girlfriend who was smirking so they were behind all of this? He would personally deal with his father's girlfriend he had figured out who she was he had a surprise install for her. As for his grandma, he would have to put a stop to her too she had was too much out respect of his father he always let it slide but this was too much.

That hit the nail on the coffin and sealed the daughter and mothers fate Anna was shocked at what she said how would she know about Zhi Rou and his father died at the compound helping them fight Bengs men's unless Beng's son Beng Shun wasn't behind all this Anna had come prepared.

Anna never went on mission half prepared so she would have come here prepared too but first she had to see what the enemy had prepared. Anna saw the hatred in her daughter's eyes but she had to wait for the enemy to appear who was lurking around she knew who exactly was involved she was disappointed in the some of them but others she was very angry at how dare they use her daughter shoulder to fire the gun the battle that has glory is that you face your opponent to fight not to stab them in the back want honour does the hold.

Anna didn't speak so they thought that she was defeated by her stupid daughter Anna was ready her shadow guards where ready Mu Shinn and his wife half the kids that knew what was going on were ready they and to somehow lure the enemy out they knew they were using Mu Yazhe memory loss to their advantage but Mu Xingyan was a mystery on how they got her on board and her husband too.

At this point, Mu Yazhe who was in the background came forward with his girlfriend who stops near him she was flat on her stomach so she has had the baby but you couldn't see the baby anywhere Anna thought, of course, you would get you, children, to a safe zone.

Mu Yazhe spoke it was a very cold tone that Anna had heard him use on other people but for her, before this was the first time she felt a shiver run down her spine back her heart hurt like someone was stabbing Anna controlled her self she stood her ground and placed her it to the back of her mind he was their puppet at this moment he was just Mu Yazhe that's it stranger for her:" is what Xingyan said true did you? are you responsible for all of these deaths are you responsible for uncle Bengs death" he looked at her so coldly.

The cold aura that came her way froze her heart she finally realised that she no longer loved this man she didn't hurt or disappoint her anymore when he asked her this question she looked directly into his green eyes where she could lose her self and she would see his love for her now she was seeing nothing an emptiness when she made eye contact.

Mu Yazhe could see the hurt and broken disappointed looked coming from Anna's eyes them as he questioned her he felt a stabbing pain in his heart like he had hurt someone very dear to him. He thought what is this why did feel so guilty towards her when he said them things to her why did he feel that his heart was hurting for mistreating her why was so aware of her feelings. Did he love this woman Why did he want to hug this woman and hide her from all this?

Mu Shinn looked at Anna she didn't call him brother she call ed him Master Shinn she was going to break ties with all of them he was disappointed in her and Mu Yazhe why did she think that she wasn't family she is his sister that his father adopted how is she breaking ties with him he wouldn't allow it:" is what is this I will tell Yazhe about it all later we are here to celebrate so why all the gloom, huh and you are the family you are my sister and I love you dearly?" he smiled at Anna.

Mu Yazhe mother panicked she quickly spoke:" what do you mean you killed my brother and I hold you responsible for the death of Mu Zain and my sister if you hadn't come into our lives we would be happy you just need to go all you do is bring us down and your liability" she sneered.