

Amelia and Ting Jun went back to their room they were tried too after they showered together they lay in the bed.

Ting Jun:" honey could you tell me why you all fear Master Isaac he seems like a reasonable person"

Amelia:" my sweet innocent husband you will soon find out then don't say I didn't warn you to have a good sleep in the morning the nightmare begins"

Ting Jun chuckles at his wife as he thinks she just being dramatic as they also fall asleep.

At 4 am the bell sounds Anna is already awake everybody is still in sweet slumber they are waking up the older shadow guards are awake and alert they know the bell means they go and wake the younger shadow guards who are mourning Ed explained if they don't make it to the main courtyard by 4.30 am they will be punished even if it is there the first day. They still don't understand. The younger shadow guards pulled the blankets over their heads and went back to sleep.

Ed:" don't say I didn't warn you they won't take it easy coming to listen to this old man it's hurt me more than it will hurt you to see you lot punish please"

They were not having any of it. Ed left he decided they need to learn the hard way it was a shame.

In Amelia room she is trying to get Ting Jun up he refused and grabs Amelia wraps her in the blankets and says" let's sleep a bit longer". Amelia hits him hard and says we need to be in the main course yard for 4.30 am otherwise we have to do the punishment.

Amelia:" I have no intention of doing the punishment especially since I don't know the are around me yet"

Ting Jun:" what do you mean"

Amelia escaped his grip and is heading out of the door:" hurry up"

Ting Jun is left puzzled at his wife what are they all panic about he throws himself out of bed and heads to the have a shower and slowly heads out by the time he arrived it was 5 am the younger shower guards also are late Master Isaac and Master Chung are waiting they are not impressed with there students.

Master Chung:" those of you that are late follow me you have no respect of time and no aspect that teachers are waiting for you"

They all follow quietly he walks them to the river not far from the old palace and lines them up on the edges of the river banking then one by one he pushes them in the water is freezing cold they shudder from the cold Little Blessing looks at her brothers they looked more mortified than her Ting Jun liking at the old Master and thinking Amelia was right to be running to the court at 4.30 I should have listened to her.

Master Chung, " swim to the other side then back then we will start the training which you are all late for you will also be missing breakfast since you don't have time"

Now they all knew why the older shadow guards were panicked this morning trying to get them to listen and make it on time. Tomorrow they will be on time they don't want to this again the water is freezing cold they all are good swimmers so they make it across no problems they are all swimming back Little Blessing she has a cramp in her leg she stops in the middle next to her swimming was Ju Lingboy he glanced to the side seeing her stop he stop too.

Ju Lingboy:" are you okay why have you stop the water is deep keep going" he didn't know why she stops is she tired.

Little Blessing:" I am fine to go" how embarrassing her foot is cramping already.

Ju Longboy thought nothing of it carried on swimming as he swam further he turned around and couldn't see Little Blessing where did she go she was behind me just now he looked around to see only her hand what the hell he thought he swam towards her to see she completely disappeared in the water he dives under to see she is trapped the shoelace came undone and caught under a rock which she was trying to release with no success she was running out of air she also started to panic at this point her hands were waving around all over the place as Ju Lingboy came closer she punched him hard on the face which shocked him as well. Little Blessing he came closer was panicking when he came closer she grabbed on to him and held him tight which made it difficult to release the shoelace. Ju Lingboy tried to calm her down but she wasn't having it she smacking her legs and all over the place in the process she mange to kick off the shoe which made it easier for Ju Lingboy to swim up so they least get some air by the time they came up the whole team and Ting Jun had swum back so had the rest of the team her brothers panicked when they saw their sister.

Little Blessing brothers tried to take her but she was having none of it she clung to Ju lingboy. Uncle Jun Ting tried to pick her up she held on Ju Longboy tighter so they swam back as they pulled her out of the water she still had hold of Ju Longboy waist she was in shock so she clung to the nearest person that made her feel secure. As she eventually realised what she was doing she let go and looked at Ju lingboy face he looked at her with worry but the warmth he showed could also be seen clearly Little Blessing heart fluttered she let quickly and turned to her brothers little Tiger was closest so he grabbed his arm he hugged her and tapped her back to say everything was alright she was stressed and scared but didn't cry she remembered her Mummy said: "the weak only let people see their tears only your close family should know your weakness no one else".

Little Rock came over and picked Little Blessing up princess style and carried her back to her room where Anna and the others were waiting Master Chung treated her for injuries which weren't serious and then gave her something to sedate her she clung to Anna as she life depended on it. Anna held her close until she fell asleep even after she slept she held her mum and didn't let go so Anna stayed with her. On one side was Little Tiger and on the other was Little Rock they all stayed together that night on the same bed. She scared her brothers no matter how she bullies them they love her so she gets away with it they have spoiled her a bit too much but as they say to their mum she is the only sister they have so why not. But she never did anything too reckless or behaved in like a diva manner she was reasonable she never bullied anybody apart from her brothers. In school everyone liked her she didn't mind if they what background they had she treated them equally she remembered her mother say:" treat others like one would want to be treated"

All Anna's children were the same the younger shadow guards where the same they all left together and came home together nobody at school knew they were not blood-related they thought they were all cousins who treated each other very well.

Ju Lingboy was watching Little Blessing being carried back his arms felt empty what was this feeling he just had it was strange but good did she make him feel this way. He thought she was good looking the prettiest girl he had laid his eyes on he watched her at school from a distance she was popular but not snobby she treated everybody kindly she never differentiated with anyone treated everyone always as equals she was always smiling it was like she brought the sunshine with her. He had watched her from a distance until he made friends with Little Tiger and they came to one another's house he got to see more of Little Blessing then he got kidnapped after he came back Little Blessing paid attention to him to make sure he was alright at lunch she sat where he was and talked about all sort she none stop talked he just listen he liked her talking he loved watching her lips move and wondered what it would be like to kiss them they look so luscious and pink. He still had nightmares of when he was kidnapped when he couldn't sleep he always thought about Little Blessing it made him happy and warm inside was he falling in love with her whatever it was the first time for him he didn't know whether Little Blessing liked him or not was this going to be one-sided love or would she accept him or not.

Li Jannan had gone with them all as he was part of the shadow guards he had to go through training too he had seen everything he was also there when Little Blessing. Anna had told him not to tell Mu Yazhe just yet he will worry and drop everything and come here as much as she wants to see him not under these circumstances. Li Jannan respects Anna's wishes and didn't report it the whole truth but did tell her leg cramped while swimming and he did tell him about the punished they all received. And told him that Master Isaac was here and that is training under him he explained how hard the training was even Mu Shinn was complaining although he has army drills that he goes through this was torture even for him. The only people we're alright we're Anna and Amelia and the shadow guards maybe because that already knew what to expect.

Mu Yazhe was surprised that Master Isaac was there but he was relieved he didn't go he was saved from the torture that Master Isaac called training he had experienced in the past and it was hell to say it nicely. He was missing Anna loads he wants to be with her but he was slowed down with work and all the new projects that had been approved thanks to Anna.