

 Flora slept peacefully ,but she got up early to prepare breakfast for Williams as a thankyou gift.when she got up , Williams was still asleep ,so she sneakly got up and walked out of the room.


 Butler Davis saw that she was coming and immediately greeted her . Good morning madam, butler Davis said . Morning flora smiled happily and entered the kitchen to start cooking. Madam what are you doing, butler Davis saw her movements and asked. Well I want to prepare a meal for Williams to thank him for all the help he has given me, flora replied. Okay madam I will help you . No no I don't need anyone's help I want to do it my self ,so you all can leave now and take a break flora said while pushing butler Davis out of the kitchen ,after that she turned to the other chefs in the kitchen and asked them to leave. After they all left ,flora tied her hair in a low bun and started preparing her meal , she decided to make waffles, fried rice and tomato sauce.

 She started preparing the ingredients for the rice and also started cutting the tomatoes. Finally the food was done ,flora took all the dishes to the dining ,and prepared to go up and wake Williams up ,but before she could end climb the stairs she saw Williams coming down the stairs well dressed. Good morning husband ,flora greeted him with a smile, good morning wife Williams responded and hugged her with a smile on his face. Come and eat I prepared break fast today ,flora said while holding Williams hand. Wow , Williams raised an eyebrow and said to himself. Okay let's go eat quickly so that you can go dress up , remember we are going to see mum . Oh right!!! Flora exclaimed ,I almost forgot ,I will go get ready first. Flora was about to runoff when Williams caught up with her and said ,wait have you breakfast first before you go change . okay ,flora said and they both sat down. So I was thinking if we should stop by a shop and buy gifts for mum and dad and also Jason , flora said. Don't worry I have already taken care of that just be your self and make your self comfortable, Williams reassured her .


 Flora rused upstairs to get ready a v neck floral pink chiffon gown and paired it with a pair of pink sandals . She tied her hair into a very high ponytail ,after that she applied light makeup . Flora grabbed her pink Gucci bag and she immediately went downstairs.

 I am ready flora said as she approached Williams.

 You look beautiful , Williams complimented flora with a smile on his face. Thank you flora said while covering her blushing cheeks.


 Flora and Williams arrived at the Herbert mansion and got out of the car , Willams led flora into the house . 

 Wow ,you have finally arrived, Mrs Herbert , Williams mother said while welcoming them. Mum good morning ,flora greeted her with a smile . Oh my dear you don't have to be so formal ,you are my daughter and I am your mother so from today we are no longer strangers. Okay mum ,thankyou mum I will try my best to be a good daughter to you ,flora said and thanked Mrs Herbert. Alright you guys should come and sit down lunch will be ready very soon. Flora and Williams sat down . Hello brother Williams , a girl with a beautiful smile greeted , flora thought that she was Williams sister only to turn and see that it was Annabelle. Anabelle smiled sweetly at flora and went to greet her ,hello sister in-law Anabelle greeted flora.

Flora knew what the girl was up to so she didn't even bother to respond or look at her . Brother , sister in-law doesn't want to talk to me ,I have already apologized for what happened that other day , Anabelle looked aggressived and complained. She sat near Williams and held his arms to rest against him, but Williams immediately pulled his arms and sat down near flora and held her arm instead, Anabelle was so angry but she controlled her emotions and but her lips making her look like an aggressived child, and she hoped that Williams would look at her and apologized ,but Williams didn't even spare her a glance. Uhm can I use the restroom ,flora who had been quite suddenly spoke up. Okay ,but can I come with you, Williams responded. No ,flora pushed his hand away and smiled , I will be alright I will be back in a minute,flora said this and left.

 Soon after flora left Anabelle followed suit , Williams knew what she was up to ,but he ignored her because he knew that his woman could handle her .


 Flora was done and was about to head out when Anabelle walked in with a malicious look on her face. Flora just ignored her and was about to pass but Anabelle blocked her , stay away from brother Williams ,you forced him into this ,he doesn't like you he is supposed to like me ,me ,me and me alone Anabelle shouted like a mad woman. Haha very funny ,can you listen to what you are saying,I should stay away from my husband's ,where is that done ,or is your brain blocked flora retorted. How dare you ,how dare you say that to me ,you are just a lonely life that your parents threw out ,you are a nobody you stand no where ,I am the princess of the Hudson family ,but you are nothing ,you are just a tool used by your parents to get money. Maybe that is why your mother left you , because you are nothing but a curse. Well if you think that what ever you said here will affect me then you are mistaken ,your words mean nothing ,you are the other woman and nothing but the other woman ,you will never win my husband's heart and that is final flora said. Flora , Anabelle shouted and charged towards flora to slap her ,but before she could even you her flora has already dodged to the side ,and Anabelle lost her balance and fell to the ground. Flora you will pay for this ,,you will never get away with this Anabelle kept on shouting but flora ignored her screams and walked