


Anna felt a little heartbeat she sighed and stroked Li Na hair the ambulance crew had arrived they took over.

Anna asked anxiously:" how is she"

Ambulance crew:" she has a heartbeat it's very faint we will find out more when we get to the hospital who is coming I can only one person to travel with us"

Anna followed them the rest followed in the cars. As they arrived they found Anna outside the emergency ward squatted down on the floor.

Mu Yazhe walked over and lifted her up placed her on the seat Anna looked up she hugged MU Yazhe waste and sobbed her heart out there wasn't a dry eye in that place. All Li Na family was gathered from the elders to the youngster all we're her family just like Anna they were misfits that fit perfectly together.

The nurses couldn't understand who the family was there too many of them this was the first time they were seeing the Mu's altogether the nurses were amazed at how good looking they all it was like a movie cast had gathered outside she read the notes in her hand and realised this was the elite Mu's no wonder they kept their personal life very personal. They were like superstars and models all come to together she couldn't wait to tell her family that she had actually seen them they were the secret family that people talked about and not seen. The rumours were that their kids were so ugly and disabled that they hid them from the public eye but it was the opposite.

As the light went out the doctor came out he looked at all of them there were so many he had seen families gathered but not this many he give up trying to work out who the parents we're so he then called out for the parents.

Anna and Mu Yazhe stepped forward they looked anxiously at the doctor:" your daughter has a tachycardia which in simple terms is when one's heartbeat too fast the muscles of the heart need more oxygen and because it was picked up she suffered a heart attack due to the lack of oxygen. We will be prescribing her some Antiarrhythmic drugs which will be done in the hospital and we will see how it goes"

Anna fell to the floor when she heard this she thought this poor child has always been weak since we brought her backer nearly lost her then too she has suffered one illness after another we nearly lost her just now my poor baby has suffered so much in her small life. Anna promised when she survived the last time she wouldn't let anything bad happen to her now this.

Mu Yazhe bent down and lifted Anna face up he whispered:" she's okay and she is in the best place okay" inside there was turmoil in his heart was she going to be okay this child has suffered more than an average person and now this. He would do everything in his power to make sure his baby girl was better.

James And Harry came over they realised that Anna Mu Yazhe was too upset to handle the situation so they spoke to the doctor about exactly how they were going to treat her the doctor explained in detail they were happy with the outcome then they complete the hospital documentation they also send the rest of the children and elders home although Li Jun insisted on staying they told him that her mum and dad would stay and he could come back later he know she was in the best hand ever since he came to stay their lives changed dramatically form not knowing if they were going eat that day to living like a prince he went home not worrying his parents heard too. As he left he looked at his family little Tiger had his arm around him and hugging him tightly comforting him that moment he felt so lucky to found such a beautiful family so loving so caring he couldn't wish for more apart from his sister to recover fully.

Li Na was moved to ICU where they were doctors keeping an eye on her Anna and Mu Yazhe was allowed in after they put scrubs on they sat there as there little pudding attached to all kinds of wires attached to her Anna's heart hurt so much to see her little baby like this she might not have given birth to her but she loved her with all her heart.

Anna knew she was a fighter since the moment she laid eyes on her she survived in all odds the harsh conditions she was found in and since she came home Li Na has always been weak the doctors told them it was due her been born prematurely and when they found her she was malnutrition but she still manages to pull through. Anna and the whole family took extra care off she was watched 24 hours of the day when she first arrived she sometimes stops breathing during the night all the adults took it, in turn, to sit with her even the elders would take turns to watch her when she learns to crawl and then walk if she fell she had a lot of arms reach out to grab her. In no time at all she became their life sometimes, Anna would secretly watch her sleep and wonder did she love her more than her own biological kids and she realised she actually did love her more she hid it deep down in her heart this little vulnerable precious child had snuck in her heart and captured it. Also, she reminded her of her self regardless of all odds Anna always found a way to deal with the situation Li Na was the same she had a very strong will to survive the only difference was Li grow up in a loving environment and lots of encouragement Anna grew up having to prove herself again and again.

Mu Yazhe watched Li Na lay there his heart hurt he had money and power but he could make the pain for his little baby girl go away from the first he held her in his arms he fell in love she was so weak and vulnerable she was in pain but all she did was smile it captures his heart. He couldn't explain it but he always felt drawn to her first we're dada and she looked in his direction he never felt so emotional he didn't know when or how he bonded but for him she was his child as was his own and all the children they adopted for him they were all his children. He took care of all essential needs he was a good father, he was there mentally and physically and emotionally for them especially when they were drilled by Anna most of the time he always covered for them it never went well for him but he loved his kids it was worth the sacrifice.

Mu Yazhe remembered Li Na was pestering him about her work experience with him at the office and she wanted a project they were still negotiations with details and Li Na knew she had him wrapped around her little finger he was gonna let her come but he likes to tease her. Li Na knew her daddy was teasing so she let him they always ended negotiation with a big mac and fries with her favourite strawberry milkshake and a doughnut he made a mental note to check with the doctor what she is allowed to eat. He watched her until she started to wake her voice a little horsey.

Li Na called out "Dada, Mama, it hurts so much think I broke my chest" she was puzzled where was she.

Anna jumped up she pressed the call button for the doctors to take a look:" baby girl I called the doctor is coming by they will check you my sweet I am so happy you're awake" Anna want to burst out crying but didn't want to scare her baby girl.

Mu Yazhe looked at Li Na:" how you feel pudding you sure know how to scare your father you know are you trying to turn your father's hair grey and I will become ugly then who would want me" he was trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Li Na looked over at her parents and realised they were worried about her she hated them worrying about her she smiled:" Daddy oh My dear old man you will look good with any look even Grey you will have the women chasing you mama will have competition on her hands" she giggled.

Anna looked at her daughter she almost burst out laughing she just called him old man oh she really knew her father so well it was so funny she wanted to see her husband response:" hey if somebody wants to chase him good luck it's only me who puts up with him"

Mu Yazhe chuckled:" hey young lady enough of the old I am still young okay ask Mummy she tells you if I'm old or not and what's with putting up Little Demon I'm hurt really " he was happy his daughter was joking around.

Anna was burning red her ears we're on fire this man has no shame telling his daughter this kind of things she glared at Mu Yazhe with intend to kill he really needed to be gagged.

Mu Yazhe looked over at his wife who was blushing he couldn't stop smiling he knew she was still so shy even talking about making her blush. He still remembers when he kissed her in public she hid inside his jacket she went bright blushing red she was so cute he couldn't help but kiss her again she fainted the great might dark knight fainted due to a kiss. What a way to conquer the great dark knight.

As they were joking around the rest of the family came back the room was a private large room but with the family it was cramped they were all talking and laughing away they always did you didn't know who the adults were who the children were

Mu Shinn walked in with Jain Liling and her two children they were holding hands everybody cheered and wolf whistle we're let out Jain Liling started to blush and hid behind Mu Shinn.

Mu Shinn:" I got the news too to share with you all since your all gather I can tell to I kidnapped my wife and kid this morning and we went the marriage bureau and officially made her my wife so we're legally married and we will move into the mansion as agreed and since Li Na is better I will take my wife and children on our honeymoon which was arranged by my baby brother tomorrow"

They all broke into cheers and congratulations they were so happy these two finely got together.

Ju Longboy:" my dear father and mother we will not go on the honeymoon we will stay with Aunties And Uncles okay"

Mu Shinn:" but didn't we discuss this we all decided we would go together" he was looking is there something wrong.

Laquan:" Daddy do you understand the term honeymoon husband and wife, not the family so you take your wife and enjoy we will be fine and bring me back a baby sister or brother either will do" she giggled.

In the middle of all of this noise the door sprung open and when they walked in the room fell silent they all looked at the four stood in front of them what we're they doing her thought, Anna.