
175 Thunder strikes big and small


Anna woke up and saw her Uncle looking at her he smiled:" thank you little (haha he chuckled) I mean big angel you are my lifeline I thought I hit rock bottom but I heard everything last night and your right rather than wallow in what happened let's kick some butts I need to keep busy and also find this Beng's they seem to the course a lot of trouble for us" he patted Anna's head.

Anna:" that's like my Uncle lets kick butt " she chuckled.

Anthony walked in and smiled:" oh you're awake great how are you feeling old timber of your okay get ready we all going on a mission believe it, or not Mu Yazhe has made all the arrangements " he looked at Anna.

Anna looked shocked:" really Uncle wow I need to see this I know he is good but how good were about to find out" she smiled proudly.

Ed:" look at her how she lights up when you mention Yazhe name she looks so cute I want to pull her cheeks" he came towards Anna.

Anna yelled:" no Uncle you pull too hard it feels like my whole face fell off I can still feel the effects of the last cheeks you pulled nooo? She hid behind Anthony.

Anthony was chuckling at the duo he was happy to see Ed pulling through. Anna pushed Anthony into Ed ran out of the room.

Anthony looked at Ed:" care to tango love or you can pull my cheeks if you like I am rather cute" he smiled.

Ed shook his head:" you behave okay not too old to receive a smack on the bum what's with old-timer I can still beat in the ring or you want to find out" he frowned and tried to get out of his grip.

Anthony held him tighter:" yeah you still can beat me but you're still getting old if you admit I will let go" he chuckled.

James and Adrian and Mu Yazhe walk Ed in they chuckled at the sight.

James:" well come back when you less busy then" he turned around to leave.

Ed:" take this leach with you and get it a girlfriend it needs to release some tension" he pushed Anthony to James.

James caught him them let go Anthony landed on the floor he sat there pretended to rub his bum:" bro you I don't love any more I will cry" he presented to be sad.

Adrian comes over and gives him a hand lifted Anthony:" What you need is a good work out and I know just how to release your tension an intense training session what say" he chuckled.

Anthony frowned:" what beating me up this morning wasn't enough so you need to give my bruises some bruises no thank you I don't want to release any tension in kind of form thankyou" he walked out frowning as he headed towards the door he was in a hurry more running for his life. He knew if he stayed they were sure to do something to him.

The rest chuckled at his retreating back. They always loved to tease him he was the youngest so he always got the abuse. But in a teasing way.

Anthony smiled as he shut the door thinking that Anna did it she brought Ed out before he went off the edge and this now new found energy he is going to be a lethal weapon he will hunt Beng's down to the last one and make them pay for what they put him through.

James in the room spoke to Ed:" hey bro now that you alright please go and see Jackie she has been worried sick about you you didn't treat her well and said some hurt full things to her when you were drunk she is a good kid-crazy but very loyal so you some making up to do" she sighed they all tried to stop Ed that night but couldn't.

Jackie was in the training room practising she was sweating she had vented her anger on the mats and punch bag the glorious kid was looking so serious now she had come along way from being a honey scrappy kid to a mean killing machine her charm was she was very flirtatious her enemy being a man or women were taken in by her charm then she would strike when they lowered their guard. Anna always told her off about this behaviour it's going to land her deep and troublesome day. But Jackie would turn on the charm with Anna make her serious face chuckle and she would give in the end.

Even in training when in combat she would flirt with her opponent to sidetrack them the shadow guards were all aware of this so they didn't fall for her charm but it didn't stop her trying.

Ed watches his baby girl train he had never seen her this serious he thought she is very angry with me he couldn't remember what he said but it must be really bad. He walked over knowing there was trouble brewing but it was time to face the consequences of his doings?

Ed spoke first:" hey a spicy girl can we talk" he smiled sheepishly.

Jackie looked at him then carried on punching the punch bag harder than she was jabbing it before. Jackie knew he didn't mean what he said but it still hurt what he said he was after all her father he should have thought that she would just as devastated as he was.

Ed rubbed the top of his head:" hey spicy kid I am sorry for what I said I spoke to while I was drunk please forgive me sweetheart" he smiled.

Jackie sighed:" firstly when the bullets leave it gun now it's non-returnable just like hurtful words leaves one's mouth they can't be retracted every word you spoke was like a bullet in my heart:" she couldn't finish what she wanted to say the tears flowed down her face but she carried on punching the bag.

Ed walked over and pulled Jackie into his embrace:" this spicy old man doesn't know when to shut up and what to say but he is very sorry my baby girl" he couldn't remember for the life if remember what the hell he said to his baby girl to make her like this his bubbly baby girl was hurting because of him.

Jackie sobbed so much:" am I not loveable daddy Mummy abandon me she left me because she wasn't sure who my father was and thought that the ones that raped her were my father I didn't ask to be born you know" she cried as she had cried in all her life.

Ed:" I sure Mummy knew you belong to me and she was pregnant before she was raped so you were mine all 100% mine" he held his daughter tightly and thought what the hell have I done it's nobody's fault but mine I have to fix this.

Jackie spoke in between her sobs:" well explain why she left me if she loved me then why didn't she leave me with you why an orphanage and if she wanted she could have left a note to say pass me on to you but she didn't isn't that tell you something I was abandoned and don't be loved I shouldn't be here I should just leave"?

Ed gripped her tighter:" sorry spicy kid my baby girl I don't know why your mother left young ere but k is this you are loved and by a lot of people not only daddy but Uncles and sisters and brothers and even nieces and nephews as Anna says we are misfits that fit perfectly together" he held Jackie tightly.

As he said this all, the shadow guards big and small and Anna and Mu Yazhe walked over and joined the hug the two that were embracing turning in to one big circle of hugs and love.

Anthony:" how can you say we don't love you we loved you before we found out who you were and love you more now we know who you are" he was in tears too he didn't know what had happened but you didn't have to be genius to know.

Anna:" hey sis don't ever say you are not loved or not wanted we all love you and your crazy's okay" she hugged her tightly.

Jackie didn't say anything she cried, even more, there wasn't a dry eye in the room even the cold Mu Yazhe was removed to tears he didn't know what happened but he had heard so he an idea but he had grown fond of this flirtatious sister of his and he didn't mind this nature of hers she was wholeheartedly loveable.

Ed whispered:" I am so sorry making you feel worthless but remember this you are my unpolished diamond" he kissed her forehead.

Jackie nodded her but she couldn't stop the waterworks she cried until she fell asleep carried her to her room and lay her down on her bed Ed covered with covers and placed a kiss on her forehead he sat there and watched her sleep he knows even if she found her mother this time she would reluctant to accept her and it was his fault how the hell was he going to fix this.

Ed thought after he would ask James what was said and see where he needed to fix what he has caused. Anna was squashed in the mist off all of the Mu Yazhe pulled her arm and pulled her out. Anna was surprised but she didn't resist she knew who was pulling her so she let him drag her out.

Mu Yazhe pulled her into the office after he pulled her he shut the door and hugged her he had missed her so much he missed the warmth comes from Anna and he missed her smell, her touch he missed every part of her. He hugged her for a long time he was reluctant to let go.

Anna was happy being hugged she had missed Mu Yazhe too. So she stayed put. As she was released she moved forward and hugged again Mu Yazhe more than happy to be embraced again he asked:" miss me"

Anna:" hmm" that's all the answer he got.

Mu Yazhe:" I missed you too little Demon doesn't go away for too long next time I won't let you go" he smiled.

Anna thought if he knows where I had been he would ban me in the house she chuckled to her self dear hubby you are oblivious to what your wife gets up some times only if you knew how would you react.