

Anna brain hatched a plan and going to her parents was brilliant all she needed to do now was inform Mu Yazhe and get through the night as dinner was ready everyone gathered all big and small we're together Ed dropped a big bombshell before Anna could drop hers which was good hers didn't sound too bad compared to Ed's.

Ed:" well people me and Hazel have decided to move out and get our own place I have seen a cottage down the road it's perfect we won't too far so that will be good for all of us" he smiled.

Everybody dropped their chopsticks in shock.

Anthony:" what did you say I don't I heard it right" he was shocked.

Adrian:" did you say you wanted to move out" he was shocked.

James:" bro you want to leave us" another shocked face.

Little James:" did we do something wrong:" he was upset he didn't what was going on.

Harry:" big bro why" he looked confused.

Jade:" big bro I won't sneak in and take your stuff I promise don't go," she thought he was upset with them.

Jenny teared up:" big bro did we do something to upset you we promise we will fix it don't go" the tears flowed down.

Jackie:" spicy dad what about me why are you leaving Mummy what is there something wrong why" she looked confused and upset.

All the little shadows complained too they didn't want them to go they looked at Grandma Hazel in a new light she was taken their Grandad away they didn't like her anymore once these kids made their minds up it was hard for them to change.

Anna looked at Mu Yazhe he hadn't spoken so did he know about this he hasn't told her why.

Mu Yazhe looked at Anna he could tell she was asking if he knows and he did he helped Uncle Ed buy the house he understands why he wants his own space but the look Anna was given made him uneasy they were on unsteady from this just added to it he was definitely living in the dog house now.

Anna:" Can we talk later Uncle about this and if you still decide it's best I will respect your decision" she was gutted inside but she also wanted to know why she didn't want him to move even if it was down the road.

Hazel:" it's a decision we made together there is no need for a discussion we will moving that's it we just informed you we are not asking for your permission neither do we need it.

Anna and all the others looked at her she was bossy she was taken the Uncle, Dad, bro, Granddad away and spoke like it shouldn't affect them well did and they were bothered a lot about it but after she spoke they couldn't say anything.

Anna just looked at her what she said was right as well they did have the right to ask:" I thought we were family and everything was up for discussion and the best solution but I guess not " she looked at her Uncle had he changed or did she never know him all this time that a woman could come and take him away.

Ed looked at all the upset faces he thought they would be happy and supportive even his own daughter was upset at first he didn't understand what was wrong with wanting to move out but as she looked at all the sad faces he saw how much they cared about him they thought of him as the eldest they all respected him and his decision was always final he looked at his wife who was looking at him for support in the decision she had made he had agreed with her but deep down he did want to move.

He was stuck thus was hard and just now his wife spoke harshly to al, of them he had never raised his voice to them he saw how all little shadows we're upset. He looked at Anna who faces felt like it was slapped she was red with embarrassment they rest had their heads down nobody answered but he could tell they were all thinking the same thing that Anna had said Ed needed space to think so he got up and left the dining table without finishing his meal.

Hazel got up to follows she made it near the door she turned around:" who do all think you are your not his family I am his family he is my husband and it's what we decide between us so butt out and stop showing all these miserable faces to Ed he won't change his mind he has chosen me over you" she smirked.

Jackie:" what about me mum isn't I your family," she asked gently.

Hazel:" of course we were going to get settled and then take you and Anthony with us we don't need the rest of these people we have our own little family who needs all these misfits you all live in a delusion world that you are family if it isn't blood-related it is not family.

Anna had listened to enough she had never disrespected an elder but she www too much who was she to teach us about family:" Auntie no disrespect but you can't tell us that we are not family it's not about blood it's about respect, love, understanding each other it's about having each other back it's about being ready to give our lives for each other to protect each other not about blood okay" she didn't want to say too much with saying insulting after all the lady in the front was Ed wife Anthony sister Jackie's mum and her mama's best friend.

Hazel:" you out of all people don't have room to speak you are a little spoiled brat who has everyone running around after her I don't you saving anyone it's more like they always saving your arse all the time you think the world revolves around you you are the centre of the universe I'm here to inform and bring you into a reality that my husband isn't related to you so we stay or go is nothing to do with you and as for my brother and daughter I think we all move together it's best to burst the bubble and bring you all into a reality that she is the one running the show don't you see how she and husband have all the businesses and you are all working for them happily wagging your tales behind them just because you all break bread at the same table doesn't make you family it just means they just have where they want you"

Mu Yazhe was about to get up and say something Anna held his hand and shook her head he looked at her and frowned she still shook her head he sad back down angrily.

Jackie:" Mum that's too much and not called for" she was shocked at her mother behaviour.

Hazel:" what I haven't started speaking you have had enough they give you a roof over your head and food on the table you may be happy with that but I am not my husband would have all of this if he didn't live under your lot. He works like a dog and puts his life on the line day in day out for you what does he have to show for it nothing he was a bodyguard for a celebrity he would have a bank full of money nice house and nice car but he doesn't do the shares the cars and lives with all of you and has nothing but scars from saving your sorry butt" she pointed at Anna angrily.

Anthony:" okay sis stop you don't know anything" he didn't know what to say.

Hazel:" what little brother I haven't begun you have no room to speak if it wasn't for you girlfriend I wouldn't have missed out on so much of my life you owe me big time so say stop and open your eyes these people are using you when done they will dispose of you without any feelings this little girl knows how to manipulate you all to do her bidding she is a devious spoilt brat" she walked out she smirked as she left she had lit the match she wants so they burn now.

After Hazel left there was completed silent Anna looked at everybody's faces to read their opinion and they looked like that what Hazel said she was a spoiled brat and they run around after her.

Anna spoke softly:" erm from what Auntie said by the look on your faces I think we should all take time out I realise that I have been worrying everybody over the past and I am sorry I don't mean to cause trouble it just finds me sorry again and I think that we all need a time out from each other and think about where we want to go from here my father has asked me to stay with them for a couple of days so that will give us all time to think and if you all decide we are done then I take back the shadow guards oath from with you all and you can all go your own way and as far as money it's concerned I have always divided all payments equally and the rest invested in businesses the profits have always been sent to your personal bank accounts and there will no hard feelings I would like to part on good terms" Anna walked out of the room she went straight to her rock she had a lot to think about.

Mu Yazhe didn't follow he went to the office and used his mobile he rung someone and asked him to investigate Hazel past and present he wanted to know what was going on.

The little shadow guards left and all headed to one room where had their own discussion and decides to investigate Grandma Hazel as well.

The rest of the shadow guards left in the room didn't speak to each other they were all in their own thoughts Jackie looked and her uncle Anthony he looked at her they both walked out they needed to discuss a lot. Leaving the rest off the shadow guards all looking at each other they one by one headed to there rooms and closed their doors with speaking to each other.

Jain Liling went to her room and rung Mu Shinn and told him what had happened he told her he would be back in a couple of days before they discuss the whole thing he was worried about his little sister she has never been a burden she has always save their lives dam they owed her their life's and now they called her money-orientated brat oh how he wanted to punch them in their faces.

Anna outside on the rock had a lot to think about she thought she is a spoiled brat she always did what she wanted and they all followed her they always protected her they also made her warm and safe and she did take it for granted and it wasn't that she wasn't grateful she was humbly grateful her everyday life was to see them in the morning training with them having laugh sharing the pain with them she didn't what she would do if they decided to call it a day and leave she would be heartbroken for sure she loved them with all her heart and she would give her life to safe them.

Anna knew she would go out on her own a mission but they always had her back so she was never worried they always nearby from her first mission to the present day they had been by her side what would she do if they really decided to split dam they had moved the country's together they had good times hard times sad times together she couldn't imagine her life without them she wholeheartedly prayed they wouldn't be the need of the shadow guards if that was the case she would never take them for granted ever again she would always pull her own weight and not rely on anyone. She thought about a lot she was thinking and didn't know when she had fallen asleep.

Mu Yazhe sat in his office where he was sat he could see Anna when she fell asleep he seen her he smiled and thought to himself this woman she could sleep anywhere he walked out and picked her up as he did he heard her mumbled:" if we don't split up I promise to pull my weight and not be a spoilt brat I am not selfish really I am not" she thinks moved closer to his chest and hid her face in rubbed her nose made her self comfortable:" smell nice and feel warm Yazhe sorry"

Mu Yazhe looked down and realised she was sleep talking again but why was she saying sorry to me he kissed her forehead as he brought her to bee he placed her in and covered her kissed her forehead then her lips, he smiled and walked in the bathroom became out to see Anna spread out like a squid, he chuckled to himself and thought there is nothing ladylike about her she is definitely my little Demon. He lifts the covers and got next to her only to turn in to her pillow which he didn't mind at all.

That night there was not much sleeping going on everyone had a lot to think about they were all still reeling into what happened last night was long and only for all of them.

When they all woke they all barged on to the dining room to find Anna she wasn't there they looked in the kitchen everywhere she wasn't here. Then they saw Li Jannan walk in from outside they all ran over and asked where is Anna. He told them that she has gone to her parents and he also turned her mobile off so they could take their time and decide without feeling guilty about anything they all look gutted they had all come to one conclusion that there was no way they could live without each other and they shouldn't even have to think about anything they were family nobody would change that. Why was it so easy to sow discord between them they were shadow guards first then family they had sworn allegiance to Anna to follow her to death did they all forget that. They all looked at each other they didn't want to say.

Jenny:" we hurt Meimei didn't we the look on her face yesterday I have never seen it ever why did not speak yesterday and let her work out of the room have we become that weak that we forgot who we are" she looked at them all she needed to say it she was disappointed in all off them and in her self.

Jade:" why did we even need to think how did it come to this" she was also disappointed in her self.

Harry:" we swore an oath how did we forget" he was cursing himself.

Little James:" yeah you right our oath comes first" he wished he spoke up yesterday.

James:" yeah Missy has had a back from day one how many times has she saved us" he didn't speak although he never thought about leaving.

Adrian:" the Little Sprout is hurt I promised that I would protect her when she was born and time and time I have let her down yesterday I saw that look when she explained about the money she was heartbroken thinking we didn't trust her" he shook his head.

Jackie, " I know it was my mummy that said all that but Anna was the one who found me and brought me home and she never once made me feel like I wasn't wanted she loved me unconditionally and taught me made me who I am today I I swore an oath is with us until death does us part.

Anthony:" I didn't speak my baby girl looked me in the eyes they were hurt coming from them yesterday I was facing great difficulty one side what my sister said I let her down, on the other hand, was Anna who I let down my baby girl wanted somebody to tell her that they knew she wasn't greedy and she has always paid us our shares she has also giving us the black and gold cards with unlimited access has never paid that back she has been paying them off from her own pocket the cars outside I didn't pay for but we all use them and most of all we are the shadow guards that is our first duty regardless of us being family but saying that she is my family"

They all went and sat on the dining table the butler brought out the breakfast they looked at it nine of them were not hungry they all walked out. They all headed to their workplaces and tried to muddle through the day. Anthony and Adrain and James saw Mu Yazhe they all walked over and asked about Anna.

Mu Yazhe:" she is fine she didn't say much to me this morning we barely shared two words and she left she didn't even tell me how long she was going for I will later and find out" he wonders why she was avoiding him for.

The others looked at each other she had a problem with them but Mu Yazhe as well wants to be was going on in the girls head they needed to talk to and fix this before it got out of hand.

Hazel and Ed walked into the dining room Ed didn't know what had happened he ate his breakfast and headed out to the office on the way he dropped Hazel hat the house they had brought as she Hazel headed in she used her mobile she rang someone:" the jobs did I have sowed the cord between them they will turn against the spoilt brat and then we can work on Mu Yazhe and her eventually they will divorce then make a move on him and the Mu empire will be ours and we will destroy them all that will be our revenge for our parents" she put the phone down and laughed to get self.