


Anna picked up the little girl they headed to the doc's clinic as they headed in Anna went to reception and told them they had an appointment with the doc Jennifer Lawrence the receptionist has already expected them they went straight in doctors.

The doctor looked the three of them she didn't see Master Falong around she didn't ask he was her good friend she knew exactly where he had gone she was also part of the French underworld she was the miracle doctor that the underworld used when injured when they did want to go down the normal routes so she knew how they all worked.

Doc Jennifer Lawrence:" I have had her blood checked that I took last night they have used drugs on her so she was more likely in the unconscious when they did what they do so she doesn't remember any of it, It also explains why she isn't affected and not traumatized by it I don't know to want long term impact it is going to have on her all can do is give her medication to clean her blood out and then keep an eye on her closely, " she sighed and looked at Anna seriously.

The doctor:" As for why she can't walk! I will refer her to a specialist in that field so they can take a good look at her and decide on how to test her? however, there is a lot of bruising around her abdomen, the area we will only what damage is done only tell after the bruises heal I will give her enough medication for you take with you and also her medical report and also here is my number please give it the doctor she will see and have them ring me I will explain everything clearly okay and please take good care of her she has been through a lot this is the first time I have seen something like this I have nightmares ever since trust me I have seen my fair share" she sighed as she looked at the little girl who was talking to Anthony.

Anna:" thank you doc I will make sure I get her the best treatment so she can grow up a happy healthy girl and be a normal little girl in every way possible" Anna looked at the little girl smiled gently.

Anthony stood in the background listening quietly he was actually horrified at what he heard even he had to admit that they had seen their fair share of wickedness in the underworld just when he thought he had seen it all this blew his mind it made his blood boil it reminded when they found Jenny and the impact it had on her hell! She was still affected by it he want to find all the people responsible he couldn't wrap his mind around it this was a whole new level of savageness he had seen.

From the moment he arrived this child had smiled she was happy and bubbly you couldn't tell this child had been through such an ordeal she amazed him at resilient she was. She reminded him of Anna when she was young the way she took everything in her stride she wouldn't cry when she was punished she kept it all in she would hide and sob quietly so nobody knew but they all did she would have big panda eyes he always waited with an ice pack for her she would come when she was ready.

Anna couldn't take the pain she would let out a slight wince but wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Sometimes he had to find her when she had fallen asleep so he could put cream on her wound and bandage it she did, however, weep while she was sleep and always call for Mama later she stops she only called for Uncles mostly she called for Jack. It did sometimes make him envious of Jack.

But they were all waiting near her they couldn't sleep knowing he was in pain she was the little baby girl they had come to love her dearly, sometimes when she would burn with fever and the only person she would let near her was Adrian he would hold her while Anthony would use wet bands to bring down her temperature she would hold on to Anthony's hand and not let go they would stay like that most of the night.

Anthony remembers when he would have a fever Anna would stay up the whole night looking after him he would always find her asleep at the foot of his bed she was very special for him she was his baby girl.

When the doctor finished they left the clinic they headed for the airport they had the documents as a family of three to pass through the airport to the private Plane which was waiting for them they head to through all the checks with ease but they were getting the weirdest looks from the staff at the airport. Anna to wonder what document Anthony was holding she should take a look she knew he always did the stupidest things she wouldn't be surprised. They were heading back to China.

Anthony:" baby girl aren't we taking this little girl to her Grandma" he looked at Anna.

Anna smiled:" yess uncle we are her grandma is closer than you think and I think for this little girl Auntie Falong would be the ideal person and plus she needs her family and their love more than ever now if she is to grow into a healthy and happy young woman" she looked at her Uncle.

Anthony:" your right I thought we would be taking her home with us first then her then when she better than give her to her grandma" he looked at Anna for an answer.

Anna:" I would have liked to but you see how she attaches her self to you she is looking for some to care and love her if we take her then she wouldn't want to go her grandma's which is unfair to her and her grandma so it's best she attaches herself to them" she smiled at her Uncle.

Anthony:" your right that's why you're my baby girl you think better than me he he" he chuckled.

Anna:" it's not that I think with logic while you think with thin air" she chuckled.

Anthony:" hey baby girl that's hurt my feeling and the pea for a brain cell I have" he chuckles at his baby girl he lives her smile it washes all the worry and stresses away.

The little girl was attached to the window she had never travelled in a plane before for her this a big adventure her eyes were big and full of life the stewardess on the plane also fell in love with the little girl she was taken back the little girl's curiosity and questions, she was very alert of everything little thing around her she wants to know about everything Anna was chuckling.

Anthony had become friends with the little girl and he answered all her questions. Anthony was chuckling thinking what have I let my self in for! But he didn't mind she reminded him of Anna she was always exquisite about everything. It was like he was reliving Anna's childhood.

The stewardess was looking at Anthony and Angel and thinking what a beautiful pair father and daughter was. Little did she know that she was a complete stranger for them.

When the plane landed they were going to get of the little girl place her hands out at Anthony she wanted him to pick her up she was so cute Anna wasn't surprised that she took a liken to Anthony he knew how to coax children.

Anthony carried her off the plane while all the staff watched they were envious of the pair thinking they were father and daughter. when the car drove up Anna notice it was her Uncle Adrian he looked so cool in the driver's seat with his cream polo neck jumper and black shades. Anna wanted to blow a wolf whistle but the way he looked at her like he was not impressed with Anna.

Anna looked down at her feet she swallowed her saliva she knew she was in trouble. Out of the back of the car Uncle James came out he also looked at Anna with disspoinment .

Adrian got out of the car:" Anna Jaden Isaac gets over here now and explains to your self now young lady what's the meaning of this you know you nearly give me a heart attack when I found out you had gone with that brat and to top it off you were on a ship" he looked at her for an answer.

Anna knew how to coax this Uncle she ran over and hugged him tightly:" sorry Uncle I won't do it again promise" she smiled in his chest she always found it fatherly loving.

Adrian smiled he knew Anna would do this he winked at Anthony who was holding the cute little girl in his arms he smiled too, he knew she won't let go until he said it was alright but he was enjoying his hug she hadn't hugged in a long time so he was going to milk this.

Anna:" Uncle I am sorry I love you so much Uncle please don't be angry with me I sorry I will cry if you don't forgive me I promise no more solo missions okay" she knew this would get his attention.

Adrian chuckled:" hah! you know how to get me don't you I am not angry I am upset with you that you didn't trust to tell us your stupid plan and to top that you put life in danger with none of us to back you up sprout" he moved her back kissed her forehead and smiled.

James came over he stood in silent he hadn't spoken since he arrived he silently watched Anna know we he was Angry too he would give Anna the silent treatment she hated it the most she would burst out crying when he did it.

Anna looked at him with her big eyes but it wasn't working then she smiled it didn't work then she pulled a face to look like she was about to cry that didn't work today none of it worked. He was extra angry he wasn't giving in easily.

Anna looked at his face she really had tears coming down her face because she realised he was truly upset with her she didn't blame him but she didn't know why she hated it when he didn't speak to her. James doesn't like his silent treatment for her but it had to be done for Anna it was worst than the punishment granddad Isaac gave her. Anna tears role out without warning. Anthony and Adrian watched they wanted to come over and hug Anna but they had to hold back. This was between James and Anna.

James looked at Anna when he saw there were real tears flowing down Anna's face he walked over and hugged her before he could say anything Anna spoke in her muffled sound through her tears:" sorry I am sorry but I thought I was doing the right thing I didn't want anyone in danger because of me lots of people got hurt so I thought this was best I didn't want anyone else hurt because of me I am so sorry" she was sobbing she didn't even knew why.

James hugged her tightly:" Missy I was worried about you I am not angry I can be angry why don't you understand you are my life you don't understand when you do stupid thing my heart hurts I struggle to breath when I found out you were on a boat my heart nearly stopped beating Missy please tell me regardless the situation I will not stop okay ,okay promise me? He kissed her head.

Anna still sobbing:" I will promise don't give the silent treatment I don't like it my heart feels suffocated" she had hiccups now she was so cute for her Uncles now they all came in for a hug.

The little girl watched them all she like all these Uncles:" pretty Auntie who are all these your Uncles" she smiled.

Anna:" they are my Uncles but they are their your Grandad's okay Angel" she smiled in between the sobs.