
My Ex Wants Me So Badly After Divorce

# WIFE-CHASING Su Wan had loved Jing Chen for ten years, and she was married to him for two years. Jing Chen had always been the husband, no matter when they were alone or in public. He remembered their anniversary and would prepare gifts for her on every special occasion. She was the apple of his eye, and he treated her like a precious treasure. He liked her body to the point that it could be said that he was obsessed with it. However, only Su Wan knew that Jing Chen was just acting like a perfect husband because he was a man of his words. She would never forget what he told her when they got married, "I can marry you, but I already have someone I love. Our marriage will last for three years. Three years later, you’ll be the one to propose the divorce to Grandpa." So, on their second anniversary, when Jing Chen took the divorce papers out and put it in front of her, Su Wan was not surprised. She secretly put her pregnancy test away. "Although it's not yet three years as promised, Bai Lian is back. I can make it up to you," said Jing Chen. Su Wan nodded calmly, "Okay." "You will be the one that asks Grandpa for a divorce. Tell him that you already have someone you like. Even if Grandpa doesn’t want to agree, he won't reject you," Jing Chen said. Su Wan nodded, "Got it, but... is it a must to divorce? What if I say we have a baby?" Jing Chen replied, "Su Wan, there are no ifs in my world. I had always taken contraceptive measures. Even if there's really an accident, I'll make sure that it disappears. I won’t leave this risk behind." On his wedding day, Su Wan's baby was born prematurely. Su Wan was involved in a car accident, and the scene was filled with blood. Laying in a pool of gore, Su Wan hugged her stomach tightly, desperate to protect it. Later, there were rumors that said that Jing Chen abandoned his bride that day. He held his ex-wife's cold body for a whole week, not allowing it to be buried. Jing Chen was driven over the edge. Until one day, Su Wan brushed past him with two adorable babies...

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570 Chs

There Will Be Times When You Beg Me

Penerjemah: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Jing Chen looked at her deeply, his eyes flickering. After Su Wan rejected him, he left without saying anything.

Wasn't Su Wan's current state exactly what he wanted?

The distance between them was just right. They were familiar strangers and she would definitely not be a stupid woman who would be sad and interfere in his decisions.

It was just right. It was just right. It was just right that if he said another word, he would be the one who forced it on her.

Did he, Jing Chen, need to force it on others?

It would be better if he did not need anything!

The more Jing Chen thought about it, the darker his expression became. He couldn't feel happy at all. One more second with Su Wan and he would feel frustrated. So frustrated that he could kill her.

He simply left home.

Su Wan's heart that had been in her throat all this time completely fell with a thud, her mood extremely heavy.

The current Jing Chen really did not have the patience to pester her.

The earlier submission must have been because he was guilty. Su Wan let out a light chuckle and contacted the movers again, asking them to come and move her luggage away.

The movers quickly replied, "I'm sorry, Miss Su, but your security guards won't let us in. We've been… blacklisted."


Su Wan was dumbfounded.

She cursed Jing Chen in her heart. She was so angry that she called Jing Chen directly!

"What do you mean? Why did you blacklist the movers?!"

She went straight to the point and questioned him bluntly!

Hearing this, Jing Chen said casually, "I don't like women who make decisions on their own. You've become very annoying recently, so of course, you have to pay a price."

"Do you still want me to cooperate with you and tell Grandpa about the divorce? If you do, I suggest that you don't meddle in other people's business!" Su Wan's words were full of frustration. This man was simply unreasonable!

"Su Wan, have you ever thought that I've been cleaning up your mess these past few days because of you? How much time have I wasted, huh?" Jing Chen told her the truth. Just the incident online and last night's incident had affected him for two whole days.

But how long had it been since he told Su Wan about the divorce?

"Did I beg you for it? Didn't you do it on your own accord? You can't blame me for something you're willing to do, right?" Su Wan, feeling that it was absurd.

Jing Chen liked obedient women. Obviously, Su Wan wasn't like that recently.

He suppressed the anger deep inside him and laughed angrily. "Very well, Su Wan. There will be times when you beg me."

'Beep, beep, beep…'

Jing Chen hung up.

At the same time, the movers were also let in. Su Wan was still angry at first, but when she saw the message from the mover in-charge, she immediately put down her phone and ignored Jing Chen's words with the intention of not causing trouble for herself again!

She didn't do anything!

Yet Jing Chen despises her for being troublesome? Did he waste his time on trivial matters?


Waiting for Su Wan to beg him? Not even in eight lifetimes!

No matter how much she liked him, she would never grind her dignity to the ground!

However, if she were to give up just like that and give up on Jing Chen, Su Wan would still be very unwilling, but she was very weak about it.

She could only keep herself calm. If she could fight for it, she would fight for it. If she couldn't, she would give up.

Su Wan touched her still flat stomach. Luckily, she still had a child. For the sake of the child, she had a reason to push on.

It was as if she was staying in a hotel. The items she had left at home were only enough for the next few days. She did not plan to stay here for long. After such a long time, she was not in the mood to pack her luggage. She got the moving company to put it in her apartment and they came out together.

When she reached home, she saw Jing Chen's assistant, Fang Zhi.

Fang Zhi was Jing Chen's personal assistant in the company. He was the one who took care of all activities first. There was another assistant, another woman. Jing Chen rarely used her during his marriage with Su Wan. Su Wan had seen that woman before. Her name was Bai Hua, and they had only met once.

Most of the time, she still saw Fang Zhi, not only face-to-face but also on various news reports.

Fang Zhi nodded politely and handed the gown and accessories to Su Wan. "Mrs. Jing, this is the gown that Master Jing has prepared for you. You can try it on for Old Master Jing's birthday tomorrow. If it doesn't fit, I will change it in time."

Su Wan took it and nodded. "Please wait a moment, Assistant Fang."

After entering the house, Su Wan gave it a simple try. It fit her very well. She changed into her home clothes and went down to tell Fang Zhi that it was fine.