

Manager Kim knew he was in trouble the little girl called him Daddy and Anna Mummy so she was their daughter and Anna was his wife the owner of the mall he dropped to his knees and pleaded with Mu Yazhe:" I am so sorry I didn't realise that they were the owners I am so sorry please forgive me I wouldn't let this happen again I will also punish my daughter severely when she gets a home please forgive me" he was crying.

Kim Ling was still not getting the severity of the situation her infatuation was out of hand she looked towards Anna:" your just a mistress I going to tell his wife that you have seduced her husband and then we will see who still smiling you vixen" she was spitting anger she couldn't believe that the Mistress of Mu Yazhe wild such power she wanted it too.

Anna thought this is how they seduce the fellows these days and weasel their way and ruin perfectly good marriages she had enough she wanted to end all this mayhem she was hungry and all she could think about was those cakes and she could negotiate with her hands so she wasn't interested and to justice who she was she didn't want to. She stepped forward and grabbed Mu Yazhe she tiptoed up and she landed her kiss on his lips she then spoke:" let's end this I am hungry really hungry please".

She left all the crowd gasping the kids blew wolf whistles this was the first they had seen their parents kiss the rest didn't know where to look.

Ed:" kids close your eyes and you two kids we're still hear wait till you get home" he was smiling never the less.

Anna giggled:" sorry Uncle" she was happy with her move.

Mu Yazhe:" sorry Uncle" he had a smile on his face he want to continue but it wasn't the time or the place.

Jackie stepped forward and looked at Mu Yazhe:" bro as much as love watching you to in a loving situation and my Meimei making a killer move we do have small vulnerable children here and the alone people to do you mind I think we should finish this and get on with our day"

Mu Yazhe: sorry but it's Meimei and course, dear sister, the stage is all yours you decide what you want to with them " he turned to the kids and asked: "you want to eat where should we go?

Jackie:" bro I am aloud to fire people and hire then "she gave him a strange look like she was going to enjoy tormenting these people"

Mu Yazhe smiled and said:" finally you guys are going to take some responsibility it eases my burden if you could take care of the malls then"

Jackie:" I will take the job, after all, when will my degree come in use okay bro I will take the job can you leave secretary Chang please I need him for his wise wisdom and plus other" she winked at Mu Yazhe.

Secretary Chang looked at his Master pleading don't leave with her anybody but her she can't keep her hands to her self she makes me wobbly at the knees she lures me in then drops me in lack a sack of potatoes.

Mu Yazhe smiled he was more than happy that some of his family, was taken responsibility for their businesses:" yeah I will leave him but don't torment him too much I still need him okay" he patted his sisters head.

Secretary Chang at his Master like he was about to weep he gave him a look to say you don't love me any more. Mu Yazhe smiled at him and shook his head:" stop being such a drama queen she is not that bad she likes you that's all her way of showing you is weird that's all give her chance you might actually like her"

Secretary Chang didn't say anything he was sulking Jackie walked over and elbowed him in the ribs:" hello partner nice to see you again"

Secretary Chang rubbed his ribs and smiled:" nice to see you, ma'am.

Jackie:" don't call me ma'am just call me Jackie okay can I call you Chang then" she smiled checklist.

Secretary Chang:" sure whatever you want Jackie" he smiled secretly and thought does she really like me she is not too bad.

Jackie:" well let's get down to businesses" she took secretary in the corner and talked about the businesses they were in deep discussion then she looked over at Manager Kim and his daughter who was still staring at Mu Yazhe back as they all retreated from there.

Mu Yazhe turned to Manager who was still on the floor:" well Manager Kim you came highly recommended but it turns out it was all made up we have in total had 6 complaints against you not counting today's blunder so what do you think should happen after all you have insulted the owner of the mall she is also my wife and top it off your daughter almost injured my daughter if you were out of this building you be dead thank your lucky stars your in this building"

Manager Kim:" I am so sorry I won't let this mistake repeat itself please forgive me this once" he was now kotow.

Mu Yazhe:" it's not me you should apologise to and over there ( he pointed to Jackie) will see the overall running of the Malls so she will decide your fate what she says will be your fate today" he smirked and moved away.

Manager Kim crawled over to Anna and tried to grab her legs to apologize Anna jumped up straight into Mu Yazhe arms he caught her just in time he was holding her princess style. Mu Yazhe looked at Anna in surprise what was she doing to him today there were bullets one after another to his heart she was going to give him a heart attack. Anna giggled at the surprised Mu Yazhe and pecked him on the cheek. Then she jumped down leaving a bewildered Mu yazhe at what was going on.

Anna smiled cheekily looked at Kim Ling and winked at her:" this man is taken he is mine and mine alone okay dear" she was politely telling her she was the very possessive person she didn't realise that until that moment what was her she treasured deeply.

Mu Yazhe was taken by surprise again he had a jealous wifey on his hands he really didn't know this side of Anna very much he found out how much she loved him today although she has said it a few times he really felt it today with her possessiveness he didn't mind it one bit.

Manger didn't move any closer to Anna and apologize to Anna but she wasn't having any of it she didn't like the way the father and daughter looked down on people if they weren't prepared to give us a chance then why should she give them a chance then he is only reaping what he sowed.

Anna:" My Sister is dealing with this matter whatever she decides will be" she looked at Jackie and winked she knew that she had liked secretary Chang for a while now so she was hoping during she could make him belong to her without tormenting him too much.

Manager Kim looked at Jackie who was hurdles in the corner with secretary Chang he was explaining something while she was listening diligently to him she nodded in agreement with secretary Chang then they walked over to Manager Kim Jackie wanted to beat him and his daughter but couldn't so she had to keep her cool and use the law to deal with him.

Jackie:" tomorrow morning I will see you in the office 11.00 clock sharp we will discuss your fate and in the meantime decide whether your daughter is going to apologise or face the consequences tomorrow too that's all I will see you all in the morning oh by the way the Mall will be closed until I have met all owners of the shops tomorrow and review there contracts as well okay and decide we keep them or not you are all dismissed" she looked at secretary Chang to see if she did well not over the board he smiled and gave her the thumbs up she was smiling she was now looking forward to running the malls.

Manager Kim just nodded and stayed in that position. His life would be decided tomorrow he looked at his daughter had he really appalled by his only daughter that much that she had actually brought about his destruction the complaints that Master Yazhe was talking about was also caused by his daughter he needs to sit down and really talk to her to see sense if not send her to aunts in America at least nobody could cause harm to his princess.

Mu Yazhe took his whole family and team with him they were all going for lunch a late lunch but lunch. Anna was smiling happily she had got insulted today but she wasn't bothered so long as she got her sweet dishes she would forget everything. In the car, he glanced at Anna who was beaming with happiness at that fact she was allowed to eat all the sweet dishes until her heart was content he chuckled to himself and though it doesn't take much to make her happy little things make her happy she was definitely not a normal woman she one of a kind. She was his one and only he thanked his lucky stars she had come his way. Anna had new surprise every day for him she was a walking talking crazy little Demon.

They arrived at Anna favourite restaurant they desserts are why she liked this place so much she was beaming with happiness everybody got out of the car they headed in Anna pulled Mu Yazhe's arm he looked back to see what was wrong she smiled and kissed his cheek:" thank you for today"

Mu Yazhe smiled he pulled Anna close and kissed her lips, he slowly deepens the kiss and then let's go Anna's face had turned red but she was smiling:" no thank-you today you showed me how special you are and I love you so much" he pulled her cheeks her red-faced Anna was even redder then he dragged her in to eat lunch as he chuckled at her.

Anna didn't mind him pulling her cheeks. So long she was allowed to you'll his cheeks back but she would wait in till they got home.