
My euphori

Four girls living together for three years found their soulmates in different live tropes.

swara_kini · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 2

Isabella POV

I'm Infront of my boyfriend company, Yes my boyfriend Kai. We have been dating for almost for 8 months now and we are really serious about our relation. But the actual problem is that friends don't know about our relationship and that what I'm scared off.

I was busy in my thought when someone called me, it was Kai. '' Where are you so lost Isa ''. ''Nothing just thinking about something''. I told him while avoiding the eye contact. 

Only reason to avoid the eye contact is he will get to know that I'm stress about something and I don't want to make him worried about me. He is really an amazing boyfriend I can even ask, he supports me with my passion and dreams which know one knows expect Kai and my friends. So truths it that I'm a secrete Influencer which know body knows because of my strict mother, I had to keep my passion as a secrete but my boyfriend and my friends support me more then any one.  

So we are now in Kai's car heading back to my house but my thought are really getting over my mind. While my friends accept Kai as my boyfriend, how will I tell them about it. My thoughts again got interrupted by Kai calling out my name, I looked around seeing we were already outside my apartment. I head outside the car saying bye to Kai.

I enter my apartment but my nervous ness got over my body, I was sweating really bad but then Kristen notice me,'' Why are you standing there come inside ''. as I walk near the living room when Rachel suddenly ask me, '' Why are you sweating so much?''. '' Nothing it's just hot out side''. My heart went racing when Rachel asked me that and it went even more crazy after Tiara looked at me in most suspicious look. I had no energy to face her I quickly went inside my room an locked the door.

As I locked the door I jumped on my bed while laying on it. After few minutes I got up and fresh myself doing my skin care routine. 

Kristen POV

I was on a phone call with my sister Anna, who talking about what happened today at her school. we were busy talking when  an another phone call came it was from a unknown number, I cut the call and continue to talk to my sister. then a message came by saying that my credit card was with them, I almost ignored it but then I suddenly remember that while coming back from the library my credit card was not with me. I quickly called that number and that person answered it right away. 

''Who are you?, and how do you have my credit card with you''. he responded by saying, '' I found it on  library table where you were sitting''. maybe I must have forgotten it there while leaving. ''Can you please return it?''. '' I can return it but will you please send me your address''. he asked politely. '' Sure I will send it right away''. I ended the call and quickly send him the address.     

I ran downstairs and waited for that person who has my credit card with him. Few minutes later a Black BMW came outside our apartment. A handsome guy came out of the car and asked me, '' Are you the credit card girl?''. I nodded my head while looking at him. '' Hi, I'm Andrew Torres, nice to meet you''. he greeted me with the small smile on his lips. '' Hi, I'm Kristen Graffin and thank you so much for coming to give my credit card ''. He welcomed me and took out my credit card from his pocket, and give it to me. I thanked him again and he replied with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

After giving me my card he went to his home and I went upstairs. Entering the house I saw everyone sitting in the living room waiting for me to come and join them. I went towards them a seat next to Tiara. and Isa started to speak, '' I don't know its right time to say it or not but, I been waiting to tell you guys it for so long but I didn't have the courage to tell you guys but today, I can't wait so guys I have a boyfriend''. as she said that whole room went silent. It was like a atomic boom thrown on our head.

Tiara POV

The shock I got after Isa said that was unbelievable, She has a fucking boyfriend. Who is it and what do he do?'' I asked trying my best not to show my anger. She was scared I can tell that by looking at her face but she did answer, '' He is CEO of Wang Security, His name is Kai. he really loves me and I love him too and we have been dating of 8 months''. '' 8 fucking months and you didn't even told us''. I almost screamed at her she has boyfriend for 8 months and she is telling us today.

 I calm myself down and looked at her, '' I trust you and your choice, I just want you to be happy in your life so I hope you have chosen the right one for you''. She jumped over me and hug me saying, '' Thank you for trusting me'' and other girls join.

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