

Ed:" hey spicy kid where did you get that neckless with the ring from"

Jackie looked at her reckless and held it in her hand and smiled:" it was left by my birth mother after she left me outside the church with a letter"

Ed looked at her in shock:" it can't be she didn't could she have" he looked at Jackie carefully and smiled while his tears poured down his face.

Jackie and Anna looked at Ed and wondered what happened for him to cry.

Anna:" are you okay Uncle what is it you know, you are not making any sense"

Ed:" where is the letter she left"

Jackie:" at home in my things why spicy Uncle"

Ed:" Can I have a look at it when we get back I will recognise her handwriting once I see it"

Anna:" Uncle what is it"

Ed:" I always thought your behaviour was so like hers but for one moment I never thought that you would be her daughter, not hers my daughter"

Anna and Jackie:" what???

Anna" Uncle please tell us clearly you are not making any sense" Anna was confused "

Ed:" the necklace and the ring belong to my wife so if she is your birth mother then you are my daughter. You have been here all along I didn't recognise you how could I not see the resemble every time I see you up always remind me of her" how could he so stupid she was here all along he could see glimpses of his wife in Jackie but he just thought he was imagining things it he always thought if his child was alive she would be about Jackie age"

Jackie:" spicy Uncle how can you be sure I am your daughter"

Ed:" DNA we will have one when we get back then be will be sure but I don't need one to tell me, spicy kid"

Jackie stood there motionless she didn't know how to react she had known Ed most of her life ever since she joined the shadow guards he had trained her he also looked after her he was protective of her when they were out clubbing but he was like that with everyone. How can this be if you are my father so where is my mother what happened to her did she want not me is that why you all forgot me dumped me outside the church? There were so many questions in Jackie's mind she was confused she turned and ran out of the door on the way she bumped into Anthony.

Anthony:" hey spicy kid what's up why are you crying what happened"

Jackie didn't answer she just carried on running Anthony looked at her running he ran after her he was worried what happened to little spice she never is upset something big has happened for her to this upset he follows her and found her sat on the riverbank crying her heart out. Anthony went sat next to her he pulled her in for a hug and held her while she sobbed they didn't speak. He let her just sob although it pained him to watch her he hated it when any of the younger shadow guards cried he felt that they had let them down in some way.

Jackie in between her sobs:" how can it be I have known him since I came to stay how would you not know why did they abandon me then why?"

Anthony couldn't make head or tail of what she was saying so he just let her babble on until she calms down.

Anthony:" want to talk about it! Who abandon you ?"

Jackie:" pretty Uncle, Spicy Uncle just told me he is my dad," she said in a state of shock.

Anthony:" what say it again how, when to tell me from the start" he was surprised she is Ed, daughter.

Jackie:" pretty Uncle I went to tell Anna that the kids had passed the first checkpoint and spicy Uncle saw my necklace he asked me where I got it from I told him it was left by my birth mother with a letter. From that he said I am his daughter" she took her necklace out to show.

Anthony, he saw the endless and immediately recognised it did belong to his sister:" what really if that's the case then you are my niece you know your mother was my sister" he couldn't believe that she was his niece.

Jackie moved back and looked at Anthony:" what how please tell me I am so confused right now and why did my mother not want me" she blinked her big an animate eyes.

Anthony:" who said that your mother didn't want you she would have loved you so much if she was still alive and spicy kid if I had known your existence you would never be in the orphanage" she definitely had his sister's eyes why did he never see that before he was so guilty now.

Jackie:" my mother died oh ! that explains a lot and you and my father didn't know that I was born that's why lived like an orphanage if I hadn't run away and Anna hadn't found me I wouldn't be here today"

Anthony:" I am so sorry my little spice had to suffer can you ever forgive this silly Uncle if I had known I wouldn't let you stay there and it was fated that you ended up with your family"

Jackie:" it's okay it was fated for me to stay there in the orphanage and to live with my family in a safe and loving environment and only find out we are blood-related but we have been one big happy family all along with you now I am happy and sad too"

I secretly always want a father like Uncle spicy and a pretty Uncle"

Anthony patted her head and hugged her again:" let's go and find your father" wow that sounded great to say.

Jackie:" yeah we better I did leave in the middle of him still trying to explain" she should have least listened to what he was telling her.

Anthony:" yeah there is the reason why we call you spicy you know" Anthony winked at his little niece he could little resemblance of his sister in her he had always seen them but he thought it was imagination playing tricks on him.

Jackie:" after I talk to Spicy Uncle could you tell me about my mum and if possible show me pictures of her" pretty Uncle would have pictures of her mum.

Back at Anna's room, there is an awkward silence in the room Ed looking at the door where his daughter as ran out if he doesn't know whether to chase her not he turns to look at Anna. Anna is gazing at Ed she still can't believe that Jackie is his daughter she has been here all along. At least he actually has some closure to his sad past there is some comfort in the whole bizarre event that just took place. Anna hugged Ed as he broke down crying and pointing to the door.

Anna:" it's going to be alright she just needs some time to adjust to what she has found out going from being an orphan to having a Daddy and uncle and grandparents both sides maternal and paternal it's a lot to take in" As she pats Ed on the back she was happy for him he has least something good from the tragedy of his past.

Ed sobbed:" my baby girl is alive and she has been here right next to me all along why didn't recognise my own flesh and blood" he held Anna's shoulders and asked expecting Anna to have an answer which she didn't she just looked blankly at him"

They sat there for a long time until Jackie and Anthony walked in. Anthony looked at Ed and smiled then looked at Anna and gestured her to leave them to talk so Anna walked out and closed the door she walked towards the river bank with Anthony following"

Anthony:" what is about the riverbank that girls like my baby girl"

Anna:" you're funny Uncle you know how afraid of the river I am going to the training ground just happens to be that way" Anna shook her head and wonder what was going on with her Uncle today.

Anthony:" oh I forgot sorry baby girl" he tapped the back of his head how could he forget.

Anna, " so uncle now you know how do feel". She gave him a side glance as she walked by his side"

Anthony:" I am so happy I am on cloud nine I have a niece a piece of my sister lives. You know how my sister looked forward to her being born especially when she found she was having a girl she dragged me to go shopping my legs hurt so much she had gone crazy with baby clothes and essentials as she called them I thought we had brought the entire shop that day if she could see how beautiful she has turned out she would be proud of her"

Anna listens to her Uncle tell her in excitement she hadn't seen him this happy in forever. Anna smiled just looking at how handsome he looked smiling there was a certain charm to his aura it was hard to describe Anna couldn't put her finger in it but it was breathtaking she wonders why her Uncle didn't have a girlfriend or wife he would make an amazing husband and father.

Anna:" Uncle you looking charming when you smile why don't you have a girlfriend" Anna had just blurted out what she was thinking she wished sometimes she could padlock her mouth it did say the stupid thing at the stupid time.

Anthony:" what was that baby girl" he looked at in surprise.

Anna:" well it is a question and answer please" she grinned at her stupidity.

Anthony:" well I haven't met anybody as crazy as you if I do I will definitely make her my wife my baby girl" he smirked at Anna he was trying to change the topic he didn't want to tell her the real reason it was too painful.

Anna:" what do you mean I am just a little crazy sometimes not all the time and any way that only made one of me so you have to keep looking" she chuckled she was happy with her answer"

Anthony:" that's true although you and Amelia are twins you are definitely not alike she is a girly girl and your a tomboy I am glad there is one of you the world couldn't cope with another one" Anthony chuckled and ran in front of Anna.

Anna:" was that a compliment or insult Uncle you!!!!!!!!!!!! Anna chased Anthony all the way to the training ground. When they reached they were left with their gobs wide open.