


The house was chaotic all the elders had arrived and the house was being cleaned and fresh flowers we're everywhere Anna was in the outhouse kitchen dealing with the menus for tonight the garden was also cleaned grandma came to the kitchen and hugged Anna.

Grandma:" is everything sorted I know we are organizing the menu for tonight but can you make your chicken soup and all so some sweet dishes may zingy lemon cake I have missed that" she smiled gently.

Anna smiled:" of course Grandma I will is there anything else my sweet Grandma would like I will make for you" she hugged her tightly she loved Grandma when she first arrived she looked after her and gently explain how everything worked she taught a lot when her first mother in law used to shout or insulted her she would defend her.

Mu Yazhe came into the kitchen and stood and leaned on the door frame and looked at his family. He had wondered where half the house disappeared to so here they are they all gathered in the kitchen they were helping while each other while chatting and laughing and joking with each other he smiled behind him Uncle Mu Zain dad stood and his dad they ball was watching.

Uncle Mu Dachi:" I have missed this so much there is not a dull moment they all keep you on your feet look at mum and grandma" he was chuckling.

Mu Yale:" yeah your right they are a lively bunch I barely keep up look my wife and the elders " he was also chuckling.

Mu Yazhe:" you couldn't tell who the adults were and who the children were they all behaved the same " as he chuckled.

As he spoke the two looked at him and chuckled:" when did you become so sensible"

Mu Yazhe retorted, " I have been sensible" he looked at the two men ready to tease him.

Uncle Mu Dachi:" yeah you've always been sensible it was always Shinn that was the troublesome one look at him he manages to blow the kitchen up I told no good son of mine to take care of the family business he ran way joined the army he as always worries me him getting married is a blessing for me I will be I can relax in my old age"

Mu Yale:" well I have stories about how sensible, my son is let me tell you" he smiled.

Mu Yazhe:" DAD? He looked like a little kid ready to embarrassed.

Anna came running over she hugged Mu Dachi:" hello papa how are you I missed you so much" have smiled.

Mu Dachi:" I missed you how is my child are you better now you keep me worried you know you need to take better care of your self this old man can only take so much stress you know" he hugged her tightly.

Anna smiled cheekily:" sorry papa for worry you but I am lit better now as you can see".

Mu Yale:" yeah Dachi is right you do need to care of your self tell me if this boy gives you any trouble I punish him for you" he smiled gently at Anna.

Anna chuckled as she pulled a tongue at Mu yazhe:" Uncle oh I mean father in law what are you saying about Yazhe having some stories would you tell us we really want to hear them"

Before she could finish Mu Yazhe had pulled on Anna's arm and pulled out of the room the two men stood there and laughed at him.

Grandma Mu Li:" stop teasing my grandson you two or I will tell stories about you two growing up then we will see who is more embarrassed" she smiled slyly.

The two men ran away to the studies they knew not to get the old lady started they had too many embarrassing moments in their life's they didn't want there children and grandchildren to know about.

As they were scarping Li Na Called them:" grandpas would you like some tea and biscuits we just made them" she smiled.

Both turned around:" yes please will you bring it to the study, please" they didn't want to go back to the kitchen in case Grandma Mu Li decided to tell stories.

Li Na:" okay Grandpa's" she beamed and ran back to the kitchen.

She brought a tray with the tea and biscuits as she entered the studies she noticed all the men were hiding in the studie what was going on why was Grandpa, Great Grandpa and Uncles hiding in the studio.

Li Na:" why are you hiding," she asked curiously.

Mu Shinn:" because baby they won't stop yelling orders and Uncle is tried so I am hiding baby don't tell them we are all hiding in here okay" he pleaded with Li Na.

Li Na nodded and giggled she left went back to the kitchen.

Grandma Mu Li:" Li Na have you seen your Uncles Or your Daddy or Grandpa's "

Li Na didn't know what to do lie or give them up she was still thinking"

Jackie:" Grandma they are all hiding in the study that's where they go when they are avoiding us" she laughed.

Grandma Mu Li shook her head and walked towards the study Li Na texted "Uncle Mu Shinn to tell them Grandma was heading their way good luck?

Li Na headed towards the kitchen where she wanted to help out she was the baby of the family so everybody treated her like a delicate flower not let pick anything heavy or doing to much work one of the siblings would always take over her chores tell her to rest she has also spoiled anything she wanted she got but never threw a tantrum or insisted it behaved like a spoilt brat.

Li Na picked up the dishes to set the table Little Blessing came overtook them from them:" they are too heavy for you to carry I will take them to the table for you pudding"

Li Na:" Meimei they are not I will take them " she wanted to help too.

Little Blessing:" okay you bring the cutlery then we set the table together okay" she smiled at Li Na.

Li Na smiled happily:" okay Meimei I will Meimei will you help me with my homework later there a few questions I am stuck on pleaseeee " more like she was going to get Meimei to do to all her homework she hated doing her homework so she would trick her sibling into doing it they always knew she did trick them but they happily did it for her.

Everything was ready to receive the guests. The guests arrived on time and after settling all the marriage arrangements they all headed to the dining hall every sat to eat. As Anna looked around she couldn't see Li Na she thought we're is this girl I bet she playing games on her phone and lost track of time. Anna went to look for her Mu Yazhe notice Anna walking towards door he looked around and also noticed that Li Na wasn't there either he got up and went to look he knew Little pudding was a foody she wouldn't miss dinner ever especially if her mother had cooked.

As the others noticed Mummy and dad disappear and then notice that Li Na wasn't there they excused themself one by one they all the dining table was left with the elders and guests left the elders we're anxious but couldn't leave their guests unattended.

Outside Anna:" have any of you seen Li Na"

Little Blessing:" yeah she helped me set the dining table then she complained about having a heavy head I told her to go and eat take a nap I forgot to wake her "

They all immediately headed to her room Anna opened the door Li Na wasn't in her bed Anna looked around anxiously she had a bad feeling building inside of her know she looked over to the bathroom the light was in she went to look she wasn't there Anna then turned to the walk-in closet she wasn't there now Anna panicked.

Anna:" where is she I am worried this girl is to hyper always bouncing around she tried her self out fallen asleep anywhere "

Anna told everybody to spread out to look for her they were calling her name and looking for her. Anna remembered that like her Li Na liked to sleep on the rock outside so she headed there surely enough she was sleeping there Anna breathed a sigh of relief and walked over as she approached she saw she wasn't asleep she was unconscious her lips had turned blue Anna screamed as she lay Li Na the ground and performed CPR on her when the rest heard the scream they all came out they were in shock when they saw the scene in front of them.

Mu Yazhe barged out as he approached he saw his pudding lying there his hands and feet turned cold tears flowed down his face what happens to her before the guests came she was pestering him to take her to work with him and now she lay there lifeless. The elders heard the scream and guests they all came out the ambulance had been called they all looked on in shock.

As Anna performed CPR on Li Na she kept saying:" little pudding come on breath my baby don't scare Mummy Little one please breath" as she tried tired to resuscitate her tears flowed down her eyes in between the sobs. she couldn't see due to the tears but she wasn't going to stop either she wouldn't let anyone else near her.