


As they entered the restaurant the room was already booked the waiter showed them in they all took their seats then the waiter came with the menus. Anna picked the dessert one first and give him a list of all the deserts she wanted she smiled happily once her order was placed. Everyone orders their food the water left.

My Yazhe just shook his head only his little Demon would start with dessert and end with dessert too. He so times wondered if someone could lure her away with dessert and kidnap her she would probably stay with the kidnappers so long they fed her desserts.

Hazel:" I need to use the ladies" she got up and walked out of the room.

Anna and Jackie got up and followed Hazel fast they didn't want anything to happen they all headed in the ladies did what was needed and headed out as they were approaching there were people walking towards them it was Anna mama and papa and brothers. The brothers saw Anna ran over they hugged Anna.

Jun Rong:" hey sis we missed you how have you been" he beamed with happiness after seeking his sister.

Jun Ru:" hey big sis long time no see you look as beautiful as always hey Auntie Jacki how are you"

He smiled at them both.

Kang Jun smiled at his daughter:" how are you my sweet child" he forgot his wife was with him when he saw his beautiful daughter he hadn't seen her in a while they had been aboard his sons were studying there and his wife was getting treated by a specialist he was just so happy to see his daughter speaking to her on the phone was so different than seeing her he walked over and hugged her.

Anna was taken by surprise but she liked it this fatherly embrace was nice there was something special about it. She felt this was good this what is like to be in your fathers embrace the string pair of arms made her feel like the world problem a disappeared that moment.

Anna:" hello Papa how come are here! Weren't you when the states when did you all return from the states" she bowed in respect to her father.

Kang Jun:" We came back yesterday Great Grandma isn't doing well the doctor said it was best to gather the families we were going ring you later to tell you too come over grandma has been calling for you and her great-grandchildren to visit her one last time" he spoke sadly.

Anna:" oh! I will definitely come and bring everyone as well " she liked her great-grandma she was very nice she told her some funny stories about her grandparents and parents even her brothers. Anna was surprised when Great Grandma Called, her over when Anna and Amelia got there she had invited her friends to see her she wanted to show her granddaughters off the old ladies we're all doting on them they wanted them to marry their grandsons luckily great-grandma saved them by telling them they were married.

Jaden stood frozen still and kept staring at Hazel. Hazel was staring at Jaden it was as though they were trying to recognise each other and they were remembering something Anna notice too but she didn't know if it was a good thing or bad. Anna moved forward to step in case something bad happened Anna's father grabbed Anna's hand and held her back he whispered in her ears that her mother had received treatment and she is remembering bits and bats do it's best to let her respond in her own way.

Anna:" papa Auntie Hazel doesn't remember much either I don't know if it's good for her to remember the past he didn't have it good " she sighed.

Kang Jun:" Sweetheart I heard Hazel died tragically so it was rumour like your mums maybe it's best for both of them then may they need each other when they were younger they were inseparable remember when I married your mother she spent more time with Hazel than me " he really loved it if would give some Jaden memory ack maybe she would remember her baby girls and accept them.

Jaden looked at Hazel she walked forward and spoke:" Hazel is that you look terrible," she smiled a little.

Hazel, she moved forward too as she smiled:" Jaden is that you look amazing girl older but good"

Ed had walked out to see where they all went to. Anthony, Adrian walked in to join them for late lunch and Mu Yazhe had invited them with a hidden agenda he wanted them to take an active role in the business world. All three men froze where they were they didn't know what they were expecting the whole group was here they were missing Jack then for the first time in a very, very long time their crew would be together.

There was a positive reaction the two women where hugging so that was a good sign. Adrian had last seen Jaden that night when she disappeared he looked everywhere he was the one that discovered Anna in the water his heart almost stops when he remembers that night to see Jaden in front of him alive was like he was dreaming he had wished for this moment for so long he put both hands on his head walked over to Jaden he looked at her he couldn't stop himself his tears were pouring down his face he stood in front of Jaden she recognised him immediately she hugged him he held her tightly and whispered:" it's so good to see to my angel"

Jaden:" I missed you so much my devil " she smiled Ed and Anthony also walked over they hugged her too

Jaden:" hey Rocky (Ed) hey Rambo (Anthony) your here too it's been too long is baby Jack here" she looked around but couldn't see her baby brother.

Kang Jun looked all of them and thought if I had known this I would have let them all meet earlier but now is good too so she recognised everybody even that everybody has aged. What else will she have to remember?

Anna watched them all she was happy her mum remembered all of them but there was a bit of envious as well will she remember her daughters or not? Jackie was stood near Anna she side hugged her.

Jackie:" all in good time Meimei they might remember us soon"

Anna smiled:" yeah you're right this is a good start isn't it my mama and your mama needed the people who they were closet too and trusted the most to bring back to reality maybe in time they will remember us too hopefully" she sighed.

Mu Yazhe came to look for them and saw the crowd he immediately looked for Anna. He saw her being hugged by Jackie he was relived he walked over and bowed in front of Kang Jun.

Kang Jun:" how are Master Yazhe how are you how's is your parents and grandparents"

Mu Yazhe:" they are good sir" he was nervous he was after all his father in law.

Kang Jun:" what's with the sir call me dad okay" he smiled gently.

Mu Yazhe:" yes sir I mean dad" he didn't know what to say he was nervous Anna whole family made him nervous Anna father was in the military so his behaviour was that of commander he was retired but he was still, stiff and gave off a cold aura which put off anyone who would want befriend him but he still was a soldier in his soul.

Jaden looked at Anna then at her boys she looked backwards and then at Anna several times then she turned to her husband:" honey how is it this lady looks like my boys she has brown eyes is she related to us somehow" she looked at her husband suspiciously.

Hazel looked at the two:" Jaden really you don't even recognise your own daughter Anna you remember your twin's Amelia and Anna your beautiful baby girls they were your life how did you forget them I know they were five when you left" she smiled when she looked at Anna.

Anna thought of something but put it to the back of her mind she would take later.

Hazel didn't know what was going on her head was hurting she was having flashbacks of her past she looked at Ed she seems to recognise him a little bit he hadn't changed much.

Ed walked next to Hazel to stop from saying any more he didn't know what kind of impact it would have on Jaden.

Hazel:" honey when did you get so old you even have white hair but you still look amazing" she smiled at him tenderly.

Ed was taken by surprise she remembered him and even recognise him:" hey hone life has taken its toll on me I am not young anymore" he chuckled shyly.

Jaden looked at Anna carefully it was like she was searching into her soul Anna could feel her mother's intense gaze on her she remembered that look very well she would get after she had done something wrong. Anna looked worried the more intense the look the more she felt like she was that five-year-old child again. Jaden could see baby Anna in those eyes they we're her baby girls eyes how could she not know it was sweet cheeky baby girl slowly started to remember the little girls her beautiful baby girls they were like two porcelain dolls and they had the most beautiful frocks on their pony tales tied they would follow Jaden around like two little lambs. She remembers playing hide and seek with them having pillow fights with them she could hear the way they giggled it made you smile just watching them this was her baby all grown up what Jaden didn't understand was how could she forget about her own baby girls they were her flesh and blood how did she not remember them why didn't she remember them what kind of mother forgets her own child. Jaden didn't realise while in a daze she was looking deeply at Anna.

Anna was feeling the pressure of her mother intense glare she did know why but for that moment she went back to her past she was that five-year girl who had seen what she couldn't unsee ever:" mama why are you looking like that I really sorry for following you mama please stand up so we can go home mama say something mama please mama Anna is scared mama hugs me please" she shivered she was sweating and scared she didn't know what was happening to her.

Anna become stuck in her past she was seeking her mother in the pat too she found herself shaking and tears pouring down her face like the dam had burst its banks she didn't know why she was being but she wanted to cry a lot she wanted her mother to hug her and say everything was okay mama got you, my sweet baby girl.

Everyone looked on in shock what was happening why did Anna say those things randomly what was Jaden staring at her like that Mu Yazhe moved forward next to Anna he placed his hand on her back Anna claimed down. He took her into his embrace. Anna grabbed him tightly she was not in control of her self any more she became the scared little girl who wants her mama to wake up and cuddle her. She looked at her mother with sorry filled eyes. Everybody gathered was worried about what had just happened they were worried about Hazel and Jaden but Anna surprised them all what happened to her.

Anthony stepped forward:" hey baby girl wants to go on are you okay" he looked really worried.

Anna:" Uncle mama is alright I told you she is okay nobody believed. Now do see mama has come for Anna finally my mama has come for me I waited a long long time for her she came I told you she would but why is she angry does she not want to see Anna then"

Anthony pulled Anna towards him and hugged her everything is okay and your mother is here too. he didn't know what else to say.

Jaden:" Anna baby girl oh my sweet child my beautiful baby girl it is you look how beautiful you have become Mama is sorry for leaving you behind I forgot about you Mama's so sorry baby girl" Jaden tears rolled down her face she was so guilty of neglecting the baby girls.

Anna looked in shock she let out a scream Anna felt like her head was spinning