

While both men admired the sleeping beauty Mu asked:" she has a funny way off sleeping doesn't she". Mu zain looked and chuckled" mother and daughter have there owned unique style "oh" that reminds me I took a picture of the both of them sleeping I show it to you". Mu yazhe rushed over to see the picture they sat on the sofa in the room Mu yazhe went through all the pictures in Mu zain phone he had pain in his heart knowing that he missed out on so much of his children growing up then came the snapshot of the two duo sleeping he couldn't stop smiling, seeing the pair had the identical posture.

The door of the room open and in walks, Anna with there food she puts it on the tables then goes and fetches the plates, cutlery, glasses place them in the table Mu zain opens all the containers and places them so they can eat. Anna walks over to little blessing and asks's " has she ate or has she been asleep all this time. Mu zain looks up while enjoying his meal she fell asleep on the way to the hotel sat between us." I'm not surprised it must be the warmth you two emitted "said Anna. The men didn't know whether she was mocking them or not they shrugged their shoulders and carried on eating.

Anna slowly wakes up her sleeping beauty by kissing her so many times the little girl knows that it is her mother so she ended up giggling she wakes up and hugs her mum tightly she then peers over her shoulder to see Daddy and Uncle there eating she slides down of her mother runs over to her father and pounces on him she gives him a kiss on the cheek she grins from ear to ear. She then cheekily moves over to where Mu yazhe is sitting pounced on him and kisses him on the cheek Mu yazhe is taken by surprise but this warm feeling of having his precious little girl in his arms to cuddle is amazing. Anna just looks on at her daughter antics which did she become so bold. Anna walks over puts food in a plate and asks little blessing to come and eat but little blessing refuses she wants Uncle to feed her all of them look in shock. Mu yazhe says "it's alright he will feed her" inside his heart, he didn't know when she snuck in and made her place was it when his baby girl called him" Daddy" now she asked "him to feed her". Anna watch how carefully Mu yazhe fed little blessing.

After they all ate Anna packed all the stuff away she said to the men she would take their little blessing home. Little blessing pouted she didn't want to go it was very rare for her to come Daddy office. They didn't like to bring them to the hotel their we're too many strangers in Anna eyes (strangers meant danger) she knew she had a lot of enemies out there she never wanted her children to be put in harms way. Mu zain was about to say he would take them home but was interrupted by his mobile it was from the client James he wanted to video call him so he asked Mu yazhe to take them home. Mu zain kissed his daughter bye and went towards the conference room. Leaving a grumpy little blessing behind Anna was coaxing her but she was having none of it. As they headed towards the elevator little blessings insisting on walking not wanting to be picked up as she rushed towards the elevator little blessing bumped into one of secretary's. Secretary mengi hadn't seen the CEO bringing little blessing up.

The secretary mengi was startled by the little girl the secretary mengi also looked at how beautiful this little girl was. The secretary mengi was arrogant she believed that because she belongs to a wealthy family Mu yazhe liked her so the secretary mengi could get away with bullying other staff. Anna walked quickly behind little blessing to check if she had not injured her self. Anna checked little blessing all over to make sure she was okay. The secretary looked at Anna with disdain she absolutely hated Anna she wanted to be where Anna was. secretary mengi looked at Anna up and down she scoffed at her clothes Anna was wearing black Armani jeans with her Armani hoodie she had her high top Adidas trainers on although they comfortable clothes they we're all designer wear for secretary mengi they we're trashy. Secretary mengi wanted to one of the madams of the elite families. The secretary mengi looked around didn't see the CEO around the duo so she thought she found the right moment to insult Anna thinking that Anna was an easy target according to secretary mengi knowledge that even her own mother in law despises her so she would be an easy target. Anna was always respectful of everyone around her she treated everybody like she wanted to be treated never looked down on anyone.

The secretary mengi spoke viciously" can you not take care of one silly little kid she running around causing all sorts of problems the little kid should be put on a leash like a dog so the kid can't wander off or better still take the bastard kid and your ugly face go back to which gutter you crawled out off and take your filth with you and look at the way you are dressed you don't deserve to even breath the same air as us elites". Before any more words came out of the secretary mengi mouth it got a tight whack first left cheek then right cheek the smack came so fast the secretary mengi didn't know what had hit her. How dare you speak in this manner regarding me and my child who the hell are you and who gave you the liberty and the clothes you wear doesn't define the persons you are who the hell are you to decide what air I breathe. The secretary mengi was stunned for a moment then she retorted "we all know that this kid is a bastard and you pretended it belongs to CEO if they were to run a DNA test it would most likely that CEO is not that the father there were rumours that he is impotent so how is possible that he is this child father". Anna was shocked at how much information this woman had and where did she get it from whom the hell was she, Anna then realised that the woman just said just this child so she didn't know how many children she gave birth to Anna was still thinking about what this secretary mengi said to her Anna was still in control of her anger otherwise this women would be dead.

Little blessing tugged on the secretary mengi dress and said:" Auntie don't shout at my Mummy I was the one to bump into you I am very sorry Auntie" little blessing looked at her with her big beautiful green eyes". The secretary mengi pushed little blessing hard and retorted "get off me you filthy dirty bloody street rat". Anna missed catching little blessing she landed on her bum little blessing was a bit shook up about the whole situation she began to cry loudly just as Anna went to pick up little blessing a big pair of hands scooped her up in his embrace Anna looked up to see Mu yazhe holding little blessing and little blessing hid her face on his chest and sobbed her little heart out. Mu yazhe looked at Anna and asked "what happened" he spoke gently because he didn't want to scare little blessing the secretary mengi thought he was being nice to her before Anna could speak the secretary started telling her version of events the staff that followed the secretary around hummed in. Suddenly, little blessing looked up and held Mu yazhe face so he would look at her and said" I am sorry I was running to the elevator to press the button I bumped into this Auntie then this Auntie said that I needed a leash like a doggy and I was a bastard that my Daddy is not my Daddy and we would go back to the gutter we came from oh and I am filthy, street rat that's all I can remember "she then flashed her long eyelashes at Mu yazhe. My yazhe was left stunned at his daughter antics but when he saw her red eyes and runny nose she had been crying his heart hurt. My yazhe "asked are you okay you didn't hurt your self my little blessing". "Just my bum nothing a kiss can't fix," said with such an innocent expression on little blessing face then pointed to all the places she wanted to be kissed. Anna looked at her daughter antics how little blessing had everybody wrapped around her little fingers. Anna was thinking how best to deal with the situation, she couldn't use any extreme measures in the office.
