


When Anna brought the little girl out of the bathroom she was very tired Anna gave her the medication that the doc had given and the little girl went to sleep very quickly. Anna stared at her a while thinking what have you been through? the little girl who did this to you and why?

Anna took her mobile out:" hey are you all still around" he sighed.

Jimmy:" yeah babe we're still here " he smiled gently he knew something was up.

Anna:" do me a favour go back to Italy and the house where we rescue the little girl from finding out who they then wipe them out after what they did to this little girl they deserve to live? She didn't want to go into details she was too upset.

Jimmy:" don't worry we will deal with it" he didn't ask he knew there was something serious otherwise Anna would give this order.

After the call, Anna looked at the little girl covered her with the quilt and then kissed her forehead and smiled she whispered:" you will be okay now nobody will ever hurt you ever again little princess.

Anna walked out of the bedroom as she did she grabbed master Falong hand dragging him with her into the sitting room she stood in front of him she looked at him she didn't know how to tell him this.

Anna:" Master Falong were friends now right"

Master Falong:" yeah, babe, of course, we are what's wrong" he looked at her seriously.

Anna:" I'm sorry I took matters into my own hands I couldn't wait for you to take action I would have liked to gone personally but the little girls need me here so I have sent a team there and they will history all of them after what they have done they don't deserve to live it is inhumane what these people did?

Master Falong came forward and asked:" what's wrong babe what is it why are you behaving like this what happened to my baby girl" he looked at Anna.

Anna:" oh I need to tell you it's hard to say it I will deal with personally I just need you to take care of your little girl okay" as she said these words she was walking towards the door. She decided to personally take care of it the anger inside her was building up she needed to vent it somewhere.

Master Falong step in front and stop here closed the door he stood up in front and refuse to let her out:" what's is wrong with you babe what is your not wanting to tell me" he needed to know.

Anna looked at him how could she tell him about his daughter it was best if she dealt with the culprits so she could avoid telling him he is her father how would he handle it she was a stranger she couldn't handle this information how was he supposed to deal with it.

Master Falong held her hand and led her back to the sofa he sat her down and gave her water then he sat opposite on the coffee table and asked her he had locked her in with his legs so she couldn't run even if she wanted to.

Master Falong:" now tell me whatever it is I will listen without getting angry okay or upset promise " he looked at Anna.

Anna looked at his face their eyes met she immediately lowered her eyes she couldn't look directly at him while dropping a big torpedo on him:" Well the thing is! you see the thing is! that your little baby girl was, was, as she was hurt deeply in the worst possible way" she didn't look up Anna was in tears she moved forward and placed her head on his chest while she sobbed she now she couldn't hold it in she spoke it out loud it broke her emotionally.

Master Falong looked at the way she grabbed I'm and sobbed he knew what she was saying he had a gut feeling the tears came down his face he looked at the bedroom door he burst out into crying he did want to make noise in case he woke his baby girl up he held on to Anna and cried until their we're no more tears left.

He looked at Anna who had cried until she tired her self out and fell asleep she was still leaning on his chest her warm breath was comforting he lifted her up slowly and took her into the bedroom place her in the bed where his daughter was sleeping and cover her. Master Falong looked at Anna and thought I always knew you were special for me but you have become my queen if I ever loved anybody after my mother and daughter it will be you if you ever need me I will be there in a shot he whispered:" thank you, babe"

Master Falong walked over to his daughter side and kissed her forehead she removed around but didn't open her eyes. She murmured:" my daddy will save me"She smiled in her sleep.

Master Falong just started at his daughter she called for him he was too late his little girl was torn physically and mentally and emotionally it was his fault for not saving her.

Master Falong whispered:" sorry my Angel daddy was late sorry" he stroked her hair gently.

Little girl:" I love my daddy and my daddy loves me he will come and he will take me away from her you see I am not lying daddy will come"

Master Falomg listen to his girl he whispered:" yeah your right daddy does love you and he is sorry for coming so late but they will pay for want they have done" he was angry he had murder in his mind.

Master Falong walked out of the room he wrote a note and left his credit cards and cash on the table he had some business to take care off.

Anna woke up early the next morning she looked around the little girl was sleeping next to her and there was no sign of Master Falong she got up went to the sitting-room he wasn't there either she wondered has he gone to deal with the scums.

Anna took her phone out:" hey Jimmy did you deal with it" she looked serious.

Jimmy:" hey babe all done I will see you and explain the information I found out okay" he smiled gently he was shocked at what he found he didn't know how to explain this to Anna.

She was heading back to the bedroom she saw the note on the coffee table she walked over and took the more and started to read it.

Dear babe, I mean new best buddies (we can be that right we shared tears of pain)

I am going to deal with the scums that did this to my daughter and I won't be able to come back once I ask my subordinates to join me I want to ask you to do one more favour for me I know I owe big time I promise to hold my end of the deal I swear by it. I need you to take my daughter to my mother because my baby girl doesn't belong in my world she has already suffered being born as my daughter I couldn't even protect her I am the worlds most useless father ever to be born but the least I can do this for her move her away from my world so she can grow up happy and healthy and mainly be alive. Babe thank you once again,

Thanking you Master Falong xxx(oh ps) I have left my credit cards and some cash you can use the card the number is xxxxxxxx and uses for anything you may need and also make some money out and give it to my mother and tell my mother I still love her with all my heart and I will wire you each month so you can send money to my mother for my daughter thank you once again.

Anna read the letter she smiled and thought at least you are doing one thing right and will take good carer of your daughter she safely reaches your mother I am sure her grandma and Auntie will be happy to meet her.

Anna phone started to ring it was Anthony Anna answered:" hello Uncle how are you" she was surprised by the call.

Anthony:" Anna Jaden Isaac which room are you staying in" he was angry.

Anna gulped down her saliva she knew she was in trouble dose Mu Yazhe knew too oh boy she

was in for it now:" room number 3095 hehe" she was in so much trouble she knew Anthony only used her full name when he was going to scold her for something.

In no time the do knocked Anna answered it was Uncle Anthony he walked in past Anna looked around then in the bedroom he saw the small girl asleep then he came into the room and looked at Anna.

Anthony:" explain to your self young lady what is all this and what the hell are you doing with Master Falong have you forgotten what he tried to do to us last time on the boat" he looked disappointed.

Anna:" uncle I was helping Master Falong rescuing his little baby girl she has to suffer a lot you know I am a sucker when it comes to rescuing little damsel an in distress" she smiled cheekily.

Anthony looked at and shook his head:" why were you born a female you should have been born a male you would have suited the role rather well" he sighed. He patted her on the head then pulled her in for a hug. He was happy she was alright that's all that mattered.

Anna:" when did you find out I was up to something" he looked for an explanation.

Anthony:" when you took the phone call and the way you left it was a long and the peeking at the door, it my heart hurt like I wasn't going to see you again and the way you said goodbye that was strange for you so I knew you were up to something so I followed you, you surprise me that you would work with Master Falong" he sighed.

Anna:" yeah sorry about that we made a deal that if I help him then we would be even no looking over my shoulders any more no worrying that he would harm any of my family or friends" she looked at Uncle and smiled.

Anthony:" okay baby girl what's the deal with the little girl what are you going to do with her give her to him or take her home with us" he was curious Anna was unpredictable these days she would be going straight and without warning take a right or left turn you could never tell.

Anna:" We are doing neither she is going to her grandma's this little girl has been through more in this small age than we have been through in our whole lifetime uncle we have an another Jenny on our hands " she looked over at the little girl on the bed asleep with a smile of sympathy on her face.

Anthony:" but she is too small how? why? Wtf?" he runs out of words he remembered the turmoil Jenny went through when they found her but she was older this little girl was a baby and how long it took her to come through it all she still wakes up screaming and kicking her arms and legs she is very hard to control she had to be sedated. He runs his hands through his hair in shock as he looked at the little sweet child on the bed asleep.

Anna:" We are not related to her look how we feel now imagine her father looking at her every day knowing he failed in protecting his baby girl so I think he made the right decision to not enter his world and let her stay with her grandma" she looked at the little girl with great sympathy.

Anthony:" I couldn't even begin to imagine what he would be going through but if it was me I would take down the man from the top to the bottom and burn them alive" he looked at Anna.

Anna:" you're being nice I would cut every part that touches the little girl then watches them bleed out and make sure they had a slow tortures death they would beg to die but death would not come" Anna looked cold and aloof right now she looked scary.

Anthony:" it's almost morning let's take this little baby girl to her home so I can take my baby girl home too" he looked at Anna while he ruffled the top of her hair. He kissed the top of her head he knew his baby girl had a big heart she took care of strangers like they were own those are the things that made him love his baby girl more.

Anna:" everything is in place I just need to take her to the doc's clinic this morning then we can head out" she smiled at her Uncle she hugged him tightly she needed to hug somebody she felt turmoil building up in the side of her every time she looked the little girl?